1. The Last Guardian - Ueda's magnum opus, and another crowning achievement in expanding the language of storytelling in games. Trico is the best animal companion in gaming.
2. Divinity Original Sin 2 - This games does everything a party RPG needs to do exceedingly well : engaging party members, an epic quest, strategic combat. On top of that it has a ridiculous number of ways to complete quests. That it's multiplayer is the icing on the cake, had a blast beating the game with my best friends.
3. Disco Elysium - Some of the best writing in any video game, and a very rare RPG where dialogue failure isn't game over/end of a quest in most cases, making the game one that can be more enjoyable without save scumming.
4. Psychonauts 2 - The best levels in any video game I've played, that weave a story as you explore them, and that change styles constantly as each level is tailor made to the character whose brain you are in. Creative world and a quirky, lovable cast of characters.
5. God of War 2018 - A beautifully crafted, violent journey of father and son. The more resources spent on Atreus, the more he grows and is useful in combat, which can be seen gradually making it feel so rewarding when the kid whose arrows did barely anything at game start is now performing complex combos with his father, while also summoning spirit animals to help whoop ass.