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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


I legit can't jungle. Tried learning it at the start of the season and have like a 30% win rate with it.

Ivern invaded my blue level 1 so I went to take his and I got 4 man gang banged level 2. FeelsGoodMan.
You can't just walk into his jungle and take it. You need the laners adjacent to the buff to have lane control.


I legit can't jungle. Tried learning it at the start of the season and have like a 30% win rate with it.

Ivern invaded my blue level 1 so I went to take his and I got 4 man gang banged level 2. FeelsGoodMan.
You can't just walk into his jungle and take it. You need the laners adjacent to the buff to have lane control. They need to not be dummies and have your back. And since he took yours he probably expected you to try to invade him, so it was a bad idea regardless.

edit: wait how'd I double post, it even said I was editing my post, ahhhhh
climbing just takes time

if you're consistent and win more than you lose you'll eventually get there

even if ur placements go really wrong or you lose ten games in a row, eventually statistics take over and that 51% winrate takes u to where u belong

and in the long run it's never ur team mates cos you're the only common factor among all those hundreds of games. be more aggressive, more consistent, less dumb, get rid of bad habits, have good map awareness, don't flame, don't play yasuo
Yeah, I went like 2-20 off my placements but now I'm at 49%ish WR after 100 games lol


sealed with a kiss
Jungle is all about out-thinking the enemy jungle, you just need to learn what typical moves from certain jungles are. Ivern? He's always going for that lvl1 steal. Shaco? The lvl2 invade. Etc... It's almost always worth scouting into the enemy jungle and at least dropping a ward so you know when the enemy is starting so you can counteract that early tank or go steal a few camps


It's interesting how junglers became such a force nowadays. The job of the jungler used to be to get the laners ahead, now it's the job of the laners to get the jungler ahead. Having lane pressure opens up so many opportunities for your jungler to screw with the enemy jungler or the enemy laners. It also opens up major objectives to take like dragons or herald.

But anyhow, fuck jungling.

1. Win lane

2. Win game


I legit can't jungle. Tried learning it at the start of the season and have like a 30% win rate with it.

Ivern invaded my blue level 1 so I went to take his and I got 4 man gang banged level 2. FeelsGoodMan.

I'm a bit confused. How did you know he took your blue buff? Did you check up on it and then go to his blue buff across the map? Seems like that's what you're saying but that's crazy.

It's interesting how junglers became such a force nowadays. The job of the jungler used to be to get the laners ahead, now it's the job of the laners to get the jungler ahead. Having lane pressure opens up so many opportunities for your jungler to screw with the enemy jungler or the enemy laners. It also opens up major objectives to take like dragons or herald.

...Ah fuck it, nevermind.


I'm a bit confused. How did you know he took your blue buff? Did you check up on it and then go to his blue buff across the map? Seems like that's what you're saying but that's crazy.

...Ah fuck it, nevermind.

I warded my blue before the camps spawned cause I knew Ivern would try and go for it. So as soon as I got my red leash, I saw him smiting my blue, so I instantly went across river to his blue but then I got 4 manned lul.


I warded my blue before the camps spawned cause I knew Ivern would try and go for it. So as soon as I got my red leash, I saw him smiting my blue, so I instantly went across river to his blue but then I got 4 manned lul.

Ok, that makes more sense. When you say "as soon as I got my red leash" do you mean you saw him when you finished the buff, or as you were starting your buff?

Basically, did Ivern take your buff camp at 1:40 or at 1:50?


Ok, that makes more sense. When you say "as soon as I got my red leash" do you mean you saw him when you finished the buff, or as you were starting your buff?

Basically, did Ivern take your buff camp at 1:40 or at 1:50?

He took it at 1:58 exactly.


sealed with a kiss
yeah if you're gonna invite me into a norm and then quit because i'm not as good as the rest of you go fuck yourselves seriously

yeah call me the ass why don't you


yeah if you're gonna invite me into a norm and then quit because i'm not as good as the rest of you go fuck yourselves seriously

yeah call me the ass why don't you

man come on. if you and type don't get along that way i get it. but he wasn't trying to be a dick to you.


LOL ok so I find it funny how i play Kha and Hec for the first time ranked and win both games.

Thanks guys for the recommendations.

Kha is very strong. went 9/7/4.

Vel kept deleted me but that was my fault for not rushing a hexdrinker against a diana/vel comp


When you and Jhin queue as carries but you're just extra supports for Shaco.

Oh boy more juicy drama.


In promos and this guy locks in Yasuo. God bless.

Oh he's trolling cause he didn't get jungle. Even more god bless.


That playtest thread on reddit is gold. When you wonder how abilities make it through playtest it's fun to remember the 10x more broken shit that didn't


How dare you come up with constructive criticism to my complaining

Telling the mods tbh


Yeah rylais/roa too for hp. And abyss for mr.

