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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Best ADC in the game alongside Jhin. High ELO games are basically Jhin Vs Varus every single match unless one gets banned.

I kind of bought into the hype of the new ten-ban system, but the couple LCS matches I've watched have had the same champions in them again and again. I guess it doesn't help when red team always has to spend their first three bans on rengar, camille and lb, either.


Tfw your bot lane loses their first turret at 4 minutes.

That happened to me one time the enemy team somehow decided to play 5adc botlane and it actually worked (man, I can remember somehow being even worse at the game than I'm now).

Still, how do you even lose turret that fast? Was the support a trolling Tahm Kench that'd always W his adc into the enemy turret or something?


That happened to me one time the enemy team somehow decided to play 5adc botlane and it actually worked (man, I can remember somehow being even worse at the game than I'm now).

Still, how do you even lose turret that fast? Was the support a trolling Tahm Kench that'd always W his adc into the enemy turret or something?

No they just died 4 times between them before 4 minutes and lost the turret.
Ever, what is your opinion on Renekton into Poppy? I don't know if you pay attention to the LCS threads at all on EU days, but game 1 is Renekton vs Poppy in the top lane.


OT Hard Carry
i think for the sleepover thing they should start with syndra




Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
when riot employees start to retweet alt right propaganda...rip....


What I like about you, you hold me tight
Tell me I'm the only one, wanna' come over tonight, yea
Keep on whispering in my ear
Tell me all the things that I wanna' to hear, 'cause that's true
That's what I like
That's what I like
What I like about you, you really know how to dance
When you go up, down, jump around, think about true romance, yea
Keep on whispering in my ear
Tell me all the things that I wanna' to hear, 'cause that's true
That's what I like about you
That's what I like about you

just lost an easy game because our adc decided to feed. reason why. his support took 2 cs.

we had no choice but to open mid because he kept running down mid and letting the turrets kill him. I am depressed.

That's one thing I hated about climbing through low Silver about 6 months ago. The variables in skill are huge because players new to ranked are put in there all the time. So you never know whether people are going to have a clue or not. I'll never forget how I lost to AP Sion mid or got carried by Sightstone-less Amumu support. Now people here at least have a semi-clue, even if I have to carry broke-ass 0/11 bot lanes.

It feels like a distant memory though. Last time I went against a low Silver player (Illaoi), I made sure she finished 0/12 :^)

I was like that only 6 months ago? Sheesh.

Ever, what is your opinion on Renekton into Poppy? I don't know if you pay attention to the LCS threads at all on EU days, but game 1 is Renekton vs Poppy in the top lane.

Didn't catch this question since I was in class at the time, so might as well drop some longform thoughts to make up for it.

Back when Poppy was terrorizing competitive a few months ago, this actually used to be a pretty annoying match-up. Poppy's passive shield was longer, and CoC was way over-tuned. It made it hard to trade onto a good Poppy because her shields lasted so long. If she knew how to cycle shields, it was difficult to get any damage to stick because your windows to trade damage were so small, especially when she could stop your engage/disengage with W, as well has having raw dueling power and an insta-CoC trigger with E. This basically got her a free pass through laning phase, and when she came back with a Chain Vest, you were basically SOL until you picked up your Cleaver.

Nowadays, after the nerfs to masteries and her damage/shields, Renekton should win this one handily. He can abuse her lack of sustain and zone her away from farm, delaying her tank items, and essentially keeping the game 4v5 for as long as possible. Renek should out-DPS Poppy from level 3 onward, and that makes him a big split-pushing threat unless the jungler has dueling power or the ADC is Vayne. One of my favorite builds into a Poppy is Cleaver -> Bork -> LW, and you can say "what Poppy 4Head" as you shred through her life bar like it's nothing.

[End of Answer, Going off topic]

Seeing Croco in competitive, I honestly think this is the best spot he's been in since S4 in the classic Renekton/Shyvana/Mundo triad meta. All of his popular lane counters have been nerfed one way or another. He wins the majority of matchups against other tops, the only exceptions being ranged trash (Teemo), tops with stronger early games (Olaf), and dirty cheesers (Talon).

He doesn't really fall off as hard anymore with the juggernaut items that give both health and AD, the abundance of items that give cheap resistances, masteries synergy, and a versatile kit that can make a variety of builds work. The current meta build (BC -> Titanic -> Tank) gives a metric ton of health (2500 at full build+ult at 16) that synergizes with his ult and makes him very hard to kill in the mid game. He's a champ with clear strengths, weaknesses, and counterplay which means I think he'll be safe from Riot's eye for awhile.

