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Official Tales of Hearts thread


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
pelicansurf said:
Is the japanese version entirely japanese or is it like Chrono Trigger, where it detects what region your DS is from and switches languages accordingly?


pelicansurf said:
Is the japanese version entirely japanese or is it like Chrono Trigger, where it detects what region your DS is from and switches languages accordingly?

think about that for a sec.

Edit: Ahahahaaha


Neo Member
pelicansurf said:
Is the japanese version entirely japanese or is it like Chrono Trigger, where it detects what region your DS is from and switches languages accordingly?

the only reason CT had an English option in the JP version is because the translation was essentially already done for them (they simply modified the Woosely translation). keep in mind CT is 13 years old.

Tales of Hearts is a new game. they aren't going to translate the entire game just so a select few people in Japan/who import can play it in English.

so no, it does not have an English option.

ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccombo breakar


Running off of Custom Firmware
Also, knowing Scamco Homewreck, there's a very good fucking chance that ToH will NEVER get an official English translation! :(




Quick impressions:

-zomg, jutsuwaza names actually have furigana, it's a real tales! To note, Tempest and Innocence didn't. One of the indicators of a spinoff or non main title was how they handled the interface.

-Despite what the videos showed, there's no real lag time inbetween field and battles.

-The field sprites aren't as bad as I originally thought either, there's a lot of unique animations for events.

-The towns are also really detailed. Like running into puddles of water, to pulling a book off a shelf. Duckroll mentioned that they held the design standard to that of Destiny R. Seems to fit the bill.

-Spira mazes don't seem bad either, the bgm for them is pretty good too. It works ingame and that's what matters. Of course as john mentioned, the music in general isn't anything memorable.

-Soma build system is pretty neat. You have 4 catagories of skills you can learn. Parameters (HP, EP), actions (backstep, dashing, manual), support (good job) and battle skills (jutsuwaza). You can learn these skills by using items you find on the field, like from treasure chests or Soma farm points. The next step to this, is the Soma evolve system. From here, you can determine how you evolve your soma. Like have it so you can evolve it so you could learn more battle skills. Or you could go the support route if you feel like it.

more to come, time to play more!


Probably won't have this (and Dissidia) until the weekend or early next week...

I'm depressed now, especially since it sounds like they finally made a really well-done Tales on the DS for once. :(

Oh, and I guess I'll have to put up some impressions in the OP soon. :)


Battle notes that i missed:

-Justuwaza btw refers to Artes. Someone asked me this in IRC.

-Everything runs off the EG. (Emotional gauge) Meaning normal attacks and justuwaza. Pulling off technical movements/finishes replenishes it more. But it often refills itself pretty fast too. I don't recall how fast CC refilled itself in Destiny R. I'm not sure how I feel about EG. You could just sit there and spam the same move until the gauge is cleared out. XD It does get a bit more strategic on how it handles later on though.

-Also, justuwaza seem to have certain properties. Such as Shing's Chisaishou is strong against flying enemies.

-And if you didn't notice in my previous entry. You don't get the tactical battle manuevers like backstep and such until you learn them via Soma Build. An interesting example was that I was able to learn backstep and aiming dash on Hisui before I could with Shingu.

-The green gauge on the bottom is for combinations. Once you gain the connect panel, you can start to ask for support from other chars. Connect panel is essentially the shortcut system

-Only one battle fanfare so far. D: No sign of grade yet, although I know it's in.

-No need for moon selector to switch chars, just access menu and use L.

I'll edit in more as I recall and play!


How easy is it to use the connect panel while actually fighting battles in the game? One concern I have is that if both hands are used to engage in control during combat, does it few natural to take the right hand off the controls to tap a connect command in the middle of combat?


duckroll said:
How easy is it to use the connect panel while actually fighting battles in the game? One concern I have is that if both hands are used to engage in control during combat, does it few natural to take the right hand off the controls to tap a connect command in the middle of combat?

It's really as you'd surmise. So far it's easy since I only have two connect panels, and I happen to have Hisui's first aid on the left panel. So taking my hand off the dpad midbattle for a quick touch isn't much of an issue. Can't say much about using my right. I currently have right panel as Shing with Apple gumi and I haven't toyed with Hisui much yet to have to use that.

