Going to go and mark all the ones I have intention of starting and playing through. Ordered by sequential order of the first time playing in 2014.
Last Updated November 26th, 2014
Completed Games: 52 - Done
Abbreviated Post |
Detailed Post Part 2 |
HowLongToBeat Tracking Account |
GAME 1: Pokemon Blue Version - 29 hours (
COMPLETE) - January 6th
# Nuzlocke Run
# Well, this was an interesting one. My second ever Nuzlocke and I lost quite a few. I forgot how absolutely horrible the AI was in the originals. Most of my deaths were in trying to level up Pokemon to my team's general level. Once I had a team all up, it was easy enough. I also took some max repels with a Masterball to get a Zapdos. Made the matchups in the Elite Four much easier. Beat them with all my Pokemon in the 40s.
GAME 2: Tearaway - 6 Hours (
COMPLETE) - January 4th
# Beat Main Story
# Oh, a charming, charming game. Loved it, despite its short length. Just wanted more and more of it. It made waiting around for my Jury Duty stuff an enjoyable experience. Even taking the train into the city became an enjoyable romp. The story was a nice shot of imagination that I haven't seen in a while. I actually don't care too much for the LBP series, but Media Molecule has made be a believer with this amazing game.
Game 3: Paper Mario: Sticker Star - 12 hours about (
# First couple hours from 2013
Game --: Dokuro - 2 hours about (
# First hour from 2013, PS+
# Dropped because I really, really don't care.
GAME 4: Beyond: Two Souls - 10 Hours (
COMPLETE) - January 7th
# Beat main story to one ending
# I know this game has its reputation, but I really enjoyed it. I also really enjoyed Heavy Rain. My main complaints with this game are in a few areas. The movement controls need to be refined and made more flexible so small collisions are not so frustrating. The story structure itself could have been much better. While the sporadic moments of Jodie's life worked in the end, many of the early moments felt jarring because of it. Lastly, the ending. The very ending. If you played it, you probably know what I'm talking about. Horrible. Only moment I legitimately laughed at when it happened. Besides those, I really liked the game.
GAME 5: Ys: Memories of Celceta - 20 Hours (
COMPLETE) - January 17th
# Quite enjoyed the game. Combat was particularly fun. More so than I usually have on JRPGs. It took until the last 2.7% of the map completion for me to not want to go through the trivial parts of competing it. The ending though, eeehhhhhhhh... Was okay. I enjoyed the entire game thoroughly besides a few things like the ending.
GAME 6: Thomas Was Alone - 3 Hours (
COMPLETE) - January 9th
# Very nice little game. I really liked the story. The narration was charming and the platforming was only annoying for a couple of the levels. On the shorter side, yes. Though, it didn't feel as though there needed to be more. A short yard of puzzle based platforming. Very good for what it is.
GAME 7: Garry's Mod - 10 Hours (
COMPLETE) - July 19th
# Fully Multiplayer Game, will mark as completed with 10 hours. Started at 13 hours registered on steam account
# Now at 23 hours. Finished the game. Have put off playing it for a while just because I had other things on my plate. I'm sure I'll play it again with my friends in the future.
GAME 8: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 11 Hours (
COMPLETE) - February 1st
# Project M
# Multiplayer focused. Playing with friends. Will count as complete once I hit 10 hours
# Finished with a four hour session with friends that lasted to 4am in the morning. Bad idea, lol. Hit my goal for "completion" status as a multiplayer game. Have played MANY more hours of this since "completion"
Game --: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - 4 Hours (
# Playing with a group of four friends
# Dropped out of lack of interest from the group to continue
GAME 9: Ratchet & Clank - 11 Hours (
COMPLETE) - January 31st
# Started the first one in 2013. Plan to go through the first four games.
# Ah, I've always been a big fan of this series. The first game, however... Too many frustrating things. No strafe, checkpoints way back... It started to get really annoying after a while. Happy I'm done with it. Time to get to the sequel with all its signature upgrades that made the series great!
