100% off the top of my head:
acumen - one's qualifications or expertise peculiarly suited to a task
antebellum - before the war (generally American Civil War)
auspicious - special or extraordinary, i.e. an auspicious event
belie - to be misleading when considered logically or rationally
bellicose - loud and argumentative
chicanery - tricks meant to take the focus off of the point of discussion
chromosome - a cell which serves to distinguish between male and female organisms
circumnavigate - to travel around the full circumference of
deciduous - of plants: the type that sheds leaves in the fall and grows them back in the spring
deleterious - harmful or degrading
diffident - evasive or indifferent of one's responsibilities
enervate - to excite in a negative way
enfranchise - to endow rights upon, esp. voting
epiphany - a sudden, surprising realization
equinox - the point where the day and night are each exactly 12 hours long
euro - a currency used in the countries of the European Union
evanescent - giving off a soft light
facetious - deliberately vague or misleading
feckless - lacking in morals
filibuster - a method used by politicians to stall for time
gamete - a sexual organ, i.e. testicle or ovary
hemoglobin - an iron-rich component of blood
homogeneous - having a uniform composition and texture
hubris - excessive pride or confidence
hypotenuse - the longest side of a right triangle
impeach - to officially accuse a politician of criminal acts
incognito - done as a lone wolf
incontrovertible - without controversy; beyond debate
inculcate - to teach so thoroughly that it becomes unconscious habit
infrastructure - the chain of municipal and commercial services that facilitate the full functionality of a building
interpolate - to wedge a dissimilar object inbetween, i.e. into a conversation
irony - a form of dark humor, such as that when a disaster strikes involving a person or vehicle who is assigned to prevent the same kind of disaster
kinetic - of or pertaining to motion
laissez faire - a policy of letting the free market grow naturally, without checks
lexicon - the generally recognized pool of common language
metamorphosis - transformation from one form into another
mitosis - the process through which mitochondria produce energy
nanotechnology - referring to the use of extremely small circuits or chips
nihilism - the belief that nothing is important
nomenclature - the proper name(s) used to describe a person or object
nonsectarian - not split into divided camps of opinion
notarize - to legally establish the authenticity of a document
oligarchy - government by a small, self-centered group of individuals
omnipotent - having power and authority over all
oxidize - to change composition over time due to oxygen-cell bonds
parabola - a half-moon shape generated by specific formulae
paradigm - an ideal of how an organization should function
parameter - a measurement that can be taken and used as a factor in a more complex formula
photosynthesis - the process by which plants change water, light and CO2 into sugar and oxygen
plagiarize - to claim another's work as one's own
plasma - a fourth state of matter, different from solid, liquid, or gas
polymer - a lab-synthesized plastic
precipitous - very steep; i.e. a precipitous drop
recapitulate - to go back to the beginning or restate one's opening themes or statements
reciprocal - an arrangement when an action performed on another is returned in kind
reparation - payouts, usually cash, to settle past grievances
respiration - the biological act of breathing
sanguine - pleasant, upbeat
soliloquy - a speech made by a single character alone on stage
subjugate - to repress or deny rights to
suffragist - a person who actively pushes for voting rights for his/her group
taxonomy - the classification of animals and plants
tectonic - referring to the plates in Earth's crust
tempestuous - having a stormy quality
thermodynamics - the science that studies how heat behaves and how to cope with it
totalitarian - exercising control over every aspect of one's subject's lives
unctuous - bitter and spiteful
usurp - to wrest power from another
vacuous - having little power or value
vehement - insistent, to the point of violently defending one's position
vortex - a funnel which pulls towards its bottom
xenophobe - fearing foreigners