Oh another thing, unfortunately despite the unique designs the Somas have as you evolve them. They aren't represented in battle D: I guess it was easier to pull that off in ToR/ToDR since the weapons were polygons. In comparison here, it's part of the sprite.


kiryogi said:
-Also, justuwaza seem to have certain properties. Such as Shing's Chisaishou is strong against flying enemies.
Excellent. :D One of my favorite things about Vesperia that helped elevate it over other Tales games for me was that different enemy types were more susceptible to certain types of Fatal Strikes. It really helped make more attacks worth using.


More thoughts

-So much voice! VS previous handheld entries anyway. I'm positive every skit minus the decision or destination skits are voiced.

-Spira mazes might be a source of hate. Had 2 gameovers taking on a boss. Reasoning be was that I was on hard mode. So got owned hard and I had to redo the maze like twice, each attempt taking like 45 minutes at least. On hard mode, they don't seem to have more HP, but they're aggressive as hell. Anyway, I seriously hope the final dungeon isn't a Spira maze or something.

-Also missed that you don't need a S-flag to change onscreen chara. Running around as Beryl now :D Who doesn't walk like a penguin like Shing.


Full Cameo list, I'll add the English name if I remember it (or know it at all):

-Groovy Arche (Arche, Tales of Phantasia)
-Majinken/Demon Fang (Stan, Tales of Destiny)
-Rover Item (Rutee, Tales of Destiny)
-Kyokkouheki/Aurora Wall (Rid, Tales of Eternia)
-Kuuhatokkoudan (Loni, Tales of Destiny 2)
-Spiral Driver (Loni, Tales of Destiny 2)
-Final Prayer (Loni, Tales of Destiny 2)
-Senretsukokousen (Judas, Tales of Destiny 2)
-Kogarenzan (Lloyd, Tales of Symphonia)
-Kogetsusen (Presea, Tales of Symphonia)
-Shougetsusousen (Presea, Tales of Symphonia)
-F Flame (Mao, Tales of Rebirth)
-Hiougousgouga (Tytree, Tales of Rebirth)
-Keigansairakugeki (Senel, Tales Legendia)
-Ignite Prison/Infernal Prison (Jade, Tales of the Abyss)
-Sousenga (Anise, Tales of the Abyss)
-X-Buster (Anise, Tales of the Abyss)
-Akisazame/Sword Rain Alpha (Guy, Tales of the Abyss)
-Pierce Line/Piercing Line (Natalia, Tales of the Abyss)
-Beast Blow (Caius, Tales of the Tempest)
-Raise Dead/Resurrection (Rubia, Tales of the Tempest)
-Houshoushuuzan (Ruca, Tales of Innocence)
-Tide Bullet (Iria, Tales of Innocence)
-Ensenga/Shining Fang (Yuri, Tales of Vesperia)
-Resshouyoku (Chalcedny, Tales of Hearts)
-Koranryuuseiotoshi (Krandam, Tales of Hearts)
-Quill Banger (Tetsu Hagane, Tales of Hearts)
-Chrome no Maken (Gilgamesh, Tower of Druaga)
-Cyclone (Valkyrie, Valkyrie's Adventure)
-Wagyanizer (Wagyan, Wagyan Land)
-Kawarawarisoushou (Heihachi, Tekken)
-Kazedama (Klonoa, Klonoa)
-R Cannon (KOS MOS, Xenogears)
-G Shot (KOS MOS, Xenogears)
-High Five (High Touch) (Yayoi Takatsuki, The Idolmaster)

Lotta Destiny 2 and Abyss love in there...

Tempest got more than Phantasia and Vesperia, lol.

john tv

Woot! Haul GET :D


LOL @ how the back of the CG Edition box (right) has half as many screenshots:


They're doing everything they can to avoid showing off how awful the CG scenes look. :)

john tv

I'm sorry -- I lied. I can't play the CG version. The movies are terrrrrrible.:lol

I only watched the intro and then the first in-game movie, but in both cases, the anime versions are way better. The CG character designs are awful (no surprise there), their lip movements look unrealistic and weird when they talk, and the environment detail and choreography of the scenes pales in comparison to the anime version.


john tv said:
I'm sorry -- I lied. I can't play the CG version. The movies are terrrrrrible.:lol

I only watched the intro and then the first in-game movie, but in both cases, the anime versions are way better. The CG character designs are awful (no surprise there), their lip movements look unrealistic and weird when they talk, and the environment detail and choreography of the scenes pales in comparison to the anime version.

