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Himuro said:It really is amazing we got this series localized. If this were like, 10 years ago, we'd never see PW released here.
ninj4junpei said:
ninj4junpei said:
Dahlia is so awesome, I really like her theme as well. AA3 end spoilers -Hcoregamer00 said:So true, I bet that they never expected to be so popular in the states.
Each game sells around 50k-100k which is very good for a very NICHE title. Not to mention a lot of people play it through other means that are not as legal, which is why the Phoenix Wright cosplay gathering was one of the biggest ones in Anime Expo 2007 and 2008.
Here are two pictures from AX 2008
Hell the only cosplay gathering that was bigger was the Naruto one, and you know how Naurto fans could be like.
Himuro said:![]()
I keep my LTTP threads alive.
Furthur investigation shows that it's the manga.Death_Born said:What the--? Is this some kind of actual book based on the Phoenix Wright games? If so, that would be....fuck-awesome!!!
XiaNaphryz said:Dahlia is so awesome, I really like her theme as well
ninj4junpei said:Furthur investigation shows that it's the manga.
Maybe there is hope that Capcom will release the artbook over here, as well.;_;
I don't know of any. I'd suggest looking at Play-Asia to get an idea of what has been released.Grecco said:is there a list of all phoenix wright related stuff released? i wonder if i can make a cvxfreak like collection of PW stuff
Grecco said:is there a list of all phoenix wright related stuff released? i wonder if i can make a cvxfreak like collection of PW stuff
I had that spoiled for me long before I played PW3. :\Himuro said:IS THAT GODOT UNMASKED?
Damnit Himuro, finish the game already...Himuro said:IS THAT GODOT UNMASKED?
Hcoregamer00 said:Here is a collection of my Ace Attorney stuff.
USA released stuff
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
- Ace Attorney 2: Justice for All
- Ace Attorney 3: Trials and Tribulations
- Ace Attorney 4: Apollo justice
JPN released stuff
- Gyakuten meets orchestra
- Gyakuten Saiban Official Artbook (cost me $45, but it was so worth it)
- Franziska Figure
- Phoenix Wright Figure
- Maya Figure
- Phoenix Wright Manga v.1
- Gyakuten Saiban 2 DS
- Gyakuten Saiban 3 DS
- Gyakuten Saiban 3 fanbook
XiaNaphryz said:
I hate Lotta HeartHimuro said:How could anyone hate Godot?
In fact, I don't hate ANY character in PW. There's no bad character. There are some characters I'm not too FOND of like Oldbag, but over all, I like pretty much every character. Except Mia. Mia can go to hell. Bitch needs to stay dead!!!
My favorite PW characters:
1. Phoenix
2. The judge
3. Gumshoe
Also, I love the ferocity that is the court room in Ace Attorney. I get sooo into it and it's like a movie or cartoon or something aside from when I have to present evidence, I pause and think for a bit. The flow of court battles is really amazing when you get into it. The "OBJECTION" things add to it I think.
Grecco said:Ive got the Artbook (Cost me 50 lol) and the 4 games gotta start cracking on the other stuff. I was wondering can you get the Attorney badges? Silly question i guess.
diss said:PW3 was fucking awesome. Somebody here has an avatar of that evil chick and whenever I see it my skin crawls.
Dahlia is still more evil and you know it.Hcoregamer00 said:I did, I changed it a couple of hours ago because I was inspired by another thread.
I trade one evil chick in the Phoenix Wright story to the ultimate evil chick in the Valkyria Chornicles storyline. Don't worry, I will keep my tradition of having a Villain as part of my avatar.
The difference is that most of you guys wont know how evil my avatar character is until November 2008 ^_^
XiaNaphryz said:Dahlia is still more evil and you know it.
B-Rad Lascelle said:I'm a big PW3 fan. Still underwhelmed by PW4... especially that final case. Hopefully Capcom is making headway in Gyakuten Kenji so we can see a release sometime in 2009. I'm already going through withdrawal.
Himuro said:There's an official release of GS5? I thought the next game we were getting was Perfect Prosecutor? Is that Gyakuten Kenji?
Himuro said:There's an official release of GS5? I thought the next game we were getting was Perfect Prosecutor? Is that Gyakuten Kenji?
If you want I can make a list. It won't be totally complete but it'll have most everything. Play-Asia really doesn't have that much PW merchandise.Grecco said:is there a list of all phoenix wright related stuff released? i wonder if i can make a cvxfreak like collection of PW stuff
She was working on it, until that damn Mia Fey interfered!Hcoregamer00 said:I don't think Dahlia invaded a country and wiped out an entire brigade with the swipe of a sword.
I hate Lotta Heart
No, you just get the regular game over screen, unlike AA2 where you are treated an extra scene.Grecco said:The last case had some awesome moments though.The whole mason system was awesome. it felt like matrix meets sliders jumping to the past and back to solve psylocks. Loved it. The actual trial itself was meh, i actually forgot about the jurist thing till the end and i thought Kristoph was gonna get away with murder, and the whole voting inocent or guilty thing. Do you have a different ending if you stupidly vote guilty?
In recent years? AA1's music was written by 2001...Himuro said:PW1 easily has some of the best music in recent years, but PW2 and 3's soundtracks aren't nearly as good.
I think the Jazz album's version of "Dark Coffee" is better. I think it was announced on the Capcom forums that they were bringing over both the orchetral and Jazz albums of Ace Attorney to North America.SenseiJinx said:Speaking of PW music: does anybody else have the "Gyakuten Saiban meets Orchestra" CD? I imported it a couple of years ago. I did a bit of Google searching, and couldn't find it anywhere right now. But keep your eyes open. It's absolutely brilliant. I cannot stress enough how good it is. Beautifully orchestrated tracks of the best songs from the Phoenix Wright games? YES. You guys wouldn't believe how beautiful "Fragrance of Dark Coffee" (guess who's theme that is!) is. said:...