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NPD Sales Results For March 2017 [Up2: Year to date charts, platform specific charts]


It is rather disappointing given how large the install base is.
Still awesome for a new IP from a dev that hasn't had the best reputation lately. Word of mouth will carry Horizon way longer over time too, basically everyone I talk to are wowed by the game, I'd guess that it'll be one of the biggest 1st party successes when this generation ends. Well worth it too!
Thats a predictable post from a predictable poster. Any know how many new exclusive IP's have debuted 1 million+ in NPD this gen and last gen?

Gears and TLoU is all I can remember.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Guys, The Last of Us was a disappointment...only 1 million at launch?!? But the installed base was so big! And don't get me started on Epic Mickey's launch. What an abject failure.


SIE lying about sales numbers and 'only 1 million sold to a 55 million userbase' is the sorta shit Crapgamer makes videos about

Think about that


Controversial opinion time:

I don't expect Nintendo fans to be happy but let's see if i can get at least some people to agree with me.

I see a lot of folks genuinely happy about Nintendo Switch's success. And while I'm happy for Zelda, I look at the awful last gen specs of this console and an equally awful launch line up saved by a port of a last gen game, and I ask myself if that sends the wrong message to these console manufacturers.

I mean all its telling Sony and Microsoft is that fans will buy your console whether or not it's a significant upgrade from last gen. They will buy your console even if you release it with a total of five games with the best exclusive available on the previous console.

Oh and then there is the fact that they ditched their $350 console a mere four years into the gen.

Some of this stuff sets a bad precedent while the rest is just scrummy and we are rewarding it. Just feels wrong. Thoughts?

For the record, Wii U was my first Nintendo console and i picked up the switch day 1. I am complicit but I'm not happy to see this success like so many others in this thread.

So why did you buy a Switch day one? Your actions kind of contradict all of your points.

Did you really buy a Switch day one hoping it wouldn't be successful?

Do you want it to be just successful enough that it gets more than four years of support, but not successful enough to influence the industry? I don't really get it.


The lesson to be learned, as always, is that games come first. The first step to success is to have a steady flow of good content, that's why BoTW was the key to this launch.
I think there are a number of different factors that have contributed to Switch being an (initial) success, but yes, this is major.

Wii U: New Super Mario, Nintendoland
3DS: Nintendogs + Cats

Not only have Nintendo launched one of the most highly rated titles ever on Switch with Zelda, but they have provided a detailed line-up of games to expect in the future. Before launch, we knew Mario Kart was coming in April. We knew Splatoon 2 was coming in Summer, and we knew Super Mario Odyssey was coming later this year. That makes a big difference, in my opinion. And I fully expect a further slate of 1st party titles to be confirmed at E3 for this year.


Sorry guys but Horizon's sales are extremely disappointing. Not even breaking the million for a game that was supposed to be Guerilla's savior, they should have made another Killzone instead. Mixed critical reception (not even 90+) and weak sales, I don't think Guerilla made this game very seriously. I mean, when you compare the sales to both Zelda (released on a console with less than a million userbase !) and Halo (which is tied to the failing Xbox brand), all I can see is a sad result and most likely the result of giving too much freedom to a studio obviously not competent enough. Guerilla's probably the next Sony studio to be dismantled. Maybe they can hope to be bought by Microsoft afterwards.


Controversial opinion time:

I don't expect Nintendo fans to be happy but let's see if i can get at least some people to agree with me.

I see a lot of folks genuinely happy about Nintendo Switch's success. And while I'm happy for Zelda, I look at the awful last gen specs of this console and an equally awful launch line up saved by a port of a last gen game, and I ask myself if that sends the wrong message to these console manufacturers.

I mean all its telling Sony and Microsoft is that fans will buy your console whether or not it's a significant upgrade from last gen. They will buy your console even if you release it with a total of five games with the best exclusive available on the previous console.

Oh and then there is the fact that they ditched their $350 console a mere four years into the gen.

Some of this stuff sets a bad precedent while the rest is just scrummy and we are rewarding it. Just feels wrong. Thoughts?

For the record, Wii U was my first Nintendo console and i picked up the switch day 1. I am complicit but I'm not happy to see this success like so many others in this thread.
Nah. Nintendo is gonna nintendo.

Sony and ms like to sword fight with their epeens. Been like that for decades now.


