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Scalpers struggling to sell RTX 4080 cards, now ‘graciously’ offering them at MSRP | Retailers refuse to refund


Gold Member
Scalpers are struggling to sell RTX 4080 GPUs, even at MSRP.

It is not secret anymore that RTX 4080 is a poor sell. This overpriced high-end GPU has been met with cold response from the gaming community and even NVIDIA enthusiasts. Both equally tired of 2 years of PC hardware shortages and overpriced GPUs.

Scalper selling RTX 4080 sold at MSRP, Source: Facebook


With the release of new cards, everyone was counting on something more affordable to appear soon. But what NVIDIA did instead was to cancel the cheaper $899 RTX 4080 12GB model essentially leaving both available RTX 40 GPUs at $1200+ price range.

The gamble to buy RTX 4080 at launch has not paid off for scalpers. One of them who purchased six RTX 4080 graphics cards is now selling each card at MSRP (actually still a bit higher), but there is a good reason why. Retailers have enough stock of RTX 4080 cards for gamers to consider paying just a little more to get full warranty. Furthermore, the scalper still needs to pay for the shipping of the cards back to the retailer, not to mention any possible restocking fees.

The problem of scalpers returning cards has become so big that some retailers are now removing the option to apply for refund (spotted by Moore’s Law is Dead):


I wish this were the case in Canada, fucking retailers scalping 6600 xt's for $500-$650, it's fucking retarded.

1660 ti's going for $350-$450.
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Gold Member

You lose all the hands you never play.
Reminds me of when I bought a Wii. I turned up at Walmart and ended up being 32 of 30. Hung out on the hope that at least 2 people would have their card declined and only one did. Went home and started browsing eBay and the scalpers were doing their thing. Found a listing where someone listed a console as a 3 day auction in an unrelated toy category with the starting price at retail with free shipping and no reserve. I put in a bid and nobody else bid on it at all. Ended up getting it for less than the person who listed it paid because they had to eat the sales tax. They actually sent it instead of trying to cancel and relist. Was pretty cool.


Nvidia already took all the potential profit margins out scalping by scalping it themselves. At least when Ethereum was doing well you could mine back some of the cost and justify it to yourself. Now they've kept crypto boom pricing without the crypto boom. Apparently the scalpers didn't pay attention.
Ethereum is proof of stake now, same with other coins. All of which has been telegraphed for years, but crypto miners didn’t pay attention either


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Just dont buy the RTX 4080 even at MSRP, even directly from Nvidia.
CES and/or GTC Nvidia will give it a price drop to a level that makes sense.
Look what happened with Ryzen 7000s people didnt buy them, and they got price dropped in record time, if it wasnt for the platform costs a 7700X is legit a great CPU to get right now.
Nvidia must learn, they ate so good during the pandemic/crypto boom they thought they could get away with it forever.

For the Scalpers.......Good.
Newegg not taking returns on GPUs is 100% your fault, and now you get to reap what you have sown.


It's the less clever scalpers that picked this card. Anyone can set up some bots or wake up early to get in line.
That's the thing, everyone is scalping, I've seen posts where people are buying RTX4090s with no intention of keeping them.
It's almost as if there is a mass hysteria to get these cards, people who can't afford them, people with old CPUs, weak PSUs, too small pc cases and even 1080p/1440p monitors.

Hell, even I'm trying to get one even though I know 100% that if RTX4090s were readily in stock I won't buy one🤔
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That's the thing, everyone is scalping, I've seen posts where people are buying RTX4090s with no intention of keeping them.
It's almost as if there is a mass hysteria to get these cards, people who can't afford them, people with old CPUs, weak PSUs or too small pc cases.

Hell, even I'm trying to get one even though I know 100% that if RTX4090s were readily in stock I won't buy one🤔

Actually if people got some kind of weird gpu shortage ptsd that would kind of make sense. A gpu being sold out triggers something and when you get a chance it feels like some huge opportunity or prize.


Hope some of those fuckers end up not being able to heat or feed themselves this Christmas


Do these idiot scalpers not realize the crypto trend is dead? I can't imagine mining anything other than doge or shit coins

They're only half as dumb as you're giving them credit for. Crypto or not, the demand is there, 4090 has sold every single unit produced within a matter of seconds since launch and remains perpetually sold out with scalpers typically pocketing several hundred profit from every flip. The problem with the 4080 is it's significantly inferior to the 4090 (literally half as powerful in some particularly demanding titles), but only $50 - $300 less expensive (which in the $1200+ market, is absolutely meaningless). You can quote me from like 3 or 4 months back 100% calling this scenario in multiple threads across several posts, it was clear as 4K the 4090 was going to see massive demand and long term instant sellouts while the 4080 would be rotting on shelves. They're both targeting the same customer at current pricing (ultra high end), and no one with a semi-functional brain is going to pay $1300 or $1400 for a card that pulls half the frames of a $1600 one. The 4080 will have to get a $400-$500 price cut to see any kind of long term customer demand.
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So funny how these retards don't realise why their items they try to sell off for profit have gone up or tanked down in value.


And they have to give eBay a cut of the sale, as well as PayPal if that’s used.

Warms my heart to see these parasites lose money.
No, PayPal doesn't handle payouts anymore, ebay does that nowadays, you can still use PayPal to pay for things on ebay however. But there aren't any PayPal fees...
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