Well we'll talk more about it when any of your claim is proved or disproved because as of now we barely know anything about enhanced backward compatibility nor was it relevant in anyway to what I was saying.
Because I'd like to understand how you gro from - sure Pc can make a dent in hardware but will recoup in software.
-they pay a lot for their studios and sony fucked up their BC.
Please explain to me what happenned in your brain to connect those subject together ?
Because in all honesty it feels more a "yeah but but no let's bash sony on a totally unrelated subject"
Because all you are doing is speculating with baseless assumptions there.
what I wrote was pretty self-explanatory. let me break it down for you.
- exactly the same venn diagram than makes sense for microsoft, makes sense for sony too,
it doesnt take a genius to figure it out.
- AAA first party studios are very expensive, their location and personnel is a fixed cost greater than what you probably think. If they can recoup this big investment by selling twice as much or even in half time, that is a big success.
- you think death stranding and horizon were released as "lures" for playstation hardware,
well I challenge you to find me even ONE non-console pc owner that said: "wow this motherfucking horizon! I'm buying a playstation now!"
- I said -not for the first time- that in my opinion sony is testing the pc waters and is gathering some metrics, while slowly they will "arm" their studios to be able to develop and test for pc concurrently. that's no small task, it took microsoft's first parties years!
- finally, I said that playstation games coming to pc is a PLUS for playstation owners, because sony has proven to be INCAPABLE of doing backwards compatibility like microsoft. and yes, I've seen the "patents" flying around every time disappointment rises. I am pretty sure though that when ps5 is fully revealed, nothing more than what we already know will have been achieved on b/c.
therefore, mid-longterm
its a plus for you that all sony games on pc will be playable for ever, taking advantage of pc h/w progress, because on sony hardware that's a pretty massive question mark.