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Paragon Open Beta Thead | PC x PS4

Ploid 3.0

I got trolled on XP on Hero level up

Revnant was 7, SEVEN XP from next level, had to play another game to net Diamond Chest
I knew one of my co-op guys screwed me using a Hero without Mastery unlocked!
If only they had it, at least I earned a chunk of XP, cause next game AFK + Slowgrind, earned 6500 XP lol

Haha the next game I was looking closely for people not using heroes without a mastery. Who knew those 1% coulc mean so much in the long run.

All rep points from the Diamond chest, then 3 card pack from the weekly roll thing.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.

I'm saving all my Chests, Crates, Packs till (June 21st, Birthday) and just unleash the stockpile
Rep Galore!

Requested a Siege type skin for Grim.exe, old school Catapult weapon type skin or Steampunk

Earned a free Gold Chest from Paragonbot on the Community Weekly play they do every Wednesday @4:30 EST


The Devs even answered my questions and called me out on stream (feels special!)

Ploid 3.0

Yeah it feels nice when devs are pretty interactive with their community. I like it when I cross them. Insomniac used to be like that, now they are working on Spider-Man and will have Marvel ninjas after them if they talk.

Too bad your birthday isn't sooner and on E3 (I'd rather your birthday move than E3 come later lol). Have E3 ever been on your birthday? It moves around so much.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Yeah it feels nice when devs are pretty interactive with their community. I like it when I cross them. Insomniac used to be like that, now they are working on Spider-Man and will have Marvel ninjas after them if they talk.

Too bad your birthday isn't sooner and on E3 (I'd rather your birthday move than E3 come later lol). Have E3 ever been on your birthday? It moves around so much.

Nah it's mostly second week in June, so way it will never cross
But it awesome to be rewarded with all the stuff Paragon gives you for free playing

Just enjoy the chase!


Just played a game of coop, right laned by myself as Phase against Gadget. Had a healer deck on and didn't die a single time lol. Killed Gadget 5 times, only used Savage Remedy and Gift of the Rains. Fun times!


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Goddamn this game has been rewarding me Loot Crates like fucking crazy!

Since patch release, have earned 7 total!, up to 11 now

I think the game wants me to spend my 17,400 coins lol
Hello! I've been playing Paragon for a few weeks now, mainly solo with some appearances in pvp and co-op, and I love playing as Sparrow (especially after reading the guide on focusing on lvling up Piercing shot, what a game changer!), so I might as well try out Mastery. Does it have a time limit or can I level up at my own pace?


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Hello! I've been playing Paragon for a few weeks now, mainly solo with some appearances in pvp and co-op, and I love playing as Sparrow (especially after reading the guide on focusing on lvling up Piercing shot, what a game changer!), so I might as well try out Mastery. Does it have a time limit or can I level up at my own pace?

Level at your own pace

The real Grind is level 7, 8, & 9
Getting to 7 is reasonable, but last 3 levels Yeesh

Just going from 9-10 you can almost get like 5+ Heroes from 1 to 5 XP wise, it's a long road ahead, but if the character is worth it to you, you should

I have Sparrow Mastery, along side Murdock, Grim, and Grux, took me awhile to get there...

Best time to level up the Higher level Heroes is on Double XP + 10 Day Boost (550 coins), that way you earn 200% on top of whatever XP you earn, can make 300% with Wins Boost also but so not worth the asking price of 30 wins for 1200 coins, you burn through that quick, while say the other boast can last 10 days or even 30 for 1200 coins
Level at your own pace

The real Grind is level 7, 8, & 9
Getting to 7 is reasonable, but last 3 levels Yeesh

Just going from 9-10 you can almost get like 5+ Heroes from 1 to 5 XP wise, it's a long road ahead, but if the character is worth it to you, you should

I have Sparrow Mastery, along side Murdock, Grim, and Grux, took me awhile to get there...

Best time to level up the Higher level Heroes is on Double XP + 10 Day Boost (550 coins), that way you earn 200% on top of whatever XP you earn, can make 300% with Wins Boost also but so not worth the asking price of 30 wins for 1200 coins, you burn through that quick, while say the other boast can last 10 days or even 30 for 1200 coins

That's great advice, thanks


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
My stockpile has been growing exponentially!
This is I think 3 days worth lol

Remove 4 Loot Crates, I earned 10 in 3 days, f'n crazy!

