Relax warrior.
We're two weeks into this new generation.
You've already been banned many times for fan flaming threads.
My "HD Ready" TV from 2008 is ready.Xbox Series S
This.The consoles just launched. Let’s talk about this a year from now.
This thread will age like milk.
Too late.
Let’s start the generation first. I’m not sure Xbox should be let off the hook for a disappointing launch showing, but there’s wisdom, perhaps accidental, in the cries to wait.
Give developers time to settle in with both consoles. Give the opportunity for games to start drilling down and using those hardware features without the pressures of launch and 2020. Give genuine next-gen games the chance to release on both.
Then we can talk. And who knows which way it’ll go? Maybe the PS5 will pull ahead even further. But we’ll have a good sample size, and the generation will be well underway for us to make these judgements.
Best way to avoid looking like an ass later.
I keep reading that since 2013...The consoles just launched. Let’s talk about this a year from now.
This premature thread reeks of "STOP THE COUNT!" vibes. What are you afraid of?
I keep reading that since 2013...
The gen just started for what, a month?
We cant make any decisions until 3 years.
This like dating a girl for one month and having her ask you when you think yall about to get married and have kids :|
The gen just started for what, a month?
We cant make any decisions until 3 years.
This like dating a girl for one month and having her ask you when you think yall about to get married and have kids :|
Change this to "best performing console" please, thanks!
Star Wars Squadrons is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Rocket League 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Call of Duty Warzone is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
this is by far the biggest difference we had. All the other difference you mentioned in those games are not even noticeable. We need to zoom in 1000% to see a difference. We need to play the game in slow motion to see a difference. We need to have DF TELL US what the difference is.
When the opposition platform become this desperate for a win, it's safe say they probably feel deep inside that they've wasted money. They just don't want to admit it yet
Star Wars Squadrons is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Rocket League 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Call of Duty Warzone is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
this is by far the biggest difference we had. All the other difference you mentioned in those games are not even noticeable. We need to zoom in 1000% to see a difference. We need to play the game in slow motion to see a difference. We need to have DF TELL US what the difference is.
Star Wars Squadrons is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Rocket League 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Call of Duty Warzone is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
this is by far the biggest difference we had. All the other difference you mentioned in those games are not even noticeable. We need to zoom in 1000% to see a difference. We need to play the game in slow motion to see a difference. We need to have DF TELL US what the difference is.
The fact that this poll has ps5 declared as the generation winner for mutiplatform games 2 weeks after launch is deeply disturbing. Seriously?
The guy has a weird obsession with me. Event sent me strange and disturbing PM for some reason. Not quite right in the head, I'll leave it there.
2 Weeks after release vs 7 months before release
|OT| Xbox Power King Memes
Rather than fill up *every* thread with gloating memes ... let’s just do it here so not every PlayStation fan has to endure the suffering of their personal embarrassment in all places at all
I find curious this idea many people have that Xbox tools will mature and improve, but ps5 tools are going to be static or get worse.
Where is the logic behind this?
PS5 was going to be the best place to play anyway because of the controller but the better performance is icing on the cake
The gen barely started, I'm sure there is plenty of room for improvement on both sides. But with Sony APIs usually being lower level than MS and with MS usually having a higher overhead OS and APIs (and the switch to a general GDK doesn't help here), it means the gap is smaller than the theoretical Flop count. This will be, at most, the gen of true parity.I think the arguement there is that the Sony ones were worked on longer before launch and we're already refined, where as the xbox one's were not. (For whatever reason) Not sure if its true, but if it was thats where they may be able to make up some ground.
Perhaps the hardcore fanboys but me personally I’d still say wait until more games come out and the consoles mature more if the scenario was flipped. Launch games are never the best indicator of a consoles true strength, but more importantly just enjoy the damn games and stop caring if one is stronger than the other. That’s not specifically to you, just in general. It’s gotten really bad around here lately.Indeed. One thing to ponder is if half of the people saying "wait" would actually opine the same if it was the XSX outperforming the PS5 consistently. More like the general opinion would be that it's a forgone conclusion for XSX to be the home for multiplats on consoles because "It's the most powerful console" and the results "confirm it". "Why doubt?" "Why wait for some PS5 secret optimization sauce?" "Are you crazy?" The "As expected" takes.... right? No double takes, no hesitation - an undebatable given. The conditioning prior to launch doing its work, as laid out by marketing/press. But things haven't turned out "according to that conditioning" per say. That's where the cognitive dissonance is at play - deep down some folks still believe there is a chance for it to somehow flip to the outcome they were built up to expect - even if they have no way of truly explaining how or when. On the flipside it's fair to have a wait to see reaction (not that a vote is a life or death decision lmao) but we can't ignore some of the reasons as to why that is - which is definitely not just genuine caution. Then there is always those who would like to avoid drawing a line in the sand.... prefer the diplomatic approach until they deem wiser to opine - in fear of ridicule ("neutrals" and such). People often go along with the current. It's all funny to watch unfold.
I keep reading that since 2013...
People gravitate towards drama. If it’s truly a pain point, they’d stay out of the related discussions no doubt.The funny thing is, this will continue for the next year. Some people are going to have a very bad time every DF thread that drops.