why would that be? it's a traditional RPG, as they've said as much. it's battle system is even turned based.Case said:The only thing im worried about is why is there is no screenshot that shows the character actually walking around?
I hope its not like DQSwords/
Case said:The only thing im worried about is why is there is no screenshot that shows the character actually walking around?
I hope its not like DQSwords/
Case said:The only thing im worried about is why is there is no screenshot that shows the character actually walking around?
I hope its not like DQSwords/
That could just be a "You have entered Whatever City" cutscene thing. Notice there is no UI, the camera angle, and hes isnt even walking. I could just be paranoid though -_-Ydahs said:
Not actually walking, but it doesn't look like it's on rails to me.
Case said:That could just be a "You have entered Whatever City" cutscene thing. Notice there is no UI, the camera angle, and hes isnt even walking. I could just be paranoid tho/
Case said:That could just be a "You have entered Whatever City" cutscene thing. Notice there is no UI, the camera angle, and hes isnt even walking. I could just be paranoid though -_-
3 new pagesCase said:1 new CG screen from the TGS MMV website
duckroll said:
"Don't lose hope son, we will deliver at TGS..."
JDSN said:It feels more like "Get the fuck out of my way, asshat".
duckroll said:
"Don't lose hope son, we will deliver at TGS..."
JDSN said:It feels more like "Get the fuck out of my way, asshat".
Dascu said:Marvelous could steal the show for many Wii owners this TGS.
AzureJericho said:Agreed. It looks like they'll be one of the only ones rising to heaven at this rate.
Dascu said:Marvelouscouldwill steal the show for many Wii owners this TGS.
:lolduckroll said:
"Don't lose hope son, we will deliver at TGS..."
I seriously hope they sell well, at the very least meet the forecast sales expectations (especially Little King's Story and Rune Factory) if the games are as good as what I expect judging but what's been shown so far. I haven't completely decided on ARF yet since not much has been shown but hopefully TGS delivers for it it certainly looks quite appealing, but not long to go before hopefully we see some real gameplayduckroll said:Well, having a nice line up is good and all, but the games still need to sell well first and foremost.
How long do you think it will take for someone to complete Arc Rise Fantasia?
HM: Only the story part alone, probably 40 hours. Include the sub-quests and extra additional parts, 10-20 hours more.
RM: In our minds if its goes close to Tales of Symphonia well be satisfied. Were thinking about expanding Arc Rise Fantasia into second and third sequels. As for the first one were not thinking its going to be that much of a big hit.
Are you already planning a sequel?
RM: No comment. Right now were working on a lot of different action games as well so were learning and applying action skills. The basic concept of Imageepoch is fantasy games. That doesnt really mean RPG or action. Our games are within the fantasy genre.
What kind of action game would you make? Would you make one with lots of shaking for the Wii or something very difficult like Ninja Gaiden?
RM: More like Super Mario Galaxy-ish.
So kind of cute?
RM: Were experimenting with a Resident Evil-type and were also experimenting stuff with a Super Mario Galaxy-type. At Imageepoch its not like this is only the type of brand that we do. Its like would it be interesting to do this? We dont really have a solid statement, but were play around a lot.
leroy hacker said:I don't think I've ever seen a developer make a prediction like that about a work in progress.
I played Arc Rise Fantasia using the Classic Controller. Do you plan to implement motion control too?
Hideyuki Mizutani, Operating Officer at Marvelous Entertainment: For the game you can use the Classic Controller, Gamecube controller, and Nunchuck/Wii remote. But, we dont really utilize the capability of swinging it since we were thinking of a traditional RPG where you sit down and enjoy it for a long period of time.
Error said:
Ydahs said:I'd imagine it'll look very nice in motion with all that detail. Is it just me, or do those treasure boxes look really out of place?
ivysaur12 said:Something still looks odd about the character lighting and colors used, but the lava areas look great.
ivysaur12 said:Something still looks odd about the character lighting and colors used, but the lava areas look great.
jeremy1456 said:Are you talking about how the lighting has no effect on the character models whatsoever?
If so, I completely agree with you.
duckroll said:lol 3 month old thread. Anyway the game went gold about 2 weeks ago. It was posted on the Image Epoch blog, but since there was no active thread, I didn't post about it. Lolz.
It's not announced yet IIRC, but seeing as XSEED is localizing it for the US, I expect Rising Star to do the same here.Lord Phol said:Hey this looks pretty nice, soft warm colors.
Migh just be that kind of good'ol RPG/adventure game I've been craving for awhile.
My wii really needs some action :x.
Is it coming to europeland?
kenji said:this game needs a new HD trailer soon..
i remember the days before TGS and the TGS days too when there were released the first trailers and the game looked MUCH good than now.. those images show a worser graphic than before.. i hope the game didn't have to be downgraded
yeah, that is one of the trailers i was talking about.Fritz said:dunno. The very first bits from famitsu and such looked amazing. Then we got more pics and footage pre TGS and it was quite the letdown. Since then it starts looking better again imo.
I recently watched some battle gameplay on youtube and that was rather intriguing. Like simple yet a nice amount of strategy with the shared AP bar.
Im sure you've all seen this already, I'll post it anyways CLICK
leroy hacker said:Now that the thread has been revived I'll post this interview Gamasutra did recently with Ryoei Mikage.
The interview is about Imageepoch rather than this game, but those who have been following the developer should find it interesting. One fact revealed-Niinou left Atlus before Mikage recruited him.
And, as you said, Wii is more of a casual gamer platform compared to the Xbox 360 and PS3, but for example, Tales of Symphonia did fairly well domestically in Japan with 300,000 [units sold]. And abroad, we had 500,000.
radcliff said:Is that interview saying TOS: Dawn of the New World has sold 500,000 worldwide? Is that right? I thought it sold about 220K in Japan yet that interview says 300K. Maybe they are shipped #s? Either way, I think they are good numbers for the title.
Ydahs said:-pics-
It does sound like he's talking about DotNW, but that figure does seem rather high especially considering it hasn't been released in Europe yet.schuelma said:He might be talking about the original. Didn't a lot of the guys working on ARF work on ToS?