Nintendo Voice Chat 45, 5/4/09
Wii Motion +
-Tiger & Grandslam release day and date with WiiMotion+
-Tiger pack in a go!
-you'll want Tiger if you remotely like golf. WM+ makes it awesome
-no Grandslam pack in for North America. Europe, yes. may have something to do with a Virtua Tennis pack in?
-Donkey Kong Jungle Beat and Klonoa reviews tomorrow
-Klonoa: 30 remake with some nice little extras. only problem is boss design shows its age.
-some ranting about Wii-makes and DSi-makes.
-some ranting about the lack of taking advantage of the DSi
-Donkey Kong Jungle Beat: about the same boat as Klonoa, some changes in mechanics, comes recommended.
-apparently one of the best looking games on the Wii, more appartment friendly. Bongos STILL don't work
Hellish E3 Month
-Activision and EA event this week. SEGA, Ubisoft stuff coming
-can't talk about the stuff they're seeing just yet. some may be let through, most probably not til E3.
-alot to come, they're busting ass.
-Multi-player Conduit coming in the next couple weeks. in depth stuff too. NOA showing something off Tuesday.
-recent editorial: 10 reasons Nintendo should fear the iPhone (LOL)
-accidentally linked it to the Nintendo channels from the iPhone channel, caused nerd rage
-point 1. gaming trojian horse
--DS kind of like a application trojian horse
--blah, blah, blah
-point 2. it really does fit in your pocket
--so does the DS lol
--then again, it's kind of cumbersome. you HAVE to consciously bring a DS with you, not so much with the iPhone
--blah, blah, blah
-point 3. always connected
--also always paying for it
--Bozon would do the same to always connect with the DS
-point 4. App Store better
--actually kinda true...
-point 5. App Store games more upgradable, with light version
--DSi can technically do the same, but devs don't really use it.
--really on devs to do the cool developer stuff.
--(good God, i just don't give a damn about this anymore...)
-a bunch more ranting about DSi Ware
Reader Questions
-Bozon: Little King's Story GOTY? No. (okay...) RPG of the year? eh... no, but it's fun? (RAGE!!!!!)
-Madworld, Muramasa, maybe Sin & Punishment, and whatever else nintendo has coming.. apparently in the same category as Rune Factory.
-still fun, and doesn't want anyone to get turned off to it.
-which will receive a higher score, LKS or the Conduit? more excited about the Conduit. apparently LKS isn't "quite as amazing as when they heard about it... (MORE RAGE!!)
-question on DSi ware. repeat of ranting.
-Pokemon G/S at E3? maybe mentioned, probably wouldn't get
-exciting news? dude, it's E3. Red Steel 2 and all that good stuff. Tuesday a game that NOA didn't announce yet, though it could be nothing...
-Retro's Game? yeah, probably. Kid Icarus? ungh... it's not made up at least. basic say nothing response, industries worst kept secret, shit gets out of control, etc.
-Factor 5 in quiet mode. probably only got to prototype. we'll just have to wait and see, not expecting it yet.
-Madden 10 has 2 control schemes? yeah, all play and new way. new way being pushed.
-WiiWare sales? depends on the title. aparently Vg Chartz (LOLOLOLOL) has close numbers.
-Pumped for E3? totally dude! currently NoA is downplaying it, so they can raise it up, apparently.
-Grand Slam Tennis or Virtua Tennis? discouraging things about Virtua Tennis. haven't played it yet, but are a bit worried. Grand Slam is pretty solid. not going to be unhappy either way if Virtua tennis is good too.
-and that's about it.