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Xbone PR: the 60 Minute Family Plan Revelation

You know what's funny. Now that it's confirmed that damn near everyone reads GAF including the higher ups, CBOAT still has the balls to dish out the dirt. God bless u sir.


Now he isn't. "check it out" = test it. "kinda like a library" = renting a game for a certain time period.

Yeah, if you read between the lines you can {now} understand the meaning of his lingo better. This tells me he knew all along what was going on behind the scenes and simply blowing smoke up our asses.

Microsoft can't simply wrap this up in a box with a pretty pink bow and state we good now?, what a bunch of greedy, lying bastards.


So there were people who geniuinely thought gamesharing was going to be a real thing on the One? I lost track with all the outrage and the troll posts.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
There are some people who think Microsoft should just give out shit for free. Why people are disappointed about this is beyond me.
You don't see any issue at all with giving misleading interviews saying you can share your games without limits with 'family members' when it turns out to be a 60 minute trial period?

I wonder what it would take for defenders of Microsoft to actually go 'Hang on, these guys are full of shit.' Anything?


There's no way this is true. Otherwise, they wouldn't have limited it to one user accessing the shared library at a time.

Hell, they wouldn't limit it to 10 family members. What would be the point? If they're just demos, let your entire friends list access it.

You guys are freaking out about something that isn't true. Anyone with a shred of logical thinking should see this.

Read the OP. Especially Quadraphonic's post.
No wonder why Microsoft was trying to muzzle Phil Harrison. This was exactly what he was saying early on about paying full price again.
Lesson learned then? Companies lie all the time.

Everyone lies. Dumb comment. With that kind of logic you shouldn't trust Sony or Nintendo either. At all.


What bugs me is that they were skirting around the issue. Sony was straightforward with their messaging, and albeit, they are also trending towards a digital future, but they were more compassionate the consumer. On the other hand MS just used and manipulated this "family sharing" thing to stop further negativity going their way. Big difference.


People seriously thought they could just share their games over to ten people? it would defeat their whole purpose of creating the DRM policies in the first place, they aren't that stupid.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
so basically, it's the PS+ 1 hr demo, except you need a friend to own the game first?

But you didn't need to subscribe to their online service for it... maybe.
I think CBoaT and Gies were both right. It was planned as a 60 minute trial but after the blown reveal/E3 they realized they needed to make it more robust or Sony was going to eat their lunch. They tried - they reached out to publishers and did make some preliminary deals. But the vast majority of them said no and Microsoft was forced to reverse its policies.

This also explains why Major Nelson promised an explanation and never delivered it - they were trying to change it on the fly.

Makes sense. But fundamentally, MS never intended for the family share to be anything other than a demo.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This is some kind of "dodged a megaton" news. Bet Microsoft is glad they sorta sidestepped that disaster and has now only potentially stepped into some dog poo.

It was too good to be true.

I'm pretty sure this was one of the biggest reasons why they decided to do the 180 in the first place.

They knew that they had lead people on to believe that game sharing would be an awesome feature, and not some limited time demo bullshit. Tons of reporters and Microsoft "true believers" were spreading the word about how cool game sharing was going to be, and playing it up as the reason we should accept this DRM.

They would have been eviscerated if they carried on as they planned. Right around launch day the truth would come out and there would be mass returns. Mass complaints. Mass Microsoft hating in the press and media. They would be forever viewed as evil liars and never trusted again in the field of gaming. It would have buried the Xbox brand completely.


No wonder why Microsoft was trying to muzzle Phil Harrison. This was exactly what he was saying early on about paying full price again.

I forgot about that little tidbit. You're right. We're going to have a lot of these a hah! moments when we realize all the double speak Microsoft were dishing out day after day, hiding in plain sight so to say, their ideas and plans.

Fuck owning an Xbox One, this is much more entertaining and it's practically free! I wonder what tomorrow will bring us!


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
There's no way this is true. Otherwise, they wouldn't have limited it to one user accessing the shared library at a time.

Hell, they wouldn't limit it to 10 family members. What would be the point? If they're just demos, let your entire friends list access it.

