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German Federal Elections 2017 |OT| Electing the new leader of the free world


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Surprisingly I had a similar result. Green is way back, which disappoints me.

I am sympathetic towards the Green's intentions on climate protection, but they are as unscientific as it gets. Their positions on homeopathy, genetically modified foods, etc. are the kind of pseudo-scientific gibberish that should not inform policy decisions. I am not surprised at all that they are at the bottom of my list.


Surprised by this, lol.


Thought that being for stem cell research would kick CDU/CSU down the ranking.

BRB, voting for Partei der Humanisten.

Yep looked pretty much the same for me.

Looks alright. My voting choice is rather up there/in the middle too.

With only 15 questions how you weigh them will probably make a huge difference at the end.

I am sympathetic towards the Green's intentions on climate protection, but they are as unscientific as it gets. Their positions on homeopathy, genetically modified foods, etc. are the kind of pseudo-scientific gibberish that should not inform policy decisions. I am not surprised at all that they are at the bottom of my list.

Their position on genetically modified food is a bit too strict for sure. They should be more open to more research in the field at least.

Position on homeopathy seems to be the same for all major parties though, or am I missing something?


I get the impression that survey is "Which party do you align with the most in terms of scientific policy?" instead of generally given it's not asking me things like "What are your thoughts on immigration?"


So everyone should vote for Humanisten, I guess? Including me, apparently. Who are those guys.

I am concerned that I'm getting a top five of Humanisten, Greens, AfD, Pirates and CDU/CSU. The fuck are the right wingers doing in there, dammit. Even before the SPD.

I do not like the science-o-mat. It is clearly faulty. I reject this reality. It's a social engineering experiment to advertise the Humanisten, right? *twitch*



Not to be confused with "Humanistische Partei", which is was a bunch of crackpots.

The idea behind the party doesn't sound bad. At least at the first glance. Even though their ideology seems to go more into the atheistic and science focused form of humanism. And that can go quite easily into an elitis direction from my experience.

Anyway it's just a very small party

Personally I don't know yet where my vote will go on sunday. Doubt the parties are interested in any form of a threeway coalition, if it's avoidable. But I'm not interested in a grand coalition or something like the now unlikely black-yellow to happen. Well, let's see, what we will get.


Not to be confused with "Humanistische Partei", which is was a bunch of crackpots.
And here I was, all giddy, looking forward to some "the People's Front of Judea" vs "The Judean People's Front" like inside joke, but no. How boring. Reality has let me down. Once again.

Then again... it was to be expected. We're Germans after all. Humour and such is best left to others.


Welt.de frontpage today. So why is AfD gaining in polls again? 🤔
Yeah, I'm starting to get nervous. A month ago, I was convinced they would stabilize at 8-9% or something but right now, I wouldn't be surprised if they got 15-20%...


I hope this is just the reverse Generalprobe syndrom and they loose big time in the actual election on Sunday. Actually I'd be more nervous if it was the other way around. Maybe this boost mobilises more people to vote for centrist parties.


You can say about her what you want, but she knows how stay on top. This country is stable as fuck. Sure there are Problems like problems with integration of minorities or low wage Work or raising cost of living in many bigger citys but more people are working the wages are starting to raise after many years of stagnation. There are many areas that are looking for skilled workers.
We are whining on a very very high level.
You can say about her what you want, but she knows how stay on top. This country is stable as fuck. Sure there are Problems like problems with integration of minorities or low wage Work or raising cost of living in many bigger citys but more people are working the wages are starting to raise after many years of stagnation. There are many areas that are looking for skilled workers.
We are whining on a very very high level.

I think it depends. The housing situation is a total mess now as well as the job-market compared to 30 years ago.

The jobs that everyone could actually do with a middle school degree now often require a university degree.

The average age for house buyers is 41,5 year, while it was around 31 years 30 years ago (house, not appartment).


If you'll pardon my ignorance but Merkel has been Chancellor since what... the mid-00s? Is there no limitation to the number of terms she can serve as Chancellor? Nothing against her, just curious as a foreigner.

It was partially answered, but there is more to it (and I think I know where you are coming)

My first reaction on "no limit" was a bit of a shock and "why don't Putin/Assad/Maduro/Other Assholes just do that".

Perhaps because they are afraid of conspiracy? In systems when head of the country is not directly elected, he/she isn't the one with highest legitimization, parliament is.

But then, we had Gaddafi, who had not held any executive position whatsoever, didn't really help him not to look like a dictator.

Anyhow, Merkel is not the first chancellor that has been in power (of democratic Germany) for so long, Kohl is (16 years:)

Merkel has great chances to beat his record, however. :)


You can say about her what you want, but she knows how stay on top. This country is stable as fuck. Sure there are Problems like problems with integration of minorities or low wage Work or raising cost of living in many bigger citys but more people are working the wages are starting to raise after many years of stagnation. There are many areas that are looking for skilled workers.
We are whining on a very very high level.