All Chests are since Tuesday, putting in the work with Double XP and 10 Day Boost

Got Rampage to (was 5) 6, Revnant to (was 5) 7, Twinblast to (was 8.5) 9, Grux Mastery (was 9, filled up that whole 139,000 XP) within the timeframe

Gonna try to get Riktor, Sevarog, Steel to at least 6
Push Lt. Belica, Greystone, and The Fey to 7 (all are @6.5)
Then Kallar (is 5) to 6
Got till Tuesday to get them there


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I was almost in a game with Grave ans someone left the game haha XD

Yeah I was typing response and Bam booted lol

Edit: Just had a 3 Stack in PvE quit leaving me and Morigesh to get the Core down

Holy shit did I work Overtime to net the win

Stupid fucks, ruining it for everyone else


Few Things:
- Phase x Crunch is bullshit at the highest level
- I've noticed a lot of people using Murdock more, I've seen him almost every match in both pvp and coop
- Less people are using Revenant and Morigesh from what I've seen
- Flashfire Piston is bae for Twinblast and Greystone (imo)

Me and my fiance were playing early this morning, we both were going to go right lane. I was Twinblast and he was Gideon. The other 3 people in the character select were telling him he needs to go midlane but I was like nah we're going right. So they get all pissy with us, the match starts and we go to right lane. They decide to midlane and right lane and leave left lane open. So no one is defending right lane and they start spamming "defend left lane" I was like why don't go over there and stead of spamming the commands. The other guy tells me to stop bitching and complaining, and I'm like....I'm not the one spamming defend left lane??? lol

So since they want to be idiots me and my fiance decide to go left lane since they don't want to defend it. The idiot in right lane decides to leave and go to midlane, it is an absolute fuckery. The 3 guys start going for kills, rushing to attack one person and they end up dying because they get ambushed. They call us toxic for not joining in on killing the other team even though they're in a completely different lane. My fiance and I are like nah, we're pushing stop being stupid and charging in for kills and just stay in your lanes.

Of course they decide not to do that and start voting to surrender, of course me and my babe vote against it. They start going off, I'm like all you guys have done this whole game is bitch. We have destroyed the first tower and right lane and up to the inhibitor in left lane. The middle two towers are still up, it's 3 of you and you can't get a single tower down? not even to the half way mark? They're still just going for kills and they all end up dying, we lose the middle inhibitor and are under half way on the right one. Me and my fiance hold them off until the rest of the team spawns again and we go back to left lane. These idiots decide to go chase two people in right lane and run into the other team and all die.They vote to surrender and we decline, one person leaves and the other two start telling us how bad we are and that we aren't team players.

While they complain me and my bby destroy the inhibitor in one go and destroy the core. We won the match, in the lobby they tell us how we didn't win the game they did for fighting the other team. That we don't deserve to win, yet we were the ones who took down towers and killed the core. We laughed for a good 20 mins about that then went to bed.

I love Paragon, lol. It's amazing how much people will complain even if we win.


To be fair, Gideon doesn't make a great support. There are much better options, but there are also much worse ones lol. People are so afraid of losing that they will risk very little or experiment at all. That's probably why they were losing it on you and your boyfriend.

I've seen some very unorthodox team comps win games. All that matters in the end is execution. Some characters give a you a better chance depending on the role they're assigned to and character match ups. But you still have to go out and play.

The best thing about Coop vs AI is that it's pure fuckery. All supports? All carries? All junglers? You can do whatever you want for maximum lols.


I've had to put this game on the back burner. I keep getting hard crashes on PC which then result in a stupid shitty ban. Had 3 crashes in one game.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
How do we get that banner? I've been out of the loop for a bit.

If you're talking about Sluggo "So Sorry" you have roughly 8.5 hours to play 10 Co-Op or PvP to earn it, cause it's an event item, once new update hits, Age of Intellect ends, Banner and Double XP go away

The Iggy "Make it Rain" one releases with update that will most likely happen @4-4:30AM on Tuesday, with the skins and Emotes
That one you will have to purchase through the store, 2 weeks it will be available


To be fair, Gideon doesn't make a great support. There are much better options, but there are also much worse ones lol. People are so afraid of losing that they will risk very little or experiment at all. That's probably why they were losing it on you and your boyfriend.

I've seen some very unorthodox team comps win games. All that matters in the end is execution. Some characters give a you a better chance depending on the role they're assigned to and character match ups. But you still have to go out and play.

The best thing about Coop vs AI is that it's pure fuckery. All supports? All carries? All junglers? You can do whatever you want for maximum lols.

A great support no, but we're an amazing duo. We get kills but most importantly we get towers down. Running around the map getting ambushed every 3 minutes isn't our idea of winning lol. It's funny as well because our lane always gets the most attention. We are almost always the lane with the first and second towers down. We often joke about how others can't move their lanes forward even if we have 3 or so enemies in our lane. It's just funny that they were losing it on us before the match, during the entire match, and after the match and we're the reason we won!

A few shots from Twinblast and Gideon + a portal blast from Gideon and some grenades from Twinblast can destroy. Also Gideons black hole where he draws people in and Twinblasts Ventilate do work together!

Like right now we just won a match for example and we destroyed their inhibitor under 16 minutes in our lane. We were against Morigesh and Aurora ft. Sevarog here and there. The other two lanes were still on their first tower. and our minions were already attacking the core which caused the other team surrender lol. We may not be the ideal pair in a lane to most people but we do a damn good job!