GAME 10: Lone Survivor Director's Cut - 4 Hours (
COMPLETE) - January 31st
# Well, it is done. The only part that came above tolerable for me was the story. The vagueness and uniqueness kept me going as I was legitimately interested in what actually was going on. Everything else, though? Well, lets just say it got annoying enough that I started using a guide about a third through the game. Too many instances of running around and not figuring out what to do because you missed a prompt and thought you searched that area.
Game --: Dragon's Crown - 10 Hours (
# Started in 2013. Playing through the game in a group of four friends.
# Game save file corrupted
GAME 11: Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando - 13 Hours (
COMPLETE) - February 7th
# Second game in the series. WIll be doing all the PS2 ones.
# Ah, the strafing! The STRAFING! Makes the game so much more enjoyable than the first. You can see a lot of u[grades here that did wonders to the series.
Game --: Fire Emblem Awakening - 2 Hours (
# Replaying on Hard
# Not feeling it anymore. After a long time on the back burner, I will take this replay and remove it from my playing log.
GAME 12 Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal - 9 Hours (
COMPLETE) - April 12th
# Third game is series. Will continue my playthrough of all 4 PS2 ones before I get to Into the Nexus.
# Lives up to what i remembered about the series. Great weapons, humor, and gameplay. I rushed through it a little, but the collectathon parts and arena parts that I usually partake in to their completion felt a little stale after playing Going Commando so recently. Still, great game and easily in the running for best in the series. Will play Deadlocked next when I get around to it.
GAME 13: Brothers: Tale of Two Sons - 3 Hours (
COMPLETE) - February 8th
# PS+
# Pretty short, but lives up to the hype. Very good, with a unique gameplay system. What an ending...
Game 14: Pokemon Y - 30 Hours (
# Nuzlocke Run
# Now that Pokebank is out, I can finally start this! YEAAAAHHHHH. Hope I don't lose...
# Semi-important note... The game has a tendency to count time that my 3DS is in sleep mode/flipped closed. SO it might be inaccurate
GAME 15: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - 23 Hours (
COMPLETE) - February 15th
# This game is AWESOME! I feel as though it'll end up feeling all too short though...
# Great game and exactly what I expected it to be. Story is great, characters are interesting, and it always keeps you on edge. AA + Zero Escape + Persona's Social Links is a very accurate description of this game. My only issue was how long the game took to make the mysteries not quite obvious. If you play this game, it will be great. Just set logic difficulty to mean or its going to be too obvious.
GAME 16: Minecraft - 10 Hours (
COMPLETE) - July 11th
# No Ending, will count as finished with 10 hours played
# Server with friends over summer started recently. Took very little time to put the time in for this. Mind you, we will be playing much more than 10 hours/
Game 17: Castle Crashers - 3 Hours (
# Playing with group of friends
GAME 18: Dyad - 3 Hours (
COMPLETE) - February 23rd
# PS+
# Eh, I got in on PS+ and it wasn't supposed to be very long. So, I decided to give it a try. Personally, its okay, but I would not play it again. It certainly one of those games that are all about getting high scores and those don't interest me for too long. It is really trippy, mind you. I like the mechanics, its just not one that keeps me hooked long enough to really like it.
GAME 19: Bravely Default - 62 Hours (
COMPLETE) - May 16th
# I was really feeling like starting something fresh with a strategic element. In the end, I succumbed and bought this
# In the end, I put off doing the final boss for some time. I messed up at a point and lost the first time, so it was probably a month or before I actually got back and beat the game. I really liked the game. Well, I liked it. Its a weird limbo I have going on that many likely do with this game. The gameplay was fun, strategic, and innovative. The story was nice though predictable. The music was great. You have the infamous slog, though. About midway through the game, the developers decided to lengthen the game by adding in a repetitive arch of the story that was horrible. At first, though, it was okay. Optional bosses opened up and they were fun, but those got stale quickly enough. Its a very good game, bar a large arch of it that feels like the biggest dead weight in a game I've seen yet.
