What was your issue with Skyward Sword and NSMBU? While Other M I get, Skyward Sword was a masterpiece and NSMBU, while very safe and potentially lazy, has some of the best 2D platforming levels I have ever played. The gameplay isn't the issue with NSMBU.
NSMBU was a game I was very excited about initially but ended up feeling like a big letdown to me. I'm not saying it was bad game, but as you said, a lot of it felt very safe. I also felt like I'd played nearly this exact same game several times over. Nintendo can't keep rehashing this general game, assets, and style and keep selling it at full price. I think if it had been half the cost, and been sold more as a "new levels and HD" type of thing, I would have felt I got something out of it, but as it was, the whole experience felt very stale. Maybe my expectations were simply too high, but as a launch Mario game on a new platform, I wanted much more.
Before I get into Skyward Sword, I just want to say that I'm not interested in fighting about it, because I've fought about it before and it really is a matter of opinion. Clearly lots of, if not most, people enjoyed it, but there are definitely people who did not. My reasons are not irrational; I've played and beat every Zelda (With the exception of finishing Zelda II and Minish Cap) and Skyward Sword proved to be the most tedious Zelda experience I've ever had. Refighting the same boss repeatedly or flying back and forth through mostly empty skyboxes became a point a serious frustration for me. Certain item collection activities likewise just felt like padding for the sake of extending the game. I also felt like the dungeons were very hit and miss. Some were brilliant, like the the dessert with time manipulation, or the final dungeon's rotation and puzzle solving, but many just felt like generic block pushing, arrow shooting affairs. It left me wondering whether the well of creativity was starting to run dry. Lastly, I felt the motion controls were a huge detractor from the game. Some people clearly love them, but whether it was my controller having issues, the environment in which I played it, or the game being less precise than people claim, my sword fighting experience was almost universally terrible. This led to certain enemy encounters and boss fights happening over and over again, where victory often became dumb luck, and to the point that I was literally angry at the game. No amount of fiddling with my technique ever remedied things, and believe me I looked up information online and experimented for maybe over a hour one evening to try to figure it out, and straight through to the final battle, I never felt I really had control over my character's fighting. But even without the control issues, the game was uninspired. The art style was fine, but felt like a lesser version of Windwaker (I'd prefer them to go all the way if they want to go with a flatter look), and the stories of the characters and missions in the game didn't feel substantial the way they did is previous iterations. Ultimately, while we can disagree on control or other subjective things, when I consider that "bar of high quality" I referred to earlier, Skyward Sword ends up being only a middling Zelda title at best for me. It's not the worst Zelda, but it certainly doesn't hold a candle to things like A Link to the Past, OoT, or Majora's Mask.
Edit: Feel free to respond, or rebut, or whatever, but I probably won't answer simply because it drags the thread off topic to get into a debate over the merits of an old game. If it matters to you a lot for whatever reason, you can pm me and we can discuss it there.