Well, I am going to vote for her party, but when was post War Germany not stable as fuck? It is a well tuned mechanism, that just keeps rolling, the most drastic change I could remember is raising VAT by 3%.

But I was impressed how calmly she handled Greece issue (although whether outcome was the best is arguable). She's the only German politician I trust to handle Brexit. Also, don't change what is not broken.


Well, I am going to vote for her party, but when was post War Germany not stable as fuck? It is a well tuned mechanism, that just keeps rolling, the most drastic change I could remember is raising VAT by 3%.

But I was impressed how calmly she handled Greece issue (although whether outcome was the best is arguable). She's the only German politician I trust to handle Brexit. Also, don't change what is not broken.

She handled Greece like she handles everything else. Que waitforallthistoblowover.jpg


The average age for house buyers is 41,5 year, while it was around 31 years 30 years ago (house, not appartment).

I assume that the people who buy appartments are younger on average?
well, big suprise there. In the age of the great Landsterben, few people are willing to buy a property in the middle nowhere anymore that loses half it's value in a decade or so

that doesn't mean I'm not pissed that it has become extremely difficult to find an affordable appartment in the bigger cities now and that the landlords and renting agents are our de facto godkings, but it's pretty much a global phenomena. Yeah, I'm directly affected by this as well


It was partially answered, but there is more to it (and I think I know where you are coming)

My first reaction on "no limit" was a bit of a shock and "why don't Putin/Assad/Maduro/Other Assholes just do that".

Perhaps because they are afraid of conspiracy? In systems when head of the country is not directly elected, he/she isn't the one with highest legitimization, parliament is.

But then, we had Gaddafi, who had not held any executive position whatsoever, didn't really help him not to look like a dictator.

Anyhow, Merkel is not the first chancellor that has been in power (of democratic Germany) for so long, Kohl is (16 years:)

Merkel has great chances to beat his record, however. :)

People often forget that the German chancellor isn't equivalent to the president of other nations. The chancellor is the head of the government, like a prime minister in a other countries. Germany still has a president though and that's the head of the state. True our president is more of a representative figure, but he isn't completely powerless. The President has for example the right to refuse his signature to laws passed by the parliament. In this case the law has to be reworked. He is also the only person that can dissolve the German parliament (under certain circumstances) and even take over the reigns during a legislative emergency. Furthermore no one may serve more than two consecutive five-year terms as President in Germany and the german president isn't allowed to rule by decrees (thank God).

In a way the chancellor and the president have a lot of the same power and meaning as the American president. Just seperated and divided uppon two persons and that's part of the reason why only one of them can run a limited number of times.
I think I've made up my mind.
I think I'm voting FDP for the first time, virtually by elemination of all other parties. I will never vote for the left or AfD. Greens are looking more and more like the american green party. And Schulz can suck it.
I assume that the people who buy appartments are younger on average?
well, big suprise there. In the age of the great Landsterben, few people are willing to buy a property in the middle nowhere anymore that loses half it's value in a decade or so

that doesn't mean I'm not pissed that it has become extremely difficult to find an affordable appartment in the bigger cities now and that the landlords and renting agents are our de facto godkings, but it's pretty much a global phenomena. Yeah, I'm directly affected by this as well

Doesnt even need to be in the countryside. House and appartment prices close to big cities are also really high now.
People with middle-school degrees could easily buy a house+ground 30 years ago. Try that now. I have a law degree, my wife has a Bachelor and it will take us some years till we can buy a house. Right now only an appartment is affordable, which isnt quite good for future children.
The house my parents built 27 years ago for (now) around 290.000€ would now need 460.000€ to build.

Its just sad.

The President has for example the right to refuse his signature to laws passed by the parliament.

This happens almost never sadly.

Its the same about political fractions. You might have the right to vote if you dont belong to one, but realistically it doesnt make any sense. The GOBT and the AbgG make it almost impossible to have any political influence, if you are not part of a fraction.

And while the president has the right to refuse his signature, The last time it really happened (not signing at all).was in 1991.
The only one of the major polling companies (GMS) that showed a Union/FDP having a majority just updatet with a new poll: no majority anymore. It's all pretty close, but at this point I'd say it's very likely that Union/FDP won't be able to form a coalition.


Well, I am going to vote for her party, but when was post War Germany not stable as fuck? It is a well tuned mechanism, that just keeps rolling, the most drastic change I could remember is raising VAT by 3%.