You guys are freaking out about something that isn't true. Anyone with a shred of logical thinking should see this.

Just like when I said several months ago that no console platform holder would dare introduce DRM unilaterally because it would be suicide, and everyone agreed with me? MS sure showed me.
Yeah, this sounds about right. With as hostile and limiting as every other policy regarding the system was before yesterday, I don't see how anyone could've thought they were also just going to let up to 10 people have access to every game sold.
I think CBoaT and Gies were both right. It was planned as a 60 minute trial but after the blown reveal/E3 they realized they needed to make it more robust or Sony was going to eat their lunch. They tried - they reached out to publishers and did make some preliminary deals. But the vast majority of them said no and Microsoft was forced to reverse its policies.

This also explains why Major Nelson promised an explanation and never delivered it - they were trying to change it on the fly.

Great post.
Yeah, this sounds about right. With as hostile and limiting as every other policy regarding the system was before yesterday, I don't see how anyone could've thought they were also just going to let up to 10 people have access to every game sold.

Unlike all the other game companies which do so...

Oh wait...
I knew it wouldn't be as good as people thought. Gad I was never hyped about this feature.
Yeah I don't remember ever being too excited about it. Even with the initial news, only letting 2 people play at once was a big restriction. Of course I had no idea that this would be the real catch.


I don't understand why everyone is bitching and moaning over this. Isn't this how it works in all families?

Like when I asked my mom to borrow her car. She told me I could use it for 45 minutes. When my time was up, she told me to go to the car dealership if I wanted to keep driving.

You people love to whine.
I don't understand why everyone is bitching and moaning over this. Isn't this how it works in all families?

Like when I asked my mom to borrow her car. She told me I could use it for 45 minutes. When my time was up, she told me to go to the car dealership if I wanted to keep driving.

You people love to whine.
Lol ; )

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't understand why everyone is bitching and moaning over this. Isn't this how it works in all families?

Like when I asked my mom to borrow her car. She told me I could use it for 45 minutes. When my time was up, she told me to go to the car dealership if I wanted to keep driving.

You people love to whine.

Dude... you wouldn't!

You actually downloaded a car?


I can't believe people actually thought this whole family sharing thing was actually going to work the way they thought. Of course there was going to be a huge catch! I mean look at all the other bullshit MS was trying to screw gamers with, and then on the other hand they're going to let 10 people play a game through just 1 copy?
Gooby Pls... Way too good to be true.


So about that DRM back peddling, in case it wasn't obvious to everyone before, I think we can safely assume they have no intention of honoring their word/claims for any amount of time (if at all).


I know every buisness tries to make money - but MS comes across as outright fucking evil...
I hope another OS becomes a viable alternative for PC Gaming sooner than later so I can get rid of MS once and for all - back to the "XBone never" camp with me...


Which journalist said there was more madness to come? Was it Tolito?

CBOAT said the DRM stuff was worse then people knew.

CBOAT said:
ONE drm tos plans iws worse than you know. asmnow btw but I can;t get cororobating proof frrorm my fpeoples. theyr sadcared for jobs. it s com*ing tho IT IS COMING ):

Maybe he was referring to this? Or are there even worst facets that MS didn't tell people?

All this is going to make a hell of a book

That's you're not allowed to borrow from a library.


Bahahahaha, called it. There no way a company on one day tries to shove DRM down our throats while dancing over digital rights and the next day decides they want to make it easier to access games.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So about that DRM back peddling, in case it wasn't obvious to everyone before, I think we can safely assume they have no intention of honoring their word/claims for any amount of time (if at all).

This seems like a calculated retreat so they can regroup and introduce something more "reasonable".


Jesus, does Microsoft have any clue what people want anymore? I can't believe they thought this tradeoff for DRM would be fine for consumers because they thought it was cool. WTF has been going on at this company for the last few years with W8, WP8, Xbox One all looking like bombs.
I knew it was crazy to let 10 people play for 1 person who bought it. We didnt lose anything good, the feature is pretty lame, even on paper when its completely explained.
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