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Halo is the new Sonic

For many of us Xbox brand is the sucesor of Sega, how many games moved from the dreamcast to the Original Xbox, but is time to acept the truth, not only games moved, the Sega DNA fail move with it


-People now look to the ip for the memes and make fun of the brand ip, not because are good games and the Devs know it
-The Devs and the company ALWAYS says the next game is going to be the game who bring back the old days of glory
-Broken games all the time, but its OK, the next 1 is coming
-when the next game arrive it make sure to ignore the past games like they dont really happen, ALWAYS a soft reboot
-Stupid cinematic adaptations content who dont care the source material
-if You want to experience something decent about the story, You need to read a cómic or a book, the games dont give that

And here are a few examples, HALO is not coming back, its Just going to continue and become a dad hobby to cosplay it and remember the good old days with a few memes here and there, but its time to move out, halo ended with reach, and if You care about story its OK too, 343 dont give a fuck either

Halo 5 dont give a fuck about what happen in 4 and have many plotholes like what happen to the villian in 4, or master chieff evolution, and and ignore spartan ops, the halo campaign who was the sequel to 4

And halo infinite ignore 5 and wars 2, lets not start with all the plot holes

Its time to move on

Lets not forget they share this too!!!
Sonic at least actually still has some great games the past decade (All Star Racing Transformed, Sonic Mania), arguably the best video game movies to date, and some legit good animated shows.

Halo EVERYTHING has been in a decline; they can't even get a TV adaptation that's been planned for at least a decade, right.

TBH Halo wishes it were as good as Sonic as an IP, and that's saying something.

What the hell

Infinite is an amazing Halo title

… it is however still not complete - but in a year it will for sure be one of the best

The game is dead, just give it up already. There's nothing that's going to suddenly bump Halo Infinite back to launch numbers, or even half of that. Not even Battle Royale.
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pretty much everything sonic related that isn't the games is amazing, he'd be better off as a general media franchise than just a video game one

I'm surprised they haven't done that yet because TBH I'd rather have a new Ristar or Pulseman. But, it's Sonic, so I kinda also understand why.
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Sonic was a victim of the times, transition from 2D to 3D, rapidly morfing console market, etc.

Halo is a victim of poor management.
Both are victims of poor management. Everything you listed as a negative for sonic is exactly that by definition.


Reverse groomer.
But, it's Sonic, so I kinda also understand why.
Actually- I don't

Video games take more money to make and way more resources to make than most other forms of media. If Sega sees that the games aren't doing well but literally everything else is great why not just cut off the one thing that's hindering profits?

Doesn't help that every other franchise they have a hand in ends up being critically acclaimed, too (bayonetta, Phantasy Star, Yakuza, Persona, SMT, Super Monkey ball, hatsune miku i'm pretty sure, list goes on) but they can't seem to get Sonic right.
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Both are victims of poor management. Everything you listed as a negative for sonic is exactly that by definition.
The difference is one needed change to adapt to times, to be another mario 64, but they couldn't do it.

The other didn't have to change, their formula was already good and if they just kept at it they could've been successful. But they fucked up anyway.
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Reverse groomer.
The difference is one had needed change to adapt to times, to be another mario 64, but they couldn't do it.

The other didn't have to change, their formula was already good and if they just kept at it they could've been successful. But they fucked up anyway.
This is the best summation of the situation ive seen
Halo was ruined by sheer incompetence of the company working on it while Sonic was ruined by a company that couldn't exactly get its hold in the new 3d space the industry went into
there is literally no reason why halo should be in the situation it's in- it just is because 343 can't make games and Microsoft can't manage
This is the best summation of the situation ive seen
Halo was ruined by sheer incompetence of the company working on it while Sonic was ruined by a company that couldn't exactly get its hold in the new 3d space the industry went into
there is literally no reason why halo should be in the situation it's in- it just is because 343 can't make games and Microsoft can't manage
I disagree, Sonic make an amazing jump to 3d with Sonic adventure in 1998, the game released 5 months after banjo kazooie, thats how early the game made his jump to 3d and how his gameplay hace many different modes and options

Sonic was ruined after adventure 2 when Sega refused to upgrade their tech and believe multiplataform was easy