GAME 20: Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2-5 - ?? Hours (
COMPLETE) - March 6th
# I don't know how I feel about making this a game. I might fold any more episodes this year into it. Also didn't keep track of the hours, so probably around 3-5 hours for episode 2.
# Completed Episode 3 - May 13th
# Completed Episode 4 - June 26th (Man I think I made some bad choices here)
# Completed Episode 5 - August 27th
GAME 21: Ever 17: The Out of Infinity - ?? Hours (
COMPLETE) - March 15th
# Didn't keep track of time, but likely between 20 and 25 hours.
# Some parts I really liked, some parts I really didn't. The overarching plot was good. Some parts like the big twist really felt off to me. A lot of the mindfuck was done very well, just some parts felt off or stupid enough to make it not all feel cohesive enough to leave me satisfied with it. Takeshi's (and company's) story overall was really what I liked a lot. Some of the plot threads (Sora's a glaring example of this) were examples of being really forced. I won't go into any more explanation than this since anymore and its big time spoiler territory. Overall, though, I really liked it and the things I found wrong simply stand out because of how much I enjoyed the rest of the game.
Game 22: Alpha Protocol - 2 Hours (
# Got it cheap as a used game. Started it up, will likely come back to it later when I'm actually in the mood to play it.
GAME 23: rain - 3 Hours (
COMPLETE) - March 20th
# A very clearly "artsy" game. In a very good way I might add. Short and sweet. It's story was quite interesting, with an interesting premise driving the gameplay. As a game, it was okay. Primarily, its gameplay dragged it down since its prevalence combined with its insesant average quality couldn't be ignored. I couldn't help but think how good of a movie it could make, though. I'd really like to see that.
GAME 24: Never 7: The End of Infinity - 21 Hours (
COMPLETE) - March 29th
# Ever 17's little sibling. Time to find out if its any good. Doing English patch, of course.
# Well... Its not Ever 17, but it wasn't all that bad. Only really for those that would know they'd enjoy it before hand, in my opinion.
Game --: Civilization V - 4 Hours (
# This one with probably be dropped, but I'll put it here just in case. Played some with some friends, got bored 4 hours into the game. I might play the game again, but I don't see myself doing it to an extent that it could be considered finished.
# Dropped out of logically seeing this will never be finished.
Game 25: 999: The Novel - ?? Hours (
# Officially my toilet time game. What better way to spend your time in the bathroom? Will take a long time to beat, though.
GAME 26: inFamous: Second Son - 13 Hours (
COMPLETE) - March 31st
# Got my PS4. First game for it... Let's go!
# Played through, did the hero route. Very fun game. My only complaint would be that its a tad on a shorter side. To note, I never really found the sidequest design all the bad like some like to yell about. The combat was a big upgrade. All the different powers were a treat with their various ways of going about it. Neon was, undoubtedly, the best though. Personally I liked it more than the first two games. I just had more fun with it and it never got to the point of infuriating frustration like the first two did at times.
GAME 27: Remember 11: The Age of Infinity - 20 Hours (
COMPLETE) - May 15th
# Ever 17's big brother. Hopefully not as disappointing as the little brother.
# I enjoyed it a lot. More than Never 7, but not as much as Ever 17. The issue I heard about it going into it was abundantly clear... it doesn't feel entirely done. It feels like they were rushed and hard to finish it, so they cut out a decent amount of the endgame content. So much is left unexplained on the table with only vague hints at what may be the answer. They covered most of the important stuff, so its not all bad. But after all the mind games and strong lines of answers Ever 17 (and Never 7, to a lesser extent) did, its just a tad disappointing that I find myself going online to find answers people have worked out instead of the game itself. Again, still good and highly suggested (English patch was excellent), just not at the level of its predecessor. (Also, if you play this VN, look up some of the more detailed answers to stuff online. A lot of real subtle stuff in the game that seeing would clear up a lot of confusion).
