Has there been any single case of a publisher taking a long running (lets say 10 years minimum) beloved franchise with an active fanbase on PC/Console and having greater success moving it to mobile?
Has this ever happened? As far as I can think of, no. I'm not sure how the Ace Attorney ports did on iOS but i never have seen them in the top rankings for games in the app store. And that's for a franchise that makes 100% sense on a mobile touch only device as its mainly a text based game.
It just seems so insane that this is still such a common idea in the industry - when you have an active fanbase that knows and likes your game, pulling it away from them and putting it on a completely incompatible device where totally different games thrive and succeed. Why does this still happen?
That's because Ace Attourney isn't really a very popular series, but SE has huge success on iOS (and the other mobile platforms as well, it seems). In most bigger iOS markets besides Japan their games usually reach high spots on the sale charts on release and subsequently they get small boosts on sales. For the western market in particular Deus Ex The Fall has been one of their biggest sellers so far IIRC, however, in Japan is where SE really dominates
Look at the current top 10 best selling paid games in Japan:
Since its release in 12/12 DQVIII had been the best selling game despite its 2800 JPY (around 27 USD) price, and it was only now taken off the first spot by Final Fantasy V (because of SE's holiday sale), though FFV itself had also held the best selling app top spot for a while at the time of its release last year. Nearly all of their other releases have the same phenomenon as FFV where they get released and hold the top spot for a while, then they drop off a bit in the charts (while still being around the top 100) with huge boosts during sales. That's why they're focusing on mobiles, I think. They want to have the same success they have in Japan with games like FFV, or FFT in the west with games like Deus Ex The Fall or a mobile Hitman title.