man, the stuff they're looking forward to is about as far away to me as is possible
There's a new Simon the Sorcerer coming out? Quite a few PnC franchises getting revived, lately.
Oxenfree sounds interesting.
Yeah, such a cool art style. Here's a recent IGN article. Day one blind buy for me. Supposed to be out on Xbone this month, too. PC soon after.
Wow, great thread! So much goodness on the horizon... I just started Cradle, been hearing a lot of great things about it on a bunch of GOTY lists. So far, so good... and man, I am READY to get back on with Kentucky Route Zero, it's been YEARS already, and I haven't heard shit about what's been up with that game.
No suprise to see Day of the Tentacle: SE not being mentioned, RPS being RPS.
Some that caught my eye:PC Gamer also has lists of games by genre.
Platformer and puzzle (Obduction and The Witness)
Exploration and survival (Firewatch)
I think Gez has everything in the OP, but just throwing these lists in here anyway.
Crossing Souls looks good, though it's a hybrid of several genres:
As well as Forest of Sleep, serving up Quentin Blake realness:
And man, Cuphead (though not a PnC game) looks fantastic; I'm a sucker for quirky art styles in games as you can tell:
Coral Cave in 2016 possibly? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Cannot wait for Last Door Season 2
Season 1 might be my favorite horror game ever
Season 2 is up on Steam! Still in Early Access though cos' only ep 1 is done
What, they're big fans of DOTT.
Read Only Memories is not too bad, though it's getting a little tiresome in Chap 3... Too bad they don't make more of this kind of games anymore. Love the art style for one.
I tried ROM a few times but I couldn't get past the first part where you review headphones.
Hi there. I'm Neil and I'm making this game. It's about computers in the early 1990s. It's called ICON ARCHITECT 1.0.
Couldn't as in bug? Or dropped it? It kinda gets a lot better until towards the middle. The writing's better than the average visual novel too, that's good for one.
Here's one I've been really excited for, even though barely any news has come out about it.
Icon Architect 1.0
Progress is apparently ongoing, if slow. (the creator)
I feel you guys will appreciate the tumblr I found it on
Here's one I've been really excited for, even though barely any news has come out about it.
Maybe it was bugged. I basically did everything it seemed like the game wanted me to do, listen to the music, plug in the headphones, etc. But I just couldn't write the review to advance. I tried two or three times and gave up. Sucks too, bc I was looking forward to playing the game.
Oh yeah feel in love with this ever since the day I fell upon it on AGS forums. The colors are great and the plot looks intriguing! Certainly on my excited list
Not sure if spoiler, but just in case you didn't do this, I'm just gonna leave this here:You have to use the headphones on objects in your room, e.g., plant, poster, random stuff, before you can write the review.