Even other Ubisoft games let you kill NPC's and steal vehicles.
? well this isn't a Ubisoft game, this is a game Ubisoft was contracted to make, the Star Wars IP is owned by Disney. Its why in Battlefront you didn't see the level of violence that you saw in Battlefield IP, it didn't matter that it was EA, it didn't matter that it was DICE, it mattered that the Star Wars IP was owned by Disney and they set their rules on what they want or don't want in it.
Nonsensical, as everything related to this game.
Well, not really. This makes sense for what Disney wants with the IP, Star Wars has never been on a level of violence like a Alien, Terminator or Judge Dredd or something, it was more like PG-13 type thing where Han Solo is like a friendly thief, not like a hardcore criminal lol
So I'm not shocked, it would be surprising if they even gave some ok to use the IP like this, like having anyone get killed lol
Goalpost moving like people did with Cyberpunk.
If an open world game doesn’t let you do everything GTA does you throw a fit online.
Nah, in Cyberpunk I'd argue that was more expected cause of many obvious reasons.
1. CDPR own the IP, it wasn't like some Disney License about Captain Hook
2. Their trailers show you being chased by cops in car and shooting at them.
3. They tell you the world has corrupt cops, gangs, crime etc.
4. It has a star system like GTA
5. You can kill citizens and cops show up.
6. You can steal a car and cops show up.
So the idea of someone expecting it to be like GTA was created by the developers themselves, so anyone expecting a cop to DRIVE A CAR AFTER YOU or a Gang to chase you IN A CAR is within reason