- Standard Bruiser

- Full tank

- Full AD

- Lethality Assassin

- Critnekton

- Attack Speed Duelist

- AP Lizzerd Wizzerd

You name it, I've made it work. Life is good for mains rn.

Enough typing, I need to get home, lol.


Varus is useful again? wow I think I havent tried him in years

Varus and Jhin have been the only ADC picks in competitive/high level ranked games for like weeks. (Not literally the only picks, but a really really high percentage). The lethality buff makes his Q hurt kind of a lot.
After a day of yoyo wins/ losses it feels good to go 14/2 with lethality Illaoi.

Even more when it's a team where the only CC is Thresh and Teemo Shrooms ... and there's no tanks. Dat no-CC heaven feels so good -o-


i know riot pls is supposed to be more casual questions but i don't think this fucking clown deserved to have his question answered lol


specially when rito so rudely ignored the question i sent in last time



So I got top and my lane rival picked Darius, so I took it upon myself to go Teemo and make his life miserable. He did a couple good plays, but his lack of MR and awful jungler meant he was spending most of his time running away from me, allowing me to roam to help take mid turret and make the rest of his team's life miserable as well with my mushrooms.

It was a nice experience to see what Teemo can do when ahead, but their team was legit bad. Like, Darius, Kat and Kha somehow failed to gank me top and I didn't even have to spend my flash to escape, and I got a couple double kills due to awful coordination, up to the point I'd kill one of them and the remaining guy would stay to try and fight me, drop to cricital health, and then die as they tried to run away far too late to escape from me. A Thresh even tried to fight me in melee range, haphazardly dropped his ult for some extra damage, and even stood completely still as we continued to trade autoattacks and I eventually threw a mushroom slightly below him.

I bet next time I go up against a Darius he'll actually be moderately decent and I'll be the one who ends up feeding instead.
i know riot pls is supposed to be more casual questions but i don't think this fucking clown deserved to have his question answered lol

specially when rito so rudely ignored the question i sent in last time


I mean, that is a very valid question that Rito has never really provided an answer for.
i know riot pls is supposed to be more casual questions but i don't think this fucking clown deserved to have his question answered lol


Thats a valid question, since they are playing in their own accounts with everything unlocked. Did they use their own account online against people?.

Its not a like a fighting game when everyone uses a pony account with everything unlocked



Man, team made me work for that one. Inting full AD Rengar and autofill support Brand trying their hardest to lose this one. Fortunately our teamfight was better and we got picks to end the game.
Man, team made me work for that one. Inting full AD Rengar and autofill support Brand trying their hardest to lose this one. Fortunately our teamfight was better and we got picks to end the game.

Thinking about trying the Croc myself.

I want more Tops with stronger early game power than the pool I have RN cause I feel like getting an early lead can allow you to snowball the rest of the map better than just shitting on top and wondering why everything else on the map is on fire.

The Croc, WW and maybe something like Ekko top are on my list.

Anyway, ending out the night with a 7/0/2 Illaoi game feels nice, gonna practice some champs in Practice tool for a bit.


just lost an easy game because our adc decided to feed. reason why. his support took 2 cs.

we had no choice but to open mid because he kept running down mid and letting the turrets kill him. I am depressed.

I had an adc rage at me the other day bc I killed malz creeps and they're worth 10g a piece. He freaked out at first because I was "stealing cs" and I had no clue what he was talking about.

Was g5ish flex queue so I think adcs in that range are just really self conscious of their creep scores


me-damn my adc sucks. why is my adc afk for 3 mins?

loses match so I check her out.

this fool is bronze 1 with a losing streak.

have I fallen this low GAF
me-damn my adc sucks. why is my adc afk for 3 mins?

loses match so I check her out.

this fool is bronze 1 with a losing streak.

have I fallen this low GAF

I'm assuming you were playing support?

Exclusively play hard carries like Rengar, Kha, Vi, Hecarim, etc and you'll climb back up. Supporting your way out of a lower elo is doable, but bodying fools is more fun/easier.
Is there anyway I can check my purchase history? The client won't show me months/years long history and only shows me the last two weeks or so. I feel like I'm missing some skins and I can't remember if I really bought them or what.
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