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WiiU "Latte" GPU Die Photo - GPU Feature Set And Power Analysis

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Junior Member
It weirds me out that there's already a bunch of people in here waiting for confirmation that Wii U is a weak piece of garbage.

Seriously, what's the deal with this nonsense?

Also, you guys are crazy for spending 200 bucks on a photo just to analyze a chip :D
No, I am actually just waiting for a technical analysis of a not further specified chip. I am a tech head and I believe a lot of other people in here are too. We are just curious cats.


- The large orange block on the left is the 32MB of eDRAM (MEM1). Up: It's 40.72mm², and takes up 27.8% of the die. Judging by Chipworks comments above, and the densities Renesas offers for 40nm eDRAM, it is very likely at this point that the MEM1 pool of eDRAM operates with a bandwidth of 70.4GB/s.
Curious, do we know how fast the 3MB's of embedded memory in the Wii's GPU ran at? I ask, because the chipworks update seems to indicate that the larger 32MB portion is not setup to be as fast as the smaller 3-4MB portion. If the 3-4MB portion is meant for Backwards Compatibility with the Wii, then it'd probably run at a similar speed (or faster?), but would also mean that the 32MB one would be slower, by a large factor given the density difference.


not sure why some of you guys are surprised that WiiU is weak in terms of GPU/CPU...this has been Nintendo's policy to build cheap machines with a gimmick to attract the masses since the Wii, unfortunately WiiU didn't catch on like fire like the Wii did


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
not sure why some of you guys are surprised that WiiU is weak in terms of GPU/CPU...
How weak is it? Cos all I see from actual experts here (in the OP) just shows what some of the parts in the photo possibly are, with very little information about how they may actually perform. But you seem to be very in the know so please enlighten me.


Although we're a bit off-topic here, I wrote a post on the other thread about expected DMIPS for Espresso and other gaming CPUs, and even at 1.25GHz, Espresso should perform about 35% better than Xenon in Dhrystone. Now, of course that doesn't incorporate SIMD or anything like that, but still interesting.

That doesn't seem quite right to me. SERDES is designed to get high bandwidth out of few wires or traces. There's very little cost to running wires over an MCM (indeed that's pretty much the entire reason for the CPU and GPU being on an MCM), so a SERDES interface seems like massive overkill. On the motherboard, though, where traces are expensive (and given the use of a 64 bit memory bus, it seems Nintendo is intent on minimising the number of them), a SERDES is a sensible choice. Especially if, as Marcan apparently claimed, the actual gamepad image compression is handled on a separate chip, which means you need to transfer uncompressed video and audio across there.

A SERDES interface should provide lower power than more parallel interface. Seems like everything has been design for maximum power efficiency.


I think it would only be an issue if another system uses 10-20 times as much power as the WiiU does, and it is being used for many hours each day. If there is only 2-3 times more power, we're talking about saving a few dollars a month (if the systems are being used for many hours every day).

I don't know. If the Wii U uses 33w during normal use, and Durango/Orbis uses ~200w (guess) it could be substantial. Electricity prices seem to vary wildly across the world, both in how much they are taxed and in cents per kilowatt hour. I'm not saying it's the only factor in making a purchase, but I'm sure it's one of them for some people.
4 would make more sense I suppose, but you really think that's more SRAM up there? Why so much of all that and 3 different pools?

Yup, that's quite a bit of SRAM. If we are correct in our assumptions, and that small eDRAM block is 4 MB. Even 1 MB of SRAM is alot more than many modern GPUs.
not sure why some of you guys are surprised that WiiU is weak in terms of GPU/CPU...this has been Nintendo's policy to build cheap machines with a gimmick to attract the masses since the Wii, unfortunately WiiU didn't catch on like fire like the Wii did

How weak is it, in terms of Durango units, exactly?


Don't go down that road dude. Staaay on target!

Can't believe they're dishing out the CPU pics too; What lovely chaps!
I somehow doubt people caring that much for their electricity bill (you have to if you base you choice on a console on power consumption) would have an HDTV and a gaming console to begin with.

Actually the single most important thing to me when buying my big new fancy HDTV was its ultra low power consumption


not sure why some of you guys are surprised that WiiU is weak in terms of GPU/CPU...this has been Nintendo's policy to build cheap machines with a gimmick to attract the masses since the Wii, unfortunately WiiU didn't catch on like fire like the Wii did

I would think based on the amount of customisation, that the MCM and the GPU/CPU that sit on it were not "cheap" to develop.


Curious, do we know how fast the 3MB's of embedded memory in the Wii's GPU ran at? I ask, because the chipworks update seems to indicate that the larger 32MB portion is not setup to be as fast as the smaller 3-4MB portion. If the 3-4MB portion is meant for Backwards Compatibility with the Wii, then it'd probably run at a similar speed (or faster?), but would also mean that the 32MB one would be slower, by a large factor given the density difference.
The Wii eDRAM was ~15GB/s per pool if I remember correctly, and there were two pools.


Actually the single most important thing to me when buying my big new fancy HDTV was its ultra low power consumption

Nice, with Wii U you can feed your big new fancy HDTV beautiful sub-HD content and laugh all the way to the bank with your $10 in annual electricity savings.


DBZ Ratings:

Orbis: SSJ3 Goku.
Durango: SSJ3 Gotenks.
Wii U: Videl.

