I really enjoyed the game, but still I have to say Tomb Raider 2013. Fat too much killing, collectibles, XP, weapon upgrading, etc. All completely unnecessary.
I would say Syndicate. It is, at best, a middling shooter that was trading on the name of a classic of an entirely different genre. Visually it was unspectacular, it tried to ride on the (hopefully dead) wave of dubstep with its trailer. The game itself is merely "mediocre" but the idea and intentions behind the game are just sinful.
Multiplayer Coop on the other hand is great.I would say Syndicate. It is, at best, a middling shooter that was trading on the name of a classic of an entirely different genre. Visually it was unspectacular, it tried to ride on the (hopefully dead) wave of dubstep with its trailer. The game itself is merely "mediocre" but the idea and intentions behind the game are just sinful.
Tomb Raider
* Removed the game's signature play-style (optional tombs that are now the size of rooms) and chose to focus on violence as the core gameplay.
* Added gruesome execution animations. Because how are we supposed to sympathize with a character if we're not plunging pick-axes into skulls?
* Platforming has been simplified to the point of being almost fully automated.
* Shoe-horned multiplayer nobody asked for.
* Shoe-horned crafting and skill systems.
* Focus on trial and error QTEs to add cinematic flair and tension.
* Overuse of the running-away-as-everything-falls-apart-around you schtick.
* All DLC is multiplayer versus content nobody asked for.
Its a gorgeous, immaculately crafted set of environments, but in terms of gameplay its less than mediocre. In terms of Tomb Raider gameplay its criminal.
I know plenty of people love it, but I can only imagine what they'd say if one of their favorite single player series got the same treatment.
It really should have been the entire game. Just a fully fleshed out co-op.Multiplayer Coop on the other hand is great.
Another good candidate.Assassin's Creed III.
Unpolished, messy, down right broken mission design.
Depthless and pathetically easy combat (when it actually works).
Convoluted narrative built up on a foundation of nonsense.
Unlikeable main character.
Extremely poor PC port. Good luck getting 60 fps in the city on ANY setting. (7970 for me)
Fucking U-Play.
And this is coming from someone that actually liked Brotherhood and Revelations (aside from that god-awful tower defense mode and some down right silly missions.
Diablo 3
Diablo 3
Complete disregard for the series traditions and history in attempt to create a cash cow. And this is after teasing us for years. Most of the extra time probably went to reworking the combat system a dozen times and creating the infrastructure for the bull shit RMAH.
diablo 3 and simcity take the cake here. ridiculously cynical, blatant cash grabs by EA that resulted in busted games, just because
Diablo 3. No question about it. Completely fucked over their core audience before ultimately treating them like beta testers for the eventual console release. Disgusting. Add to that the always online requirements, little replayability and eternally high price and it becomes an even worse joke.
Tomb Raider
* Removed the game's signature play-style (optional tombs that are now the size of rooms) and chose to focus on violence as the core gameplay.
* Added gruesome execution animations. Because how are we supposed to sympathize with a character if we're not plunging pick-axes into skulls?
* Platforming has been simplified to the point of being almost fully automated.
* Shoe-horned multiplayer nobody asked for.
* Shoe-horned crafting and skill systems.
* Focus on trial and error QTEs to add cinematic flair and tension.
* Overuse of the running-away-as-everything-falls-apart-around you schtick.
* All DLC is multiplayer versus content nobody asked for.
Its a gorgeous, immaculately crafted set of environments, but in terms of gameplay its less than mediocre. In terms of Tomb Raider gameplay its criminal.
I know plenty of people love it, but I can only imagine what they'd say if one of their favorite single player series got the same treatment.
Tomb Raider 2013
Trying to copy games that made money in hopes of cashing in but feeling flat instead.
Shitty story and some of the worst written characters ever
Intrusive elements that destroy exploration (Listen Mode highlighting collectables, game tells you when close to a tomb, etc.)
Waves of enemies with obvious spawning mechanic
Lack of fun weapons (the bow was the only thing that made it bearable)
Also, more in the story category, but that ending was ridiculously stupid.
Uncharted 2, and probably TLOU
Amir0x said:Uncharted 2 is a decent game for me. I don't mean to imply it's bad. I feel, however, it is fairly emblematic of the problem with modern game design: it's about a developer's ego getting in the way of every opportunity for a player to meaningfully interact with a game.
Everything must be spelled out. ledges must be super obvious, no exploration or effort required to find where to go next. Platforming plays itself, you might as well not even interact with it at all with how basic and simple it is. You basically have to actively try to kill yourself on purpose for there to be any chance of death. The windows for jump timing are so ridiculously massive as to be pointless. There is no tension when ledges or windows or whatever break, because you know you're never in any danger for your character; it's all scripted nonsense meant to look cool, not actually play cool.
The same extends to every aspect of U2 that isn't the shooting itself. And the shooting suffers from typical game problems - enter an arena, take out a set number of guards, then move on. At least the gunplay itself was actually quite solid, or else there'd be nothing from the gameplay to latch onto.
These are part of cinematic game experiences where everything is basically a long elaborate hallway with little-to-no deviation so you remove the joy of exploration and the skill related to discovery in of itself; you remove any challenge of platforming thus subverting any tension or enjoyment one can get from navigating obstacles; your puzzles are comically simple to the point of being borderline insulting to one's intelligence; the shooting is the only gameplay related thing in U2 I can praise.
The visuals are spectacular, the soundtrack wonderful, and the shooting can be engaging from a mechanical perspective. But so much of the time is spent by the developer holding your hand and just pretending to allow you to interact, it's just like someone with the world's biggest ego got into a game and kept squealing everytime somebody dared stray from the cutscene-setpiece-cutscene through hallways set up.
And this basic format, which is also partially Gears of War's fault, continues to now play itself over and over in game after game. It has destroyed Tomb Raider forever, ruined countless games.
I want a few simple thing from games: rewarding and skill-based gameplay, the ability for a game to respect my intelligence and not spell everything out for me, the ability not to be forced to sit through your miserable story that reads like some elaborate fanfiction by some cocaine-addled 7th grader.
Modern game design is improving the visual direction but is so regressive to old game design in so many ways it's almost shocking. Like one developer said, commenting only about FPS but which could apply to most genres: 'Back in the day [games] were often mazes of brilliantly designed and intuitive rooms and arenas, but no doubt they were much uglier. [Games] today are gorgeous and over-the-top and explosive, but most of the time you spend it going through pop-and-stop hallways with little to no regard for level design."
Grand Theft Auto IV
Meandering, directionless bullshit wrapped up in an unappealing "being a criminal is awesome" shell.
the new tomb raider. it's everything wrong with this generation in one package.
Lol, it's not even out yet and you have no idea what the final product will be like. Posts like this are ridiculous and make you look ridiculous.Titanfall.
Haha, this is a good point. But I'd argue its worse in the case of Tomb Raider. Uncharted is what it is and always has been. Tomb Raider literally shed what made it unique in order to make itself an even *better* Uncharted clone.While I totally agree, I believe we need to go deeper for the source of the problem there. That was all aping game design from games which already staked the claim to 'everything wrong with this generation'