They have ways to reduce burst while adcs have none. Except maybe for those that use bc/mercurial.
abyssal, roa and rylais are not gonna save u from rengar and those items have fairly meaningful tradeoffs

zhonyas crucially doesn't prevent u from getting killed, it just delays it

if no one is around you'll still be killed by rengar after those 2.5s

survivability for mages is pretty much the same as adcs, you get caught and you're killed in an instant

having zhonyas is nice but having lifesteal and not having to worry about mana is also nice

they're different classes with different strengths, that's all

If you're that serious about climbing pick up kha'zix or hec and jungle until you're gold

the elo is just there for you to take

you start getting semi-competent ad's around high gold-low plat
don't make false promises

no semi competent adcs where i live

I legit can't jungle. Tried learning it at the start of the season and have like a 30% win rate with it.

Ivern invaded my blue level 1 so I went to take his and I got 4 man gang banged level 2. FeelsGoodMan.
i can't play anything that isn't mid

i used to be a pretty decent support but then they added dynamic queue and picking mid and support means you get support every game so i never played the other role i liked again

nowadays i'm just picking whatever feels like gives me a better shot of getting mid for my secondary and just accept whatever games i don't play mid as losses

tho quinn is so busted that i'm actually enjoying playing top

i just like abusing melees

Yeah, I went like 2-20 off my placements but now I'm at 49%ish WR after 100 games lol
over enough games it'll always normalize

the problem is always gonna be you, start thinking about shit you do wrong and focus on slowly improving on those things and you'll climb if u play enough

if you go into a game with the same 1v9 mentality and are always complaining about teammates you're probably never gonna get good enough to actually 1v9 and get the hell out of bronze or whatever

It's interesting how junglers became such a force nowadays. The job of the jungler used to be to get the laners ahead, now it's the job of the laners to get the jungler ahead. Having lane pressure opens up so many opportunities for your jungler to screw with the enemy jungler or the enemy laners. It also opens up major objectives to take like dragons or herald.

But anyhow, fuck jungling.

1. Win lane

2. Win game
yeah literally mid right now is about pushing the other mid so ur jungler can invade theirs and then coin flip who's jungler is best

it used to be that junglers were mid's supports... those were the days...


Not going to lie I am loving jungle right now.

Warwick is a fun champ. Same with kha.

I am scared to play hec more because I am afraid kha or Rengar will just invade me early and rekt.

Any jungle mains got tips?


I'm gonna need a step by step retelling of the drama so we can decide if it's worthy of an inhouse to settle it

I for one welcome a Type vs Envelaap Inhouse.

It also fits thematically because Envelaap was on my team and Type was on Ioki's team.
Not going to lie I am loving jungle right now.

Warwick is a fun champ. Same with kha.

I am scared to play hec more because I am afraid kha or Rengar will just invade me early and rekt.

Any jungle mains got tips?

Do you have Graves? He's also another good pickup that can decimate people with ease.


sadly i'm always out during the inhouses

we'll see if i can make this week's

i want to play more high ping leblanc


I'm over the lethality jihn and varus meta. Can't wait for a good rebalancing with jungle and lethality. I miss melee support viability and seeing other adcs.


Botched a dive I knew I would have killed if I had Ignite. He lived with 5 HP.

That's enough TP for one season. Maybe I should have taken swords instead of shield as well.


Opinions on vi jungle?

pretty op, tho the mix of nerfs and lethality buffs seems to have hit her quite a bit

Have fun with that Zac.

edit: Suffrin' Succotash- I thought that Jhin was Silver, but he was Master Tier... gg Riot

i hate zac, even with the area indicator i find him really annoying to play against

also yea jhin was master. the master border is really hard to tell apart from silver, you'd be fooled if you didn't see the gems at the top

he played well, but vi fed too many kills to brand and irelia stomped our fiora

oh well, who cares, it's flex


Had one of those days where I wish I could take back the two or so hours I ended up spending on LoL...

First game we have an awful comp with no engage except for a lone Amumu who volunteered to be our engage champ when it was obvious we were going to get owned otherwise. He did amazingly well, but our team sucked at actual teamfights while they had crazy burst courtesy of Veigar and Kayle (man, Kayle was so stupid this game). Cue a 57 minute game were we were 2 to 6K ahead in gold the whole latter half of the game (including up to the moment we lost) and had three barons and four dragons to their zero and one, respectively, and yet we lost because my team insisted on doing stupid stuff such as recalling after getting baron with only the enemy support and jungler alive when we could've handily taken the mid turrets up to their inhibitor due to number advantage and baron buff, and other silly stuff such as going on wild goose chases against stray champs rather than pushing minion waves as they crept ever closer to our turrets...

Then I get a dodge, I dodged myself when our designated support decided to go flash/heal Twitch, and then, three or four dodges later, I got into a game were my Cait was doing quite well in lane, but then she was all like "OMG, gotta take doggie to the vet, bye guys!" and botlane obviously imploded (gotta hate playing Nami when I'm the one forced to push a lane back), we lost everywhere and the team insisted on not surrendering and attempting to contest baron 1v5 (oh, Zed...) when mid had no inhibitor and only the inhibitor turrets remained in both bot and top lanes.

Gotta love being on a 2-loss streak and about to fall off of my newly earned B4 at -3 LP (because of the dodge, maybe?) because I get two teams in a row were our only way to win would've been a massive ISP failure disconnecting the whole enemy team...
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