Yes, I know that's the European boxart. But the NA boxart is HIDEOS.
There's a lot of big and small games out there for consoles and handhelds at the moment that are garnering hardcore gamer attention. Smash Bros., God of War and Patapon, No More Heroes, Devil May Cry 4... there's a lot. I dunno this year seems kinda heavy already, and we're two months in.
But this one! I'm excited about it! Yes, Square's neverending Final Fantasy whoring is terrible, and they suck as a company generally these days. But the summary of the 1up review tells the tale:
The bottom line with Ring of Fates is that despite its flaws as a single-player game, it thrives in multiplayer (even when played solo). The type of player who'll really enjoy this iteration of Crystal Chronicles is the Diablo/Phantasy Star Online, dungeon-crawling loot whore. With nearly 300 pieces of armor to earn and unlock, item-collection fanatics will have more than enough incentive to keep them occupied, and the game's competent controls and stellar visuals will satisfy every other craving. It's balanced and has just the right loot curve, unlike games such as Champions of Norrath, which offer too many loot drops but nothing worth keeping. Come for the single-player appetizer, but stay for the multiplayer grandeur. Ring of Fates is a keeper.
Let me bold, underline and highlight the relevant part.
The type of player who'll really enjoy this iteration of Crystal Chronicles is the Diablo/Phantasy Star Online, dungeon-crawling loot whore.
These words - dungeon-crawling + loot + whore - all combine to set off a explosion in my synapses which cause the sort of involuntary reaction that is really out of my hands.
Now, I know a lot of people out there wanted this to be the online multiplayer focused hack-n-slash that the original hinted at, and I did too. But this seems like it worked out pretty great! PHAT L00T, SLASH SLASH enemies. It's all there. I know, I'll have to suffer through the DS 3D... and I hear the framerate isn't great... but PHAT L00T. Buy this game.
Release Date - March 11, 2008
Price - $39.99
Website - North American link