WinFonda said:My solution to you: Buy a PS3 or Xbox 360, or buy them both, and you're "problems" with this generation will largely evaporate. My gut tells me your a stubborn Nintendo fan who simply won't give the other consoles a shot. You feel you have legitimate reasons for keeping away but to everyone else you look bat shit insane.
whitehawk said:. I.. I dont understand. the 360 is like the same price, or a bit more for a pro, than the Wii, and they give you a powerful system with great graphics, but yet you complain.
whitehawk said:Too complicated for my tastes for a console. How so. Its only complicated if want it to be. IF you want it to be simple, just create an account and play online. You dont have to buy DLC, add friends, chat to other people, or even have fun. its all optional.
whitehawk said:I dont see why it really matters too much. I understand exclusives are a large part of a system, but a game is a game, if its fun and enjoyable thats all that matter. plus, most 3rd party games run better on the 360 anyway.
Kintaro said:How on Earth do you find your way around operating a PC if XBLA is too complicated for you?
Guled said:If anything the system with the most creative games this gen is the ps3 (thanks to PSN).
Guled said:DS is a lot more creative, but thats because of the touch screen and popularity, not because its weaker then the psp.
Guled said:you want a dumb down version of XBL am I right? that seems like offing advancements to me. XBL is really simple to use so I dont see the problem.
Yixian said:If you combined the library of the PS3 and 360 you'd just about have an interesting enough collection of games to warrant purchasing a console this generation.
Games is the problem. Japan seems to be in hibernation and the west keeps delaying their triple As.
Yixian said:If you combined the library of the PS3 and 360 you'd just about have an interesting enough collection of games to warrant purchasing a console this generation.
Games is the problem. Japan seems to be in hibernation and the west keeps delaying their triple As.
even with retail games 360 has more creative titles then the wii. Again low tech dose not equal more creativeFlying_Phoenix said:I already stated that I'm talking about full fledged retail games and not downloadable titles.
I do agree, but that has nothing to do with the tech of the systemFlying_Phoenix said:It's actually more so due to the mindset of the developers and the consumers as well as the systems purchasing habits. But that's more so for another topic all together.
XBL is really simple, the only way to make it more simple is by dumbing it downFlying_Phoenix said:When did I state this? I said something more intuitive and simplistic then XBL, not dumbing it down.
SecretBonusPoint said:From your wants list, I would strongly recommend PS3, but with a focus on PSN Download Games. You want some more creative less tech heavy shooty games, then PSN is the shit for you, often at crazy prices. For quirky japanese titles, despite the slew of average 360 jRPG's, the PS3 provides titles like Noby Noby Boy, Valkyria, a proper new Katamari on the way and Sony's own japanese studios who seem to make an awful lot of PSN games.
Also you wont see any PS3 exclusives headed to PC often, so you can scratch that worry off as well.
tedtropy said:I'm having a hard time thinking how they could water down the interface to Live anymore without it being frustratingly limited, but I'm curious to hear your suggestions...
Guled said:even with retail games 360 has more creative titles then the wii. Again low tech dose not equal more creative
Guled said:I do agree, but that has nothing to do with the tech of the system
Guled said:XBL is really simple, the only way to make it more simple is by dumbing it down
SecretBonusPoint said:Sorry dude, but if you have a top of the line PC to play all these ports of next gen games competently, then price shouldn't be an issue for you at all.
Gully State said:Honestly I get the impression that the underlying statement the OP is trying to make is that console gaming is too close to PC gaming. Console games in previous generation have always differed enough from PC gaming to warrant their purchase. However, in this gen, PC and console gaming overlap that more direct comparisons can be made that basically defines console gaming as PC gaming but on a restrictive closed platform.
The wii really should've been that distinctive console but outside first party support and a handful of 3rd party games, developers just have no idea how to utilize the hardware properly.