Game 28: Resogun - 4 Hours (
COMPLETE) - October 25th
# Will beat all the levels on normal to meet the complete requirement. It should be a short game to do this. In line with other short games I have done.
# Ended up doing it on easy/rookie. Fun, but I'm not very good at it.
GAME 29: Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu - 14 Hours (
COMPLETE) - April 20th
# This was my favorite game on the PS1 growing up. Replaying it because I felt like it.
# Easier than I remember it, but still a lot of what I remember. Great merging system, interesting story and lore, and a good soundtrack. Will probably play the sequel again when I get the disc and a PS2 available to me again. Its a short enough game that I'd suggest anyone who enjoys RPGs or JRPGs try it even if through emulation (disc copies are pretty rare nowadays).
GAME 29: Towerfall Ascension - 6 Hours (
COMPLETE) - August 30th
# Playing through the single player / co-op mode. My friends and I have played this as a group well before I tried this mode.
# Finished it off with a friend over a couple hours via co-op. Very fun game.
GAME 31: Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark - 8 Hours (
COMPLETE) - April 23rd
# So I've been pushing my way through this puzzle game. Lots of elements introduced throughout its not too long time frame. It never got boring or stale, which is what you want from a game like this. The ending actually got me, though. I expected something like that, but it was a bit more than I had expected and caught me off guard.
GAME 32: Ratchet: Deadlocked - 9 Hours (
COMPLETE) - May 3rd
# Continuing my replaying of this series.
# This one was always a mixed bag. It did feel like it make a some notable improvements to the combat. Largely in UI and control tightness, but the platforming was dramatically downgraded on the times it becomes a focus. I did appreciate how tight the controls were on vehicles, though. I can't recall being that happy over that in one of the Ratchet games yet. Its an okay entry, but its not doing what makes the series great. Next time I come back to the series, I'll be playing Into the Nexus.
Game --: Valhalla Knights - 7 Hours (
# I've had this game for forever on my PS Vita and have not touched it. I started it up and am enjoying it many times more than I thought I would so far. No expectations for the win.
# I did enjoy what time I had with it, but I hit a wall I realize I do not have the motivation to climb past.
GAME 33: Tales of Symphonia - 48 Hours (
COMPLETE) - May 14th
# Got the collection on PS3. Playing first game for first time.
# I really liked it. It had its share of flaws (the dungeons being boring a big one and the story having some moments where I questioned its quality a bit), but overall the story and gameplay had me in until the end. Being my first Tales game, I will certainly try some more in the future. Xillia 2 (watched Xillia LP) for PS3 or Hearts for the Vita would probably find itself as the next one when I decide to return to the series.
GAME 34: Game Dev Tycoon - 8 Hours (
COMPLETE) - May 18th
# A simulation game I've enjoyed in the past. What I haven't done, is finish it without going bankrupt. When i went bankrupt the first time I played it, I had not learned the game rules for scores and making money properly enough to not go down in fires really quickly after having a lot of success. What is interesting, is that there is an end. 30 years into the sim, and you find yourself at the end of the history of game releases the sim has set out for you. This is where I am going to count it as completed, since the time to get here is comparable to the lengths of many other games.
# So Lion & Fox Studios made it to the end of the game. I went at a slower pace than I did in previous games, leading to me moving forward only when I was ready. There was only a few times I didn't make a profit on my games and I finished with a score of about 48 million. Its a fun simulation game that's not too expensive. For those people out there who like simulation games, I highly suggest trying it out.
GAME 35: Star Wars: The Old Republic - 90 Hours *maybe* (
COMPLETE) - August 2nd
# So I'm going to play through this MMO for one class's story. Bounty Hunter, specifically. I haven't played the BH class before and I have not played the game for like a year, so it should be fun.
# I lost track of the time on this game, lol. The number is a ballpark if there ever was one.
# AND DONE. Wow that took a long time. That 90 hours is a big ballpark estimate. I enjoyed it. I worked around the F2P pretty well and got to level 50 to end the class story. The story was decent. Some options I wanted at the end that they didn't give me. Its not the best SWTOR story I've played (this is my fourth after IA, JK, and SW). If I do another, it'll be smuggler next.
