Poster is still awaiting verification, so we'll see if this is legit, but it's still interesting.
Sheds some light on what went wrong with the game
Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/18ndgq/i_was_a_tester_on_aliens_colonial_marines_ama/
Sheds some light on what went wrong with the game
Gearbox didnt care about the game, they spent the money from acm on the borderlands games. Look at the release dates of borderlands and when aliens was anounced, they had the other companies like timegate do the work. When they got the game back timegate had done a terrible job. When it came into sega it was shit basicaly. Gearbox only cared about fixing 'progression blockers' (things that stop a player from getting through a level) or crashes.
Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/18ndgq/i_was_a_tester_on_aliens_colonial_marines_ama/