But I was impressed how calmly she handled Greece issue (although whether outcome was the best is arguable). She's the only German politician I trust to handle Brexit. Also, don't change what is not broken.

Its broken


Well, I think people should relax about high scores on AfD and science.
Science is not left vs right question after all, perhaps not even environmentalists vs others.

Its broken
If you mean demographic crisis, yeah... Well, not yet, but something should be done with it.
1.5 births per women is better than last years, but still pretty bad.

People often forget that the German chancellor isn't equivalent to the president of other nations. The chancellor is the head of the government, like a prime minister in a other countries. Germany still has a president though and that's the head of the state. True our president is more of a representative figure, but he isn't completely powerless. The President has for example the right to refuse his signature to laws passed by the parliament. In this case the law has to be reworked. He is also the only person that can dissolve the German parliament (under certain circumstances) and even take over the reigns during a legislative emergency. Furthermore no one may serve more than two consecutive five-year terms as President in Germany and the german president isn't allowed to rule by decrees (thank God).

In a way the chancellor and the president have a lot of the same power and meaning as the American president. Just seperated and divided uppon two persons and that's part of the reason why only one of them can run a limited number of times.

Sorry, but I insist that Chancellor is the head of the state, not President, who is so powerless I find it comical that number of president's terms are restricted. (all these refusals and other rights are extremely situational of "if things fuck up in a major way in all other branches" kind)


Bei mehreren deutschen Spitzenpolitikern sind an diesem Donnerstag nach Recherchen von NDR und WDR Drohbriefe in arabischer Sprache eingegangen. In den Umschlägen befand sich weißes kristallines Pulver sowie Rasierklingen.

Gleich eine ganze Reihe von Politikern haben Drohbriefe erhalten - so unter anderem der bayerische Ministerpräsident und CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer, der Grünen-Politiker Hans-Christian Ströbele und der Linken-Politiker Gregor Gysi. Deren Büros haben den Empfang auf Anfrage bestätigt. Auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel soll ein solches Schreiben zu Hause empfangen haben, Grünen-Spitzenkandidatin Katrin-Göring-Eckhardt bereits am Mittwoch.
Das verwendete Arabisch ist fehlerhaft. Unterschrieben ist es mit "Allahu Akbar". Ob das Schreiben einen islamistischen oder überhaupt einen terroristischen Hintergrund hat, ist unklar.

The only one of the major polling companies (GMS) that showed a Union/FDP having a majority just updatet with a new poll: no majority anymore. It's all pretty close, but at this point I'd say it's very likely that Union/FDP won't be able to form a coalition.

yeah but all the talk about this could push some last minute undecided towards voting for it
this happend often

Germany does like it safe and predictable. Rather go for Black/Yellow instead of uncertainty or a reelection


I think I've made up my mind.
I think I'm voting FDP for the first time, virtually by elemination of all other parties. I will never vote for the left or AfD. Greens are looking more and more like the american green party. And Schulz can suck it.

Did so myself. First time FDP voter. Interesting enough a lot of my friends (all around 20-30 years old) switched their vote from SDP/CDU/Greens to FDP for the first time this year.
Do you guys even want Black-Yellow? Because that's what you'll get with voting FDP. I'd rather have a Jamaica coalition. Guess I'll have to vote Green then.

(optimum coalition imo would be Red-Yellow or Ampel, but lol)


Sorry, but I insist that Chancellor is the head of the state, not President, who is so powerless I find it comical that number of president's terms are restricted. (all these refusals and other rights are extremely situational of "if things fuck up in a major way in all other branches" kind)

You can insist as much as you want to. It's a false statement nonetheless. The german president is the head of the state and not the chancellor. And yes in fact he is sort of a failsafe and every law needs his signature to become active. This is a very significant power, I'm sorry you don't recognize that.

Its just sad.

This happens almost never sadly.

Its the same about political fractions. You might have the right to vote if you dont belong to one, but realistically it doesnt make any sense. The GOBT and the AbgG make it almost impossible to have any political influence, if you are not part of a fraction.

And while the president has the right to refuse his signature, The last time it really happened (not signing at all).was in 1991.

Luckily it doesn't. This only means that our government doesn't fuck up on a huge scale while making new laws regularly. We may not agree with every new law or see them as useful, but they are at least not interfering with our constitution. And as far as I know the last time a president used his "veto" was Johannes Rau sometime in the early 2000. There were some irregularities during the voting in the bundesrat for a new immigration law, so he refused to sing it.


Do you guys even want Black-Yellow? Because that's what you'll get with voting FDP. I'd rather have a Jamaica coalition. Guess I'll have to vote Green then.

(optimum coalition imo would be Red-Yellow or Ampel, but lol)

I'd rather have Black & Yellow than Red Red Green. Jamaica could be good aswell.
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