I disagree, Sonic make an amazing jump to 3d with Sonic adventure in 1998, the game released 5 months after banjo kazooie,
it was too late by then, a whole generation late too. Not to mention sonic adventure couldn't possibly live up to Mario 64.
343 are not up for the task at making a good Halo game. Microsoft should look for another developer house to handle their mascot.
They have existed for 15 years at this point, they were set up to handle the Halo IP, what will MS do to them?
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Reverse groomer.
Not to mention sonic adventure couldn't possibly live up to Mario 64.
to be fair one is literally the greatest 3d platformer ever made, and nothing's surpassed it in the 25 years since that it came out. Frankly it'd be more fair to compare adventure to lower tier platformers of the time like banjo kazooie and crash bandicoot (as insulting as that might sound to those games)


pretty much everything sonic related that isn't the games is amazing, he'd be better off as a general media franchise than just a video game one
The games are the foundation that the enterprise is built on. You can't get rid of them, the whole thing crashes if you do.

Making the games better would strengthen the franchise, though.
what exactly do you mean by this? what tech did sega need to upgrade?
Their game engine, Sonic Heroes, the first multiplataform game, was running in a old engine from the dreamcast, who give them broken physics until they make the hedgehog engine in 2008,thats part of the reason Sonic 06 sucks so bad, if the game engine dont work from the start, its going to be a terrible development for the staff


I just hope that they'll give Halo 2 Anniversary Multiplayer some love now.

they should let Infinite die already and concentrate on making H2A the new main Halo MP going forward.
a pipedream of course, but it would be the best way forward by far


Too late? Mario 64 and Sonic are 2 and a half years apart, a whole generation? LOL
generations back then were way shorter. the og Xbox for example was replaced by the 360 less than 4 years after it was launched. the N64 5 years after it launched. the Saturn was replaced after a bit more than 4 years

so yes, they were a generation apart, the Saturn was the competitor to the N64, the Dreamcast was next gen
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Reverse groomer.
I literally can’t see him because he moves so quickly.
he's big, blue, smoothly animated and is at the center of the screen at (almost) all times. no way you can miss him. I understand a complaint about sonic being the poor visibility and cameras in all of the games, but dude if you can't find him on the screen when he stands out this much IDK how to help you lol


he's big, blue, smoothly animated and is at the center of the screen at (almost) all times. no way you can miss him. I understand a complaint about sonic being the poor visibility and cameras in all of the games, but dude if you can't find him on the screen when he stands out this much IDK how to help you lol
For real bro when he’s walking or jogging I have no issue but when he breaks the sound barrier there’s just nothing on screen.

Anyway. Halo rocks, Sonic cocks. Here lies my contribution to this thread. Fin.
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OT but Bet we get a Gears F2P standalone multiplayer in a couple years.

honestly, I am surprised that didn't already happen. they are afraid to change the gameplay anyways to not affect the competitive side, so having one MP that gets updated would be way better than having slightly different MP modes for every new main entry
generations back then were way shorter. the og Xbox for example was replaced by the 360 less than 4 years after it was launched. the N64 5 years after it launched.

so yes, they were a generation apart, the Saturn was the competitor to the N64, the Dreamcast was next gen
Thats not truth, Generation back then were the same, the Xbox and saturns are Just flops and need to return early

They ps1 was from from december 1994 to march 2000 (in not counting the years later of games who got)

The ps2 was from 2000 to 2006 (and got great and exclusive games until 2009)

Xbox and Saturn replaced way early beacause dont sell well or dont make slot of money, for fuck sake the Xbox released in november 2001and was replaced in 2005, and game suppurt lasted until 2006


Thats not truth, Generation back then were the same, the Xbox and saturns are Just flops and need to return early

They ps1 was from from december 1994 to march 2000 (in not counting the years later of games who got)

The ps2 was from 2000 to 2006 (and got great and exclusive games until 2009)

Xbox and Saturn replaced way early beacause dont sell well or dont make slot of money, for fuck sake the Xbox released in november 2001and was replaced in 2005, and game suppurt lasted until 2006

Xbox 360 to Xbox One was 8 years
Xbox One to Series X was 8 years

PS1 to PS2 was 6 years
PS2 to PS3 was 6 years...

that's not an insignificant difference.

and still, the N64 was a generation behind the Dreamcast.


Reverse groomer.
To be frank i think they said whole generation because admittedly the Dreamcast was sega's "6th gen console" (i personally still think it's 5th gen as it was released before the 21st century but it's whatever)
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