Sorry guys but Horizon's sales are extremely disappointing. Not even breaking the million for a game that was supposed to be Guerilla's savior, they should have made another Killzone instead. Mixed critical reception (not even 90+) and weak sales, I don't think Guerilla made this game very seriously. I mean, when you compare the sales to both Zelda (released on a console with less than a million userbase !) and Halo (which is tied to the failing Xbox brand), all I can see is a sad result and most likely the result of giving too much freedom to a studio obviously not competent enough. Guerilla's probably the next Sony studio to be dismantled. Maybe they can hope to be bought by Microsoft afterwards.


please be sarcasm


"GAF" isn't a person.

Some posters predicted that Horizon would flop, either commercially and/or critically, some didn't.

Wildlands, on the other hand, is a case of expecting reception on a internet forum to mirror the mass market. It doesn't.


Maybe DC was under 200k but that is about it. Also racing is basically dead in the US.
Plus DC was not a game at launch... that was disappointing and ridiculous.

It real launch was 4-5 months later.

Probably only MCC was launched in a poor state than DC this generation.


I found HZD "Journey" have been interesting since the introduction.

- People sceptical of GG
- Predicted as the next massive flop (3+ thread)
- Predicted as the next critical flop
- Predicted as the next commercial flop

and it keeps beating all these predictions. Aloy the goat

really happy for Horizon
Sorry guys but Horizon's sales are extremely disappointing. Not even breaking the million for a game that was supposed to be Guerilla's savior, they should have made another Killzone instead. Mixed critical reception (not even 90+) and weak sales, I don't think Guerilla made this game very seriously. I mean, when you compare the sales to both Zelda (released on a console with less than a million userbase !) and Halo (which is tied to the failing Xbox brand), all I can see is a sad result and most likely the result of giving too much freedom to a studio obviously not competent enough. Guerilla's probably the next Sony studio to be dismantled. Maybe they can hope to be bought by Microsoft afterwards.


Also you shouldn't follow up so soon with making it clear you're joking. Let people be a bit uncertain for a while, you get more quotes that way
Sorry guys but Horizon's sales are extremely disappointing. Not even breaking the million for a game that was supposed to be Guerilla's savior, they should have made another Killzone instead. Mixed critical reception (not even 90+) and weak sales, I don't think Guerilla made this game very seriously. I mean, when you compare the sales to both Zelda (released on a console with less than a million userbase !) and Halo (which is tied to the failing Xbox brand), all I can see is a sad result and most likely the result of giving too much freedom to a studio obviously not competent enough. Guerilla's probably the next Sony studio to be dismantled. Maybe they can hope to be bought by Microsoft afterwards.

Hehe, nice.

LOL at not making a game very seriously. Wonder how many will fall into this trap.


Sorry guys but Horizon's sales are extremely disappointing. Not even breaking the million for a game that was supposed to be Guerilla's savior, they should have made another Killzone instead. Mixed critical reception (not even 90+) and weak sales, I don't think Guerilla made this game very seriously. I mean, when you compare the sales to both Zelda (released on a console with less than a million userbase !) and Halo (which is tied to the failing Xbox brand), all I can see is a sad result and most likely the result of giving too much freedom to a studio obviously not competent enough. Guerilla's probably the next Sony studio to be dismantled. Maybe they can hope to be bought by Microsoft afterwards.

I'm inclined to agree here.

Facts are facts. Horizon clearly underperformed and Nintendo and its fans should be proud of that accomplishment. It's failing titles like this that Microsoft should take note of and be ready to pounce and capitalize on Sonys mistakes.


The last thing I would think of is that MS looks at Switch and thinks, "huh, maybe power doesn't matter."

The company that seems to be focusing on a premium, enthusiast aimed console that seeks to retain their base while the two biggest competitors run away with the rest of the market...
Power matters.

Because power can help you to built bigger (and, hopefully, better) worlds and more complex experiences.

In fact, Switch is the most powerful handheld hardware on the market.

The problem is found in the "console" side of the system: it's absolutely weak compared to the console competitors (especially given the fact that the competitors ARE x64 PCs)

But this is another story for another thread, right? Better stop talking about "huh, power", imo.
Power matters.

Because power can help you to built bigger (and, hopefully, better) worlds and more complex experiences.

In fact, Switch is the most powerful handheld hardware on the market.

The problem is found in the "console" side of the system: it's absolutely weak compared to the console competitors (especially given the fact that the competitors ARE x64 PCs)

But this is another story for another thread, right? Better stop talking about "huh, power", imo.

Power mattering for development is different than power mattering for sales. Especially more so 4 years in the generation.

