I can't decide if that thread would be more or less whiny than this thread.
It'll be far more whiny. I'll bet my life on it.
I can't decide if that thread would be more or less whiny than this thread.
It'll be far more whiny. I'll bet my life on it.
Sorry, I'm not totally familiar with the various modes, but is this one of the multiplayer modes that didn't require PS Plus?
If so, is this news? I thought all of the modes that didn't require Plus also didn't offer matchmaking. I kinda figured the matchmaking is specifically what made a particular mode require Plus or not. Isn't the whole thing technically multiplayer, with only the matchmaking sections of the game walled off to Plus? I wanna say they're called Crucible and Strike, maybe? Something like that.
Sorry, I'm not totally familiar with the various modes, but is this one of the multiplayer modes that didn't require PS Plus?
If so, is this news? I thought all of the modes that didn't require Plus also didn't offer matchmaking. I kinda figured the matchmaking is specifically what made a particular mode require Plus or not. Isn't the whole thing technically multiplayer, with only the matchmaking sections of the game walled off to Plus? I wanna say they're called Crucible and Strike, maybe? Something like that.
It would be a real innovative feature to have a group suspend/pause function. If raids are going to be hours long even having all your regular mates together will have real life interruptions.
It's time multiplayer coop like this got pausing and group continuing online done right. Bungie you know what to do.
Well that was a quick response. Is this one of the reasons for no matchmaking? I'm assuming you can't sub in new players in the save state.We store insertion points for you each week.
You can resume where you and your group left off. That way, you can play an encounter or two, call it a night, get back together and pick up later in the week.
Each week, your progress and loot eligibility is reset.
(A given encounter only rewards players once a week)
We store insertion points for you each week.
You can resume where you and your group left off. That way, you can play an encounter or two, call it a night, get back together and pick up later in the week.
Each week, your progress and loot eligibility is reset.
(A given encounter only rewards players once a week)
That answers my question perfectly, thanks. <3Actually, Raids, Strikes and PvP require PS+. Story and Explore modes don't require PS+
Well that was a quick response. Is this one of the reasons for no matchmaking? I'm assuming you can't sub in new players in the save state.
That answers my question perfectly, thanks. <3
Next, what does cause a particular mode to be flagged Plus? Not "offers matchmaking," apparently, nor "offers multiplayer."
We store insertion points for you each week.
You can resume where you and your group left off. That way, you can play an encounter or two, call it a night, get back together and pick up later in the week.
Each week, your progress and loot eligibility is reset.
(A given encounter only rewards players once a week)
We store insertion points for you each week.
You can resume where you and your group left off. That way, you can play an encounter or two, call it a night, get back together and pick up later in the week.
Each week, your progress and loot eligibility is reset.
(A given encounter only rewards players once a week)
God forbid we're encouraged to be social and communicate with others
Sounds awesome.We store insertion points for you each week.
You can resume where you and your group left off. That way, you can play an encounter or two, call it a night, get back together and pick up later in the week.
Each week, your progress and loot eligibility is reset.
(A given encounter only rewards players once a week)
We store insertion points for you each week.
You can resume where you and your group left off. That way, you can play an encounter or two, call it a night, get back together and pick up later in the week.
Each week, your progress and loot eligibility is reset.
(A given encounter only rewards players once a week)
God forbid we're encouraged to be social and communicate with others for one game mode in a game filled with shit to do that doesn't require any of the aforementioned.
I can't decide if that thread would be more or less whiny than this thread.
is ign first over?
God forbid we're encouraged to be social and communicate with others for one game mode i.
Why not? Im sure there are lots of people on GAF that would love to try a raid with you.Guess I won't be doing any raids then. Disappointing since the rest of the game was so fun.
Guess I won't be doing any raids then. Disappointing since the rest of the game was so fun.
Same here.Guess I won't be doing any raids then. Disappointing since the rest of the game was so fun.
I live in a small country in south east asia with a relatively small install base that is split over three consoles (4 if the PS3 has this game as well, I haven't been following the news). And the people that I play games with probably won't pick this up.Why not? Im sure there are lots of people on GAF that would love to try a raid with you.
No see, part of the Destiny raid experience is trawling various internet forums before you do a thing.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=856555Can someone link me Destiny GAF? Thanks!
A couple of things:We store insertion points for you each week.
You can resume where you and your group left off. That way, you can play an encounter or two, call it a night, get back together and pick up later in the week.
Each week, your progress and loot eligibility is reset.
(A given encounter only rewards players once a week)
A couple of things:
1) My fingers are crossed very, very tightly for worthwhile loot rewards from the raid. Borderlands 2's idea of a typical raid reward was middling loot and a random (7-10) helping of one of its secondary currencies, which were used to buy guns that were typically not worth using. Raids initially had a 24-hour lockout, but that was lifted when the community raised enough of a stink, partly because you needed 120 currency items to buy one of those "meh" weapons. So yeah, serious concern.
2) You owe me 229 steak dinners, Mr. Smith. Or that's what my Halo 3 medal count says, anyway.
Yeah, too bad all of the tools you need to organize and prepare a team for a raid aren't even present in this game. If they were, then I think a lot less people would be so upset of over the lack of matchmaking.
While Im not personally offendedFor real though. The inclusion of insertion points makes the absence of matchmaking even more baffling.. drops and team inconsistency are much less of an issue if you don't have to play the whole 5 hour experience in one shot and can save every 1/4 of the way or whatever and come back to later.
The idea we need these features omitted in order to form a proper team bond is kind of offensive, IMO.
The fact that WoW incorporated a Raid matchmaking system themselves should be evidence enough that its a good idea to implement that type of system. They have the matchmaking system already in place, cant believe they arent going to use it.Yes, in WoW or other MMOs you have ingame guilds, you have calendars (or calendar addons), you can chat with People (written and voice).
Where do you group up in Destiny ? Not at the Tower, but in forums and other non game related places, because there are no tools that support groups or guilds.
Not having matchmaking just makes the content tedious to access, it's not preventing people from failing.
Easily the biggest issue in this game.God forbid a game dev implement social features that give people the ability to do just that. Which is something that has existed in games since the 90s.
The fact that WoW incorporated a Raid matchmaking system themselves should be evidence enough that its a good idea to implement that type of system. They have the matchmaking system already in place, cant believe they arent going to use it.
Sounds better than trying to complete an extremely challenging raid with 5 randoms with no mics and you have no idea how long everyone can play and having people drop out of the game and not co-operating ect, ect.
You can also find people in destiny. I met randoms in the tower and had them join my fireteam to do strikes with.
We store insertion points for you each week.
You can resume where you and your group left off. That way, you can play an encounter or two, call it a night, get back together and pick up later in the week.
Each week, your progress and loot eligibility is reset.
(A given encounter only rewards players once a week)
I dont see how this would be any better than having matchmaking, in fact it would limit the player resource pool since the tower is really not that populated. I think what bungie really needs to do is if they want to create a barrier to entry then do it with in game mechanics. Require a specific gear level, or some type of checklist that ensures a certain level of dedication to the game.It might have been possible if I could have jumped into the Tower (you know, A CENTRAL HUB?) and ask if any of them wanted to Raid. If anything, The Tower would have been a handy place to quickly set up a Raid.
We store insertion points for you each week.
You can resume where you and your group left off. That way, you can play an encounter or two, call it a night, get back together and pick up later in the week.
Each week, your progress and loot eligibility is reset.
(A given encounter only rewards players once a week)