BoobPhysics101 said:
Bravo. This post is excellent.
I find it hilarious that anyone in this thread brings up driving physics - yeah, these games are leaps and bounds above Gran Turismo 1-3, but I doubt 99% of the people in this thread even KNOW what real track 'driving physics' (lol) feel like.
I'm sorry, but until you've experienced hitting 1.0+ g's in a turn while simultaneously balancing the car on an razor's edge and hitting the limits of traction while keeping the wheel steady, feeling rather than seeing the breaking point through chassis feedback and tire feedback and modulating throttle all at the same time, shut up about driving physics/feel because NONE of these games simulate that and you don't know what it should feel like anyways. :\
Hell, these games don't even get alignment correct - using real life track alignment on the cars in the games doesn't have the same affect on cars as it does in real world, same with roll bars etc.
Well, I will tell you a story. You will read it, you will acknowledge what it tells but in matter of one page from now you will completely forget it in order to fully back up your personal opinion.
I run a small dedicated virtual-racing community fro more than 5 years now. We also have more than 10 years of legacy since founders of the community are virtually and practically racing together fro more than decade.
Among our *founder* members are Croatian rally vice-champion with FIA experience and FIA license, guy who races for 20 years and have made tens of thousands of kilometres in both racing, rallying and testing all types of cars available on every surface known to man.
Another member is professional drifter, long-time member of Croatian Drifting Team and guy who invested everything he have to satisfy his real-ife passion for cars.
Third guy is semi-professional motorbike racer, avid car enthusiast and tester for cars.
Besides them, many of us who are not into real-life professional racing on daily basis have had a chance to take our real-life cars to race tracks and race them there during many Test Track drives with real cars, on real tracks and real racing conditions. So we pretty much know
"what it should feel like anyways". Majority of *founder* members are people aged 32 and above - average is almost 35 at this point - with driving licences, cars and shared passion for automotive in general.
During past decade we all spontaneously gathered around Gran Turismo series. Worth noting is how all of us have also virtually raced all other racing games, mainly PC simulations: from Geoff Crammond GP series, rFactor, GTR games, GT Legends, LFS, Richard Burns Rally, NetKar, iRacing to all imaginable *simcade* console racers.
But at the end we all just stopped playing all of those other games and focused are passion in Gran Turismo.
When you ask our pro-rally guy what he finds accurate in Gran Turismo he will always say that no other game can capture feel of tires on the surface and to the force feedback wheel as good as GT games does. He highlights handling of the chasis and simulation of suspension over slopes as example that no other game can match. His favorite example of real-life accuracy is driving a RUF BTR on Sports Hard tires what he finds an ultimate simulation of tire/suspension behaviour in the genre.
Our drift-guy highlights low-speed physics and behaviour of comfort-hard tires/suspension modelling with pin-point perfect accuracy of handling as something that no other driving game can achieve. He plays LFS for ultimative low-speed-physics experience, but he finds LFS lacking very much in suspension department.
Our bike-guy also highlights tire/suspension behaviour and feel of the vehicle on the force feedback wheel. He also highlights Tourist Trophy as a game that introduced him to world of Polyphony Digital simulations and he finds it the best bike-simulator game ever conceived that led him to overcome scepticism towards consoles and bite into GT series without prejudice.
I personally have deep passion for implementation of sensation of tire-threshold through force feedback wheels. No other game I know allows me such smooth and precise handling with other cars in close vicinity. No other game puts so much emphasis on road cars, racing stock-value cars on regular compounds. No other game allows for such vast variety of vehicles/classes and types of vehicles. Also I have deep respect to unique maintenance/ownership philosophy of GT series that no other game even tries to compete with and which I find both intriguing and worth admiring from perspective of overal genre. Those are just some of the reasons I love GT series more than other driving games.
All of us also agree about another point - we want to see a game that will make all things above better than GT series does. We want to find that game that will make us to elevate current levels of virtual driving-sensation as GT series does. During past 7 years all of us were very interested in all new franchises that tried to walk the path that GT series established. We tried everything, from Enthusia over Sega GT, Ferrari Challenge games, Shift games, Codemasters titles, we tried to embrace new PC titles, some of members of my community invested a small fortunes into iRacing and rFactor... Few of us got into Forza series from the very beginning and very serious and we really hoped it will evolve into something that will allow us the same level of commitment into creating a believable virtual sensation of racing. But it just didn't happened. Everything came back to Gran Turismo.
Why? I really can't give you any logical and simple explanation. It is just matter of subjective and personal feel. We are all aware the many shortcomings of Gran Turismo. But we are also aware there is no perfect driving simulation outthere. We unanimously agree how all shortcomings of GT are vastly being overcome by its real accomplishments. When all of us put everything on the table, there is no driving game that can give as an allrounded experience as GT series provides.
More than ten years ago I said that many driving games maybe have something that Gran Turismo series does not have, but how no other driving game have what Gran Turismo has.
Once decade later and nothing has changed. At least not for me, and not for majority of members of my community who are still trying to find a game that will deliver the same amount of passion for automotive and actual driving sensation as GT series does on everyday basis. Until that day Gran Turismo series really remains the indisputable winner in category it basically invented 14 years ago. As far as virtual recreation of sensation of actual driving can go with technology affordable to mortal people, Gran Turismo really is the only real driving simulator. And as far as we are concerned - it is the only thing that really matters.