If you're trying to tell me that Switch sold so much because of power, I don't know what to tell you given Nintendo & Sony's past history in the handheld space.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!

Also you shouldn't follow up so soon with making it clear you're joking. Let people be a bit uncertain for a while, you get more quotes that way

Amazingly enough, his own follow up convinced other posters that he was serious. It's seriously baffling :lol
The Switch is still sold out everywhere and the reseller prices have stabilized. You usually expect the console that have already met its demand to peter out by now, with stock everywhere and third party sellers at parity with retail prices. . We are also entering the summer lull, which is where videogames usually tend to have the slowest demand. The only other console in modern history that is doing what the switch is doing now was the Wii. Even it was readily more available during the summer months.


The last thing I would think of is that MS looks at Switch and thinks, "huh, maybe power doesn't matter."

The company that seems to be focusing on a premium, enthusiast aimed console that seeks to retain their base while the two biggest competitors run away with the rest of the market...

Apples to oranges in my opinion. MS is doing it based on the games that sell well on their system and Sony's -- third party AAA core gaming multiplats. I'm positive that Sony will have a similar push focusing on power during the early years of the PS5.

Nintendo isn't getting AAA third party games and the brand hasn't really been known for providing those types of games for 20 years. Nintendo Switch is doing well because Nintendo focused on what they do well.

MS is seemingly trying to do the same via focusing on being the best console brand to play multiplats when it comes to visuals and new online services and features -- traits that the Xbox brand was popularly known for back in 2001-2013. Doing this will interest the people that currently have Xbox as well as interest some people who have moved away from the brand.

Focusing on your strengths to gain people is smarter than trying to be a jack of all trades when you aren't in the top spot. Microsoft/Xbox will more than likely never be in that top spot but I feel that they can make far more gains by focusing on their strengths instead of trying to please everyone at this point (i.e.: territories that will never be interested in owning an Xbox no matter what the console has in its library).

It would be like Nintendo trying to heavily push AAA 3rd party core gaming support again with the Switch. Most people will never go to Nintendo for that. The Switch is doing well even though it doesn't have these titles because the device matches so well with the system's library thanks to the many years of experience that Nintendo has with making exclusives for their home consoles and their portable consoles. It's what they do well. The Switch perfectly combines that.
Apples to oranges in my opinion. MS is doing it based on the games that sell well on their system and Sony's -- third party AAA core gaming multiplats. I'm positive that Sony will have a similar push focusing on power during the early years of the PS5.

Nintendo isn't getting AAA third party games and the brand hasn't really been known for providing those types of games for 20 years. Nintendo Switch is doing well because Nintendo focused on what they do well.

MS is seemingly trying to do the same via focusing on being the best console brand to play multiplats when it comes to visuals and new online services and features -- traits that the Xbox brand was popularly known for back in 2001-2013. Doing this will interest the people that currently have Xbox as well as interest some people who have moved away from the brand.

Focusing on your strengths to gain people is smarter than trying to be a jack of all trades when you aren't in the top spot. Microsoft/Xbox will more than likely never be in that top spot but I feel that they can make far more gains by focusing on their strengths instead of trying to please everyone at this point (i.e.: territories that will never be interested in owning an Xbox no matter what the console has in its library).

It would be like Nintendo trying to heavily push AAA 3rd party core gaming support again with the Switch. Most people will never go to Nintendo for that. The Switch is doing well even though it doesn't have these titles because the device matches so well with the system's library thanks to the many years of experience that Nintendo has with making exclusives for their home consoles and their portable consoles. It's what they do well. The Switch perfectly combines that.

I'll just have to agree to disagree (especially about territories not owning an Xbox, yea that'll happen when MS doesn't give two shits about them). Their Scorpio strategy comes off as incredibly stupid and short sighted (retain base vs. attempting to expand) and almost everything they are doing is attempting to cling on to market share instead of having a decent foot hold to expand later on, especially with a new generation.

That MS thinks that staying contained to US/UK 4 years into this gen is a smart idea speaks volumes about what they expect going forward. They haven't made many moves or attempted to do much for the start of next gen and that stuff doesn't happen over night.

It honestly reminds me of something like the GameCube. Good luck just trying to retain a base and play to your strengths when the other two competitors are making moves on everyone.

Hell, even with Scorpio they got one upped by the Pro a year earlier which will definitely have an impact on sales as some potential owners will have jumped on the Pro vs. Scorpio.

