It's the Wii phenomenon. A bunch of casuals buying it to play for a week then putting it away. Mobile vr sucks
Wii had an excellent attach rate to rival any system, especially before small indie downloadable games were the norm for consoles padding the numbers. Gotta love it when folks present their (willful given how easy it is to actually find some information before spewing bs) ignorance as fact in here.
Kinda how some here constantly make dumb threads that on top of having a little tidbit here and there, some fact or an opinion from someone else they want to present as fact, they always pad them with their own twisted spin thrown as fact to guide the desired narrative.
At first it was how any random VR kit announced by any nobody was a PSVR2 killer (I guess back in the day they'd be posting Polystation will kill PlayStation) because of x or y definitively superior feature but now that didn't pan out it's settled to how all of VR sucks and is going nowhere, lol
We've gone from some leak vaguely talking about how user retention should be a focus because it's not as high as desired, or even is seen as problematic, without numbers, to apparently knowing half the people don't use their Quests so definitively randoms who don't care about VR spew it as fact.
Someone tell
Gorilla Tag's dev he shouldn't have made the mistake of a
f2p VR game awarding himself $25 millions so far when he could have made a flat game to rival COD and made 1000 fold instead because apparently successful games, developers and businesses aren't VR's success.
Only eclipsing flat games will be a success!!!!11 as if there aren't all kinds of success stories that target a given niche within gaming, no, everybody makes COD clones and nothing else because that's just waste of effort and VR can't be part of gaming itself (as far as GAF's concerned of course)!
If I have a PC VR kit or a VR console I must also give up on flat games and any other entertainment and not be a PC or console gamer but just a VR gamer otherwise it doesn't count! I can't play a VR game here chosen over flat games and a flat game there chosen over any, no, it's all or nothing!
I should probably replace console games like COD here with mobile games like Honor of Kings or whatever to drive the point home.
Also those x unknown millions of users all buying different games so there's no definitive title everybody has but instead a bunch of games with smaller sales is bad because what kind of game industry can you have if the one with the most marketing money can't just eclipse everyone else, so bad!
Like, don't worry, once the userbase increases a little more the usual market forces will want in on it and take hold and that will be the norm there too, that's yet to happen to a large degree, for all the good that will do at least some special lot here will acknowledge the medium as legit then, lol.
Oh well, this topic will soon be buried because the OP won't engage in self congratulating self bumps pretending to respond to people days/weeks later like someone else keeps doing.