Yes that would help a lot considering there are great 3rd party games alongside the high quality 1st part offerings. And the PSN has a tremendous amount of great games not on other platforms.AdamChrisH said:PS3... I've got a Wii and 360 and it covers 99% of bases, the other 1% I can live without. Stuff like Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, it's out on the 360 as well, so I have no need for the PS3. Perhaps I'd have felt the same about the 360 if I had got a PS3 before it.
LAMBO said:PC gaming can be cheaper if you consider how much less the games cost. I buy consoles for their exclusives which is less and less every year.
Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Orange Box, Left 4 Dead, Viva Pinata, LBP, need I go on. Plus its funny how you discount PSN and XBLA because you know it will blow your argument out of the water. Again low tech dose no way mean more creativity.Flying_Phoenix said:Please list me 360 games at retail that are as creative as Madworld, Zack and Wiki, Boom Blox, and No More Heroes.
what? as you can see, 3rd party developers go more for the ps3/360. Plus again low tech dose no way mean more creativityFlying_Phoenix said:Actually it very well does. If you are putting out a system that is a monster house chances are after spending all that money it probably is a monsterhouse. That's why Nintendo focused on the "creativity" aspect of the DS and Wii in order to attract developers.
whats not simple about XBL?Flying_Phoenix said:I couldn't really see that when I tried it. Then again it's been quite a while since I have and from my understanding didn't Microsoft retweak a lot of things with the Xbox interface and the likes lately?
Crackdown, Skate, Geometry Wars 2, Gears of War, Assassins creed, Mass Effect (The only RPG ive ever enjoyed besides Pokemon.)Guled said:Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Orange Box, Left 4 Dead, Viva Pinata, LBP, need I go on. Plus its funny how you discount PSN and XBLA because you know it will blow your argument out of the water. Again low tech dose no way mean more creativity.
Cheech said:If OP thinks Live is too weird to use, stay the hell away from the PS3's non-unified online.
I think the OP does actually want a 360. Another disillusioned Wii-only owner, of which there are plenty.
And, this thread need at least one ackbar.gif before fading into the ether.
firex said:I feel like all 3 consoles this gen suck. The Wii gets very few games that I actually want to play (thank god it has Mario and RE4, and that it's getting Klonoa) but is otherwise all right. PS3/360 are dumbed down PCs with inferior controls and inferior versions of games that wind up going to PC later, and are too expensive. At least the DS and PSP are pretty good.
But then, PC gaming is the best gaming system of all time, so it's not that fair to compare it to the console market.
Cheech said:If OP thinks Live is too weird to use, stay the hell away from the PS3's non-unified online.
I think the OP does actually want a 360. Another disillusioned Wii-only owner, of which there are plenty.
And, this thread need at least one ackbar.gif before fading into the ether.
Guled said:Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Orange Box, Left 4 Dead, Viva Pinata, LBP, need I go on.
Guled said:Plus its funny how you discount PSN and XBLA because you know it will blow your argument out of the water.
Guled said:what? as you can see, 3rd party developers go more for the ps3/360. Plus again low tech dose no way mean more creativity
Guled said:whats not simple about XBL?
I'm kinda with you there. There is something for everyone on all platforms. Threads like this almost serve as an excuse to bash any of said consoles/handhelds/PC.zaidr said:OP is a hypocrite. He has a gaming PC, but thinks the 360 is complicated, and PS3 is too expensive. Troll Thread.
zaidr said:OP is a hypocrite. He has a gaming PC, but thinks the 360 is complicated, and PS3 is too expensive. Troll Thread.
Cheech said:I think the OP does actually want a 360. Another disillusioned Wii-only owner, of which there are plenty.
whitehawk said:Crackdown, Skate, Geometry Wars 2, Gears of War, Assassins creed, Mass Effect (The only RPG ive ever enjoyed besides Pokemon.)
LiquidMetal14 said:I'm kinda with you there. There is something for everyone on all platforms. Threads like this almost serve as an excuse to bash any of said consoles/handhelds/PC.