Edit: Let's look at this holiday. Sony is gearing up with a plethora of absolutely massive markrting deals in some or gamings biggest IPs. Nintendo has Switch's first holiday season with a game from one of their biggest brands coming off a summer season with some pretty big titles as well. As for MS, the biggest thing of note right now is that they are reasing an enthusiast aimed console and hope that the XB1S can compete with the PS4/Switch.

And maybe​ it's just me, but I see the success of Switch negatively affecting the second place console far more than I do the market leader.
I just think it is a matter of short term vs long term. MS would just have to put in the major work to see the benefit from expanding. We're talking years upon years. Sony didn't become a global juggernaut overnight. They built up to this point.

MS is focusing on the short term and what works for them now. So yeah, it may be best for them to play to their strengths in the now but I don't see where that gets them in the long run. The base they are appeasing just seems small. Than again, if they can get as much out of them as possible, MS may be fine with that.
1. Specs aren't last gen if the chip inside is even newer than the PS4/Xbone.

2. You act like Zelda was an old port of a last gen game when it wasn't. Also Zelda is a better launch title than anything the competition had at their launch.

3. Nobody bought their $350 console over the course of four years and they were not making any money off of it. If you had any business sense you would cut your losses and try again learning the lessons from last time.

4. I'm sorry if you're going to frame this nonsense as "controversial" right from the outset then clearly you're more trying to get attention than actually trying to discuss anything.

Alright I can't anymore, I know slimysnake, he is not looking for attention, he believes this stuff. But how dare anyone have a different opinion, oh no! Yeah he likes his graphics, he is all for pro and Scorpio and all that, I'm not. He looks at Nintendo and sees a company who doesn't care about power, about moving the specs forward. I understand Nintendo is more about coming up with unique hardware which is fine but at the same time a part of me would love to see their properties be cutting edge graphically like in the N64 days. They can't compete that way with PS and Xbox so they try this method, worked with Wii, failed miserably with Wii U. He feels the Sony and MS way is better than what Nintendo's method is, and seeing the market I am going to assume most people agree with him.

And zelda is a Wii U game, LITERALLY a last gen console. He is absolutely right, zelda is a last gen game that got a port to a current gen system. Hopefully we don't have to wait another damn 5 years to see what a zelda game with more modern graphics looks like which I assume the switch will be able to do when developed properly for it. BOTW is beautiful but it's no PS4/one level game.


The last thing I would think of is that MS looks at Switch and thinks, "huh, maybe power doesn't matter."

The company that seems to be focusing on a premium, enthusiast aimed console that seeks to retain their base while the two biggest competitors run away with the rest of the market...

Please come back and revisit this in 6 months to a year.

We dont know how successful or average Switch will be, it was always going to sell well in first 6 months to the hardcore fans anyway and INITIAL sales results are just a function of shipping logistics.

Sony and MS and Nintendo have no Idea how well Switch will sell after 6 -12 months (after it has been adopted by the hardcore fans).


I just think it is a matter of short term vs long term. MS would just have to put in the major work to see the benefit from expanding. We're talking years upon years. Sony didn't become a global juggernaut overnight. They built up to this point.

MS is focusing on the short term and what works for them now. So yeah, it may be best for them to play to their strengths in the now but I don't see where that gets them in the long run. The base they are appeasing just seems small. Than again, if they can get as much out of them as possible, MS may be fine with that.

I kinda disagree that MS is focusing on the short term. I think it's a misconception, and that they're working on the long term more than what people are expecting. But they do it differently than Sony.

Microsoft is shifting the way the Xbox brand is earning money. Progressively, they're aiming for the service market. They're trying to maximize profits from their userbase, instead of focusing on its expansion. Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Live, service games, going for W10/Xbox games instead of exclusives, not funding many singleplayer Xbox games, it all seems to point at it. Scorpio, a powerful machine made for the premium userbase, isn't made to be massively sold, but to bank on their faithful userbase. Not to say they won't make efforts to expand their userbase ofc, but I'd say the focus has changed.

I don't know if it will work. We'll have to see. But to me, the plan is pretty obvious.


I feel people focusing on ONE thing tend to fall to the same trap MS kept falling into continuously since this gen started: which the magic bullet - that conceit that one and only thing made the PS4 successful and we find what it is then everything reverse.

Imagine a pyramid made up of three components.


You need at least two of these to be successful - now I'm going to be generous and say that Xbox's software offering was superior to PS4 when it launched but the competition had the other two components, price and power.

Later on when MS decide to go full ham with the price cuts, PS4 still had two thing - power and games.

Scorpio is a repeat of that situation - it will have the power but it will lack the price and games.
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