Valkyri von Thanatos
Yes, it's a bad thing. Player choice doesn't mean anything if the 'consequences' of choice are nonexistent. If anything it's less freeform when you can do everything because there's no creativity, it's all being spoon fed (Hey, sneak in through the window, OR shoot the dude in the front, OR hack the lights and shut them off, and then also do the other ones if you want, no big deal).
The original Deus Ex gave you enough points to mix and match what you wanted to create your own way through each encounter, and the engine and game design were very open ended. It wasn't 'the stealth way' and 'the combat way' it was 'what combat encounters can I handle, do I want to handle them or search for a way through that my build will support, if I'm going stealthily there's still 4 different ways into the building, one might require hacking, one might require lockpicking, one might be a tighter timing window to avoid detection, one might involve some kills'...
I mean, HR was a fantastic game, but if there's one major criticism I have of it it was that. For all the shit people give Mass Effect about its shooting, as an RPG it worked great in Deus Ex to enforce your decisions. Using a pistol without the skill is HARDER. not impossible, but absolutely harder. same for anything else.
I tend to agree that it would be best for the to balance the game so that the player has to commit to playstyles, but I also think that it shouldn't be so harsh as to prevent adaptation and trying out new approaches later on. I think that the key is for them to bring back skills, and make those be more about permanent specialized playstyle choices, but have augmentations fulfill more general purposes that maybe allow for flexibility despite skill choices.
I was certainly hoping they'd return in this game, as augs still do not seem to fill the same roles that nano-augs and skills did in DX, there is a little bit of depth missing still. I also hope they bring back swimming in DX5, as it was a neat way to explore that has been abandoned since. I remember accidentally stumbling into Versalife's secret base in Hong Kong through the underwater exit in DX1, and even though in context it doesn't make a ton of sense they have an entrance so easily accessible, it really stood out to me. Plus the Oceanlab was a really cool setting and level. Imagine if Panchaea had flooded sections in HR!