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Daily Reward (Days 76-90)


Day 76: x250 Topaz
Day 77: x10 Coins
Day 78: x175 Reputation
Day 79: XP Boost: 1 Win
Day 80: x500 Cursed Soul
Day 81: x175 Reputation
Day 82: x2 Card Packs
Day 83: x250 Matrix
Day 84: XP Boost: 1 Win
Day 85: x1000 Shrapnel
Day 86: x175 Reputation
Day 87: Silver Chest
Day 88: x25 Coins
Day 89: x500 Cursed Soul
Day 90: x3 Loot Crate Key


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
So next patch got pushed to Wednesday, 40.2
Tuesday they will release the notes, think all the shenanigans that took place during Age of Intellect needed another Intelligent work through


So next patch got pushed to Wednesday, 40.1
Tuesday they will release the notes, think all the shenanigans that took place during Age of Intellect needed another Intelligent work through
There was a problem where the game kept hitching on PS4 (not sure pc) every once in a while. Looks like they are gonna fix that which is great because it was super annoying.
Man oh man. Upgraded my graphics card from a 960 to a 1070, the game looks so good. I'm glad I tested it out vs AI first because I was a tourist for awhile :p


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
So Dev answered my question regarding why Vault wasn't reset, posted on the subreddit

EpicMattSEpic Games - UI Lead• 3h
The monthly mega vault follows the calendar month independent from patching. However, since there aren't an even number of weeks in months (except our friend February... usually), the final week will have an extra number of days. This way, the May Vault is cleanly always in May and the June Vault is cleanly always in June.

The schedule looks like this:

Week 1/4: June 1 - June 7
Week 2/4: June 8 - June 14
Week 3/4: June 15 - June 21
Week 4/4: June 22 - June 30
Then Saturday July 1st, it'll move on to the next month.

The reset happens globally at midnight EST (GMT-4).


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
June Mega Vault:


Crimson Inquistor Gideon
Forest Rogue Sparrow
Golden Loot Crate Key

x2 Loot Crate Key
x25,000 Reputation
x5 Card Packs

x3 Gold Chest
x100 Coins

x600 Sharpnel
x3 Silver Chest
x5 XP Boost: 3 Wins
x2 Deck Slots

Yes the icons and colors of Tier Rarity don't match like where x100 Coins is Rare colored but has the word Epic underneath it. Guess they'll have to fix that. Just pulling in for from Chest rewards I'm guessing. I'm just going by Tier color, rather than the wording.

Wukong (Order/Corruption) and Feng Mao used to be traveling companions. When Wukong became too much to handle, Feng trapped him in a cave and left. 100 years later, Wukong is free and on his way to Agora to resume aggravating Feng Mao. Wukong is a deadly and elusive melee carry, capable of farming faster than any other Hero.

Control Aggression (E/Circle) - Passive: grants bonus CP to a random minion in the area upon last hit. Toggle: the Monkey King swaps between offensive and defensive stance. DEF - Defensive stance, OFF - Offensive stance.

Staff of Legend (RMB/R1) - Extends his polearm. OFF: your polearm deals damage and pushes enemies back the length of the staff. DEF: Wukong plants his staff and launches himself into the air with a directional jump.

Cloudwalker (Q/Square) - Passive: Grants the Monkey King a double jump (Spacebar/X). OFF: the jump will end with a slam into the ground which deals damage and slows enemies. DEF: he is able to walk on air following the double jump.

84,000 Hairs (R/Triangle) - When Wukong strikes a minion, hero or structure he will create a clone of himself. The clone cannot move and deals damage in a radius around itself. Damage dealt by clones is based on a percentage of Wukong’s damage.


Was really hoping he'd be an offlane character. I really don't have enough offlaners that I enjoy playing right now. Sounds interesting for sure though.




Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Was checking on my Heroes of the 32 we have on the roster only 4 Heroes for me have no Skin unlocked for them
Not counting Challenger Skin, just a Variation version has f any skin

Morigesh, Narbash, Phase, and Shinbi are the only 4 Heroes that are still in Default state

Some Heroes I forgot I even had skins for, was like when the fuck did I earn this one!
I don't when or how I earned the Candy Deault Yin skin, must've been a Loot Crate thing, but I completely forgot


We are about to get our 33rd Hero, closing in on the first 36

Guessing his Icon will between Twinblast and Yin
Hoping Heroes tab will get an overhaul when we hit 36 Heroes and 6 per row rather than the 7 we have now to make it look more proper


40,000 XP away from getting Master with Twinblast, making it my 5th overall and having all original 4 Rangers done, will work on Revnant next with a few others whose Master skin I like the most

By the way submitted my first draft to the ParagonEncyclopedia on Reddit about Rewards and all the info regarding them
Still work in progress, but it's just fine tuning and proof read for mistakes and grammar errors and it should get posted!

Excited about that!

PS I went a little nostalgic and read the first 10 pages (100ppp, you Heathens) of this thread, holy shit do I talk too much and blog out my Paragon woes lol


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
GraveRobber do you play on PS4?

If you're interested in PVP a few gaffers play together.

I play on PS4, not really interested in PvP

My gaming times are obtuse

I'm cycling back on the 22 hour timer for the Daily Reward and be 5 days ahead just as a buffer
Get to see the Calendar refresh earlier!
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