I think the problem boils down to Japanese realistic direction. Their live action industry is pretty piss poor too as far as actual credible directing goes. ToH's CG FMVs remind me of watching a typical live action movie adaptation of a manga or anime property, complete with Japanese level "special effects." Pretty awful all round. :/


force push the doodoo rock
The CG stuff that I've seen reminds me of the infamous "Korean Final Fantasy" video that was circulating on the net a long time ago. I'd really like to know the story behind that, though I'm sure it was simply them deciding to go with cg and then when they got the cg back they saw how horrible it was so they had I.G. redo everything and in order to recoup decided to release 2 versions.

john tv

sp0rsk said:
The CG stuff that I've seen reminds me of the infamous "Korean Final Fantasy" video that was circulating on the net a long time ago. I'd really like to know the story behind that, though I'm sure it was simply them deciding to go with cg and then when they got the cg back they saw how horrible it was so they had I.G. redo everything and in order to recoup decided to release 2 versions.
Yeah, that's been my theory from day one. They probably tried going CG, realized it was a disaster, and then went back with the safe route. I'm glad they did, because the CG version does not deserve to exist. Awwwwful.


What really makes no sense though, is how incomplete the "CG Edition" seems to be. I mean, what's the point of making the FMVs CG if the skits, character profile pics, battle portraits, etc are all still anime art? They should really have gone all the way. It would have been HORRIBLE but at least it would cross the line of awful so much that I would consider buying it in a few months just to experience the horror. :lol


duckroll said:
What really makes no sense though, is how incomplete the "CG Edition" seems to be. I mean, what's the point of making the FMVs CG if the skits, character profile pics, battle portraits, etc are all still anime art? They should really have gone all the way. It would have been HORRIBLE but at least it would cross the line of awful so much that I would consider buying it in a few months just to experience the horror. :lol

Well, it says CG movie edition. But man that'd be freaky if everything was CG.


kiryogi said:
Well, it says CG movie edition. But man that'd be freaky if everything was CG.

Sure, but think of the wasted opputunity here. If they went ahead with a full CG Tales, it would be an epic failure that no one will forget for 20 years. :lol


Master of the Google Search
Fuu said:
Skits with CG models would be priceless.

"Oh look at my small breasts! I am so jealous of "melons" over there"


"Here's dinner everyone! ....oh? Why are you guys all looking sick?"


"Opps I tripped! Clumsy me ::giggle::"
grandjedi6 said:
"Oh look at my small breasts! I am so jealous of "[I]melons[/I]" over there"

"Here's dinner everyone! ....oh? Why are you guys all looking sick?"

"Opps I tripped! Clumsy me ::giggle::"[/QUOTE]
Hahahaha. :lol I'm dying.


I need more impressions, please!

I liked Innocence but lost interest after all the empty run-around-and-fight dungeons. Does Hearts have actual level design?

Is the story good? Does it come by its extended length honestly, or does it feel padded?

Can't decide whether to get this with Dissidia or PS0...


Sorry I still haven't had much time to write full on impressions. Holidays + my attention on several games = MADNESS.

But more quick snippets if it helps!

-Not much variety in town music. There's a lot of different towns, but a lot of them use a specific category song. Such as the small town, or the big city. Despite that, the towns really are quite a sight in terms of design and scale. Doesn't come off as generic as Innocence was.

-Connect panels actually go up to 6! And not only that, depending on the combination you use together, you can actually do unison attacks! I have yet to do it myself, but it's possible.

-The world map may look small, but that's because you're always mainly traversing via the field dungeons. And there's a lot of those. I'm not sure if that should count as extending the length or not. It's certainly a different take on things.


Ugh, snowed in all weekend with nothing to do but play this and Dissidia, and they won't be here until Monday.


