This better have local lan or some way of playing at tournaments easy or it's gonna sink hard on a competitive level.
For real. I wish the EXVS titles had LAN.
This better have local lan or some way of playing at tournaments easy or it's gonna sink hard on a competitive level.
Aside from them mentioning they're looking into a worldwide release already, simplifying the title from "Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Maxi Boost On Premium Bandai Mk7 Full Armor Next Plus Edition ver. Ka GFT" to just "Gundam Versus" is a good start for a global reintroduction. Plus there's wub wub and inception horns in the trailer music.
I am absolutely ready for this.
Please don't be F2P. Pleaseeeeeeee
I am absolutely ready for this.
Please don't be F2P. Pleaseeeeeeee
This is it. This is the last kick in the pants I needed to force myself to buy a PS4. Was on the edge with The last Gaurdian, Gravity Rush 2, FF7, and Kingdom Hearts, but as Gundam is my favorite franchise it was No Gundam No buy for me.
Until today that is XDDD!!!
G Gundam already got America Gundam.
The game definitely needs LAN if we can convince them because it's really needed for folks that want to play at events. There's no problem with having it in a console only revision because a LAN mode won't eat into arcade profits, lol.
I'm hoping the amount of things you can do in the game beyond 2v2 will be pretty robust so the game can attract more folks that aren't super into PvP games. It also needs better balance than MB ON, lol. As much as I love the GP03 buffs when I was playing it over there, the rest of the cast feel like they're lagging behind the good units right now.
I completely disagree. 2v2 is one of the things that makes EXVS shine so much and it brings a whole different dynamic of gameplay, having you learn not just player specific things like step cancels, nijisute, fuwasute, samekyan, amekyan, etc; it also forces you to learn how to take advantage of the map and positioning and learn how to flank your opponents in a tactical way.
2v2 is absolutely one of the things that made EXVS as popular as it is today and removing it effectively removes a lot of the finer gameplay experiences and skill needed to compete in the game.
They can have a 1v1 mode like in the console versions, but the competitive gameplay absolutely should be 2v2.
What it needs is balance and making the majority of suits competitive. As of the lifespan of EXVS, it has always been an upper tier of a dozen or so broken suits, 25 or so very good suits to use, and the rest are middling or not viable in a competitive setting.
You can't give say vanilla G-Self have all the options of a 3K Full Armor Unicorn, unblock able set ups, stun locks, godlike tracking, in a 2.5K.
You also can't give a unique suit like Kapool shit health and low options.
It's hella jarring to have Banshee Norn be one of the best suits in the game be dominant for multiple version patches, then become one of the worst 3k suits over the span of a single patch.
2v2 doesn't need to go but it needs to be a compelling game outside of 2v2 for players that aren't into it.
Are we ever going to get another game like this one?
I care!
Are we ever going to get another game like this one?
Maybe we did, but I haven't been keeping up with gundam games.
Thanks. I'll check those out.Side Stories for the PS3. And Gundam Unicorn on the PS3 is space based FROM developed goodness.
I think they need to add some western robot as guest roster to make it appeal to worldwide audience.
g-gundam still sucks. Also any chance that this will actually be coming out to the west? Also kinda hope for an easier method of lan play compared to previous games
They localised the Vita game so sure. It's rare for a Japanese PS4 game to not be localised.
Hopefully the Vita game getting localized at all and Cyber Sleuth's higher than anticipated sales mean that Bamco is going to start taking localization efforts more seriously for Gundam and Digimon games going forward.
They localised the Vita game so sure. It's rare for a Japanese PS4 game to not be localised.
you say that but none of the exvs games have come out in the west
Like I said in the post you quoted, they localised the Vita game:!/en...ndle/cid=UP0700-PCSE00915_00-VSTABUNDLE000000
*sees thread, sees gifs*
At least Breaker 3 has an English Asia release.
one game on a handheld doesnt fill me with confidence that bamco is going to release a console version of the series in the west when they havent in the past
one game on a handheld doesnt fill me with confidence that bamco is going to release a console version of the series in the west when they havent in the past
One of the interviews about this game already talked about a global release, fam.
.Being on PS4 should probably help a bit.
So long as they give us LAN, this game may live.
If they don't, it'll be fucking Anarchy Reigns all over again.
small info from famitsu
-the game uses new engine called "NU Library" which was worked on by Julien Merceron (the person who worked on Fox engine at Konami before moving to Bandai Namco)
-the game's development is about 30% complete.
small info from famitsu
-the game uses new engine called "NU Library" which was worked on by Julien Merceron (the person who worked on Fox engine at Konami before moving to Bandai Namco)
-the game's development is about 30% complete.