This is the sneaky part of our discussion that most people don't want to have here. The idea that comparing GamePass to Netflix as a 1-to-1 is flawed for the reasons
stated. It's just different and that's okay. But this reason (amongst others) are way GamePass can't out grow the console. Unless they are looking to completely change their business model.
And if they are willing to do that, I can't consider that "outgrowing" consoles. It's just changing away from the console business.
Honestly I know there are promotional offers where you can get Gamepass for cheap with 3 years paid off. But I'm talking about the regular Gamepass. If I paid for it I'd actually be spending more money to be honest based on my going habits.
For example if say I'm interested in a game like Monster Hunter that's on Gamepass, it's a type of game I'd be hooked on for like 7 months just playing that 1 game alone. If I paid for Gamepass for that game that would be £11 a month in the UK. So that's £88 to enjoy Monster Hunter for 8 months. Then when I stop paying I lose access. I'd actually be better off paying for the game and keep it forever instead of subscribing to Gamepass. I could just purchase the game for £50, play it for 8 months, then resell the game for £25 in 8 months. So that would cost me £25 to enjoy Monster Hunter for 8 months in comparison to Gamepass. Now you can argue Gamepass is cheaper if I buy a year sub. However with a year sub, let's say I want to play a game that's not on Gamepass, so I purchase a game that I'm interested in, and play that. Now I'd be wasting my Gamepass sub while playing the purchased game as you cannot pause the sub.
People think they saving a ton of money with Gamepass, but the reality is you are better off buying games used, trading in, waiting for sales and have control of which game you actually want to play instead of being locked into a sub. Gamepass is good for a certain audience the type of audience who plays a ton of games and doenst mind just being restricted to what's on Gamepass. And yes there is a few people in that audience who can actually play that many games a year, but I struggle to believe that audience is as big as people think in this forum. I'm not exactly a busy man myself I have a very easy job, a side hussle where I'm studying for another career move, I have a wife and child I spend my time with, then I have other hobbies like gym, TV movies and etc majority of the world have people like me, and those people can only play a handful of games.