Naked Prime
Quantic Dream + David Lynch + Earthbound = awesome fever dream
I want games in the universe of the wizard and female human robot tech demos gawd damn!
Now I can watch their movie in 4K.
The wizard thing could be interesting. A struggling videogame actor trying to make it in the videogame business? Games being 'made' like we see movies made, with characters really being actors doing gigs?
Sounds like a more dramatic wreck it Ralph to me, but i'm perfectly fine with that.
As cool as Sony has been with QD I'm not sure even they're willing to publish a game where the protagonist is some old dude. And I'd love to see a Kara demo but didn't Cage say his next game would surprise people or something along those lines? Anyway anything would be better than a remaster...
Awesome. Loved it on PS3, would buy again.
Only... it doesn'tI guess the remaster madness keeps on going. Its bad news when it takes time and ressources away for a new game.
Can't wait to playy the Navajo section in 1080p soap opera mode.
I doubt it will be a Beyond remaster tbh and if it is, it probably comes bundled with Heavy Rain at this point. That I could see doing reasonably well. Beyond sold 2 million at this point and a few probably held out not to mention people who never played either.Heavy Rain is a better game than Beyond Two Soul's. Either way, I really don't think this Remaster is going to do particular well.
I've tried to get into Quantic Dreams' games, even Indigo Prophecy, but they just don't connect with me.
Fahrenheit remaster? :O
Just out of curiosity, can someone tell me how that link relates to Quantic Dream or Indigo Prophecy?
Just out of curiosity, can someone tell me how that link relates to Quantic Dream or Indigo Prophecy?
The website is registered in Paris, via Gandi, it seems. Isn't the developer french?
"Guilt is a Chilling Feeling" is one of the original taglines for the game. Also, the game's box art.