Yeah, the WiiU was a real turd, but let's get real, that goes for the N64 & GameCube too.
Those machines might have been your childhood, but they had such weak backing it's actually within the realm of possibility to get a perfect collection with all games released for them. Especially the N64.
Nintendo's handhelds are the unsung heroes.
Nintendo’s handhelds are what kept them alive but the N64 and Gamecube had some awesome titles.
Mario 64
Mario Kart
Zelda OOT - Majoras Mask. WW. Twilight Princess
Mario Sunshine
Luigo’s Mansion
The Rare games - Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Banjo1-2, Donkey Kong, Jet Force Gemini.
Resident Evil 1 Remake and Zero
Pikmin 1-2
StarFox 64
Paper Mario’s
F zero’s
Mario Sport games
Hybrid Heaven
WWF No Mercy and the games before it
Naruto Shippuden
Sin and Punishment
Mario Party series
Smash Bros
Fire Emblem
Viewtiful Joe
Metroid Prime etc
Theres so many
Yeah I prefer my Saturn and PS1/PS2 but N64 had so many games that changed the industry and were legendary like Zelda OOT, Mario 64 and Golden Eye changed 1st person shooters on consoles.