B.K. said:
I wish Bandai Namco would release the game in America.

We don't know if they will or not yet. It's a bit early to say for certain it's not coming out, plenty of RPGs don't get localisation announcements straight after release (World Destruction's only just been confirmed for a Western release and that came out in September).

It may be misplaced optimism, but I am being patient on this one.

Incidentally, the CG edition of ToH sold 14k compared to over 100k for the anime edition on the first day of sales. Rather embarrassing, if you ask me.


BluWacky said:
Incidentally, the CG edition of ToH sold 14k compared to over 100k for the anime edition on the first day of sales. Rather embarrassing, if you ask me.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

How many of those 14k also bought the Anime edition and just wanted both?


Played for a little over 2 hours so far. Just got to the merchant city of Henzera. It's pretty entertaining, and it looks and sounds really good for a DS game. The battle animations and field map sprites are a little disappointing compared to the console 2D Tales, but the 3D backgrounds are really amazing for the DS. They really do look like almost exact counterparts of what the ToDr backgrounds look like, except in DS resolution. The battles are fun though, so I got over the slightly lacking animations pretty quickly.

There's a good amount of voice in the game for a DS game, but I'm kinda disappointed at the unvoiced skits. They do try to keep it interesting by having dialogue choices in some of the unvoiced skits though, but the "next destination" skits are just really lame. Not only are they unvoiced and uninformative, but they refuse to disappear for good and continue to hang on the screen as an available skit until you get to the location. This is something 2D Tales need to learn from 3D Tales: Players are not dumbasses, we know where we're going next, this isn't our first RPG. :/

Can't say much in the way of dungeon designs so far, but I think the maps are well planned out. It definitely isn't the horror of ToL where the maps are just rooms repeated over and over. Even the SpirMazes don't have that annoying feel. While the SpirMazes are generally similar looking map assets that repeat for floor to floor, the limited link points for movement mixed with occasional branching paths makes it a little tense and exciting like a dungeon crawler. I'm glad these are only used for optional stuff and key events in the main story though, because having real dungeons added on with these are fine, but they wouldn't stand alone well.

Music is.... standard Tales crap these days. It's better than Vesperia though, imo. Maybe it's because the sounds are simpler and the hardware is more limited, so my expectations are lower to begin with, but I think the actual composition of the themes, especially the battle ones are at least fitting here. ToV's battle themes were shit imo. I wouldn't really say this is a step forward, but with Tales music as long as it's not a step backwards I don't think anyone asks for much.
Actually we do, we ask for more music like ToL but in a game that doesn't suck, but Namco never fucking listens. :(

Anyway I'm enjoying the game, so I'll post more impressions whenever I get far enough and feel I have more to share...


Looks like in the end it's just going to be me and kiryogi playing this on GAF? :(

I'm about 5 hours into the game now, and just fought a pretty cool story battle.
Does anyone know if it's possible to win against Calcedoni in this battle? Feels a lot like the Leon battle in ToD... lol.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
duckroll said:
:eek: :eek:

I reloaded my save and beat him, the cutscene after is COMPLETELY different... :eek:

I love these kinda stuff...thx for he impressions you guys :)


I'm playing the game as well, but mostly at school because I'm also playing Persona 4. I'm a little past that battle,
Innes just joined, and I'm following the light away from the capital.


Link1110 said:
I'm playing the game as well, but mostly at school because I'm also playing Persona 4. I'm a little past that battle,
Innes just joined, and I'm following the light away from the capital.

I'm in the city after the capital now. The backgrounds in ToH are *really* nice. It's really impressive and definitely makes going to new locations a good experience. :D


Woo, just cleared a pretty cool dungeon! And after 8+ hours, the grade rating for battles is finally unlocked! Took them long enough... :D


Sounds good - thanks for the updates duckroll. I now need to try and pry Suikoden out of my DS slot...Now that has a great soundtrack!


jesusraz said:
Sounds good - thanks for the updates duckroll. I now need to try and pry Suikoden out of my DS slot...Now that has a great soundtrack!

Haha, that's not a surprise though. Suikoden has always had very respectable soundtracks, while Tales has been on a downward spiral for years now. :)
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