GAME 36: Bioshock Infinite - 13 Hours (
COMPLETE) - May 21st
# Got the game via PS+ a while ago. Wanted to wait for the right time and mood of mine to sit down and play it, and I think its about right now.
# That was... Interesting. The game was fun, though I found myself rarely experimenting with vigors like the game probably wanting me to. Gamewise, I liked it but didn't love it. Still don't care for FPSs a lot and Bioshock does a good job of making them tolerable at least. Now some vague story comments so sort of spoilers ahead. I saw probably half the twists they throw at the end coming. The other half didn't really occur to me, though. I was a fan of it, but I wasn't a fan of the method they chose for the characters to learn the information through. Seemed a bit... Too out of left field. I will say, I prefer the original. Honestly, how much I enjoyed the gameplay was probably similar (its been a long time), though the twist of the original just left a huge impression on me, where this game did not manage that.
Game 37: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked - 9 Hours (
# Was on sale, plus I still had like $3 and something on my e-shop account I didn't want to go to waste. Might as well try a SMT game besides Persona, right?
GAME 38: Limbo - 3 Hours (
COMPLETE) - May 22nd
# A short, slightly disturbing game. I'm sure many of you have heard of the game before. Its why I got it in a Steam sale a while back. So, I finally got around to playing it and I finished before I even put it on here. All in all, it was okay. It had a great vibe and tone going for it. It also had solid puzzle platforming. Unfortunately, the tone didn't resonate with me all that much and the gameplay didn't make me want to solve the puzzles very much. It is still good and I'd suggest it, it just feels like the sort of game I'd need to be the in the right mood for the enjoy to the fullest.
GAME 39: Vanquish - 5 Hours (
COMPLETE) - September 25th
# Still have this from PS+. Doesn't look long and I have heard positive things about it.
# Story was complete shit. Gameplay is fun enough, but it took me a long time to get through 5 hours since I started it. Wasn't all that appealing.
Game --: Mind Zero - 30 Hours (
# Well, I got this game after a lot of deliberations (because of some negative reviews from its Japanese release). I got it, like it so far in these first hours, and will beat it.
# I did want to finish this game. Unfortunately, I ran into a status effect (a stupid one, I might add) that paralyzes your party. Being overleveled in a dungeon, I was grinding away for quite some time and levels until i ran across some enemies that inflicted it. I noticed I was getting the status effect too late, and I lost quite a few hours. Game isn't bad, its just not worth redoing those hours of tedium.
GAME 40: Long Live the Queen - 3 Hours (
COMPLETE) - June 29th
# Best way to describe this game... A rogue like visual novel. Its weird, but strangely good. Though, if you're VN type games for the story like me, many playthroughs to just advance some more may be annoying. I ended up using a basic guide to get me through on my fifth playthrough, but I think I'll go back and figure out a strategy to make it all the way through myself later on.
GAME 41: Flower - 1.5 Hours (
COMPLETE) - July 2nd
# Beautiful game I never had the chance to pick up before. Got it on sale for the PS4, and the mix of cell-shading with realistic graphics just looks beautiful to me. There isn't a whole lot to it, so the price I got it at feels about right. Its certainly no Journey.
GAME 42: Alter Ego: Life Simulation - 3 Hours (
COMPLETE) - July 24th
# A web browser, text based game.
# Browser version kept dying because the LPer I saw it on brought a ton more people also interested in it. Bought the iOS version.
# I played through twice. its very interesting. It doesn't delve in a huge variety of options. Its not like you can become something specific or notable. No president, no evil supervillain, no nothing. It very much a life simulator. Every phase as events that can effect your life, and stuff like your job and family are side events that you can choose to partake in. They don't drive progression enough to make the system really flexible. Overall, it is enjoyable for what it is and I don't regret playing it (not sure it was totally worth $5, but it does have a bit of replay value to it).