Zhuk said:You should undoubtedly get an Xbox 360, give Xbox LIVE a chance and you will find that it is quite simple an intuitive, anyone who has played PC gaming would find it a walk in the park. In most cases you can pop a game in and push two buttons and you will be in a game playing happily along.
The Xbox 360's architecture is considered to be well designed with developers kept in mind as it has from the start been about ease of development coupled with familiarity of the platform which is in many ways similar to the PC and countless development houses have praised the Xbox 360's ease of use when developing their titles.
Furthermore, consider that the Xbox 360 has many exclusive titles from Japanese studios this generation from studios such as Namco Banda and it has numerous JRPG's that do not appear on PC.
One thing you should also add to your equation is Xbox LIVE Arcade, which has countless great titles on it that appeal to those who aren't core gamers, many of them with great multiplayer support.
Price wise, the Xbox 360 is easily the best value for money, if you don't want or need a HDD get the Arcade or if you want one get the Pro.
Cheech said:Another disillusioned Wii-only owner, of which there are plenty.
Most of the games you list could have been on PSN/XBLA or retail and done just as well if not better. Also, PSN/XBLA are not just for pick up and play games. Look at Siren, Watchmen, Warhawk, Whipout HD, they have as much content/production values as retail games. The HD systems cover the big budget and smaller titles. Ignoring PSN/XBLA just because of its pick up and play is totally being ignorant. Also, save LBP all those games are on 360. Again low tech dose not equal more creative and your a fool for believing in thatFlying_Phoenix said:Maybe I should reword with what I'm trying to say here. With lower tech people will be willing to tolerate a gameplay formula or a style of game because it doesn't seem as non-belonging on the platform then it does on a higher end one. For an example of this think of why 2D games and shoot-em-ups died from console retail. They just couldn't compete with the gun-ho 3D games the market was adjusted to. This is why there is Xbox Live Arcade and PSN as they are dedicated for many small games. But the thing is that games for the 360 and PS3 on those services tend to be very short and and "pick up and play" from what I've noticed. It's the reason why games like "Aquaria" (and from my knowledge please correct me if I'm wrong) "The Ship" applied for the services but didn't make the cut. They were too "epic" and "full fledged" for the service. And they obviously can't go to retail because well they'll get eaten alive hence why such few games of such caliber are shown up at retail.
While I do agree with some of your examples (Little Big Planet and Viva Pinate) these are AAA developed games. What happens with all the developers in the middle?
This is what I mean with games like Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, Trauma Center, Munchables, A Boy and His Blob, Muramasa, Blast Works, and Madworld as they all seem to be the games in that middle. Most these games either wouldn't fly or get much attention on the PS3/360 due to their design fundlementals (mostly not being "up with the times" but on a lower end console like the Wii in which people don't think of what the current standard in "epicness" (best word I can think of) is then they have a much better shot. Hence Trauma Center and No More Heroes modest successes.
Also your pulling in games from multiple platforms. 3 against 1? How is that fair?
Do you Feel that there isn't a Console that appeals to you this generation?
This whole thread is obviously a stealth troll against HD consoles. Having more power to work with just gives developers more options. For example, if they don't want to put the time into building highly detailed graphics assets, they could just use part of the extra power to do 1080p with lots of AA and AF at 60fps.Flying_Phoenix said:Wow what an ignorant post. Try reading the OP. I stated I'd prefer a console to be simplistic and having ease of use online as well as having lower tech so developers can focus more on creativity then pushing hardware as they do on the Wii and DS. And I'm "dumb" for this?
Orellio said:If so... build a gaming quality PC
Red Scarlet said:I'm perfectly fine with my DS, PC, and older systems. I'll probably never get a 360, and I don't see anything I want for a Wii or PS3 that justifies their price at the moment. Older games I never got around to getting are a goooooooo.