What am I doing with my life? It's 2017, Crash is finally back and here I am complaining about the font they've used. I'm gonna get murdered for this.
The Crash N. Sane Trilogy is pretty great, it's not perfect but it does a pretty good job of recreating these old gems. There is one detail, however, that absolutely annoys me to no end. That goddamn typeface.
In case you didn't know, because why would any sane person know this, the typeface used in the N. Sane Trilogy belongs to a font family called "CCZoinks". It's pretty much just a generic typeface used commonly to give off a "lol look at us we're goofy wacky" type vibe. There's actually a chicken grill house in the city that I live in that uses the CCZoinks typeface:
I can't break the connection.
It just comes as a surprise to me because the Crash franchise already has a very well-established typeface:
In the interest of providing an example, I whipped up this mock-up a while ago of what I believe the user interface should've looked like:
And just for comparison:
Don't get the wrong idea though, I'm not saying that mine is the best thing ever. It's just something I did in Photoshop in 5 minutes and I'm sure an actual expert who gets paid to do this sort of thing could do a much better job than I did.
It must sound stupid to anyone else, but it just drives me insane. Imagine if Zelda: Breath of the Wild didn't use the Hyrule Serif typeface:
But used something like this instead:
We're not talking about some one-off font here, this is the main typeface used throughout the whole game.
What do you think GAF? Anyone else feel this way after reading this, or am I just crazy? My OCD doesn't exactly make this sort of stuff any easier ¯\_(ツ_/¯