Off topic but you do realise that SSJ3 Gotenks was above SSJ3 Goku right?

He was matching and even beating Super Buu while SSJ3 Goku outright said Super Buu was above him.

EDIT: In terms of power in the DBZ verse it goes

Vegito > Super Buuhan > Super Buutenks > Mystic Gohan > Super Buucillo > Super Buu <> SSJ3 Gotenks > Kid Buu <> SSJ3 Goku


How weak is it, in terms of Durango units, exactly?

well I am not well versed with the DBZ units so someone else can tell us that but from what PS4/Durango threads suggest its weaker then both .... and that's OK ... that's how Nintendo plays these days, at least Nintendo IPs can do 720p now :)

Edit: Well there you go, we got the DBZ numbers :D


DBZ Ratings:

Orbis: SSJ3 Goku.
Durango: SSJ3 Gotenks.
Wii U: Videl.

ssj3 goku ran out of power fast. ssj3 gotenks fucked around until they were absorbed.

i forgot about videl. was she controlling like chi chi?

(i didn't get far into the buu saga because it was the worst thing about dbz).


Off topic but you do realise that SSJ3 Gotenks was above SSJ3 Goku right?

He was matching and even beating Super Buu while SSJ3 Goku outright said Super Buu was above him.
I thought it was the other way around...

And anyway, Goku's a fucking liar.

Edit: And no, Ani, Videl was not controlling like Chi Chi, at least nowhere near as controlling.
Thanks to the GAF members who made this possible.

Also, super lol if these numbers end up true... Everything about this screams super cheap out.

EDIT: Ah, I see the earlier estimation may have been wrong - however, the numbers still fly in the face of expectations. From the EDRAM bandwidth, EDRAM size and GFLOPS.


Nice, with Wii U you can feed your big new fancy HDTV beautiful sub-HD content and laugh all the way to the bank with your $10 in annual electricity savings.

Didnt you know low energy usage is the most important thing to gamers these days. Saving $10 a year lets them buy one more game at the end of the console lifespan. This way both Nintendo and gamer come out on top.


PC = Vegeto
It depends on the PC, it could be anything from Bulma to Lord Toriyama. :p

I really shouldn't have brought DBZ into this should I?

so dumb. smh YOU DON'T KNOW DBZ, SON


Right, but that block is not specifically SERDES. The one to the right of it is (or MIPI). They only said it's another (but apparently different) high speed interface.

Still, you've got a huge number of GPIO pins there, so why use an interface like that? I suppose it might give slightly lower latency access to the eDRAM.

A SERDES interface should provide lower power than more parallel interface. Seems like everything has been design for maximum power efficiency.

Yep. But the power savings would be pretty low over an MCM substrate, compared to over a motherboard.

Also, regarding the eDRAM, I had the craziest thought: why not just count the number of banks? It seems there are 2048 eDRAM banks in the main block, which may indicate a 2048 bit interface? (Although that contradicts what we currently know about Renesas's 40nm eDRAM).

Edit: For clarity, this would imply a 140.8GB/s interface, assuming it's operating at 500MHz.
I thought it was the other way around...

And anyway, Goku's a fucking liar.

Edit: And no, Ani, Videl was not controlling like Chi Chi, at least nowhere near as controlling.

I understand Chi Chi, when he's not death (before of course leaving her with a child to raise alone) as soon as she turns around her husband flies away 10 years to train some boy he just meet.


I don't know. If the Wii U uses 33w during normal use, and Durango/Orbis uses ~200w (guess) it could be substantial. Electricity prices seem to vary wildly across the world, both in how much they are taxed and in cents per kilowatt hour. I'm not saying it's the only factor in making a purchase, but I'm sure it's one of them for some people.
If you use the WiiU for 5 hours every day for a month, that is 150 hours. One kilowatthour (kwh) cost maybe around 20 cents (as you say, this will variate a lot, but i dont think we're talking over a dollar for a kwh anywhere). Then the WiiU will use about 1 dollar in electricity. If the PS4/Xbox 720 uses 200w, it will cost about 6 dollars in electricity. (Here i dont concider the charging of the controllers. The WiiU controller most likely needs to be charged more often if the screen is used. I also concider that the power usage is static at 33w for the WiiU and 200w for the PS4/Xbox 720).

There is smaller difference, but not really something that breaks the bank. Here i also concider a lot of use, 5 hours every day. Some might use it more, but many will use it far less. If someone can afford to buy these systems, then i strongly assume that they also can afford those few extra dollars in electricity.

It isnt anything negative to save money on electricity of course, but i cant see this being a factor for purchasing something. Or, i can see it being a positive point if the choice is between the WiiU and the PS4/Xbox 720, and they just want a gaming device, or if someone is very unsure to get this or that console. Simply knowing that one uses less power and saving a few dollars could be something positive in that cases and maybe weigh in on the purchase decision, i can see that senario :) But i dont think the purchase decision is being made because they cant afford using more electricity (not that you claimed this, i'm just talking in general).


so how similar are the innards to the 3ds? i wonder if that's more or less what they were going for, given recent statements from the financial conference dealy.


It weirds me out that there's already a bunch of people in here waiting for confirmation that Wii U is a weak piece of garbage.

Maybe they were waiting for confirmation that they should wait for Durango/Orbis. Up until now it was less clear where the Wii U would stand. As for the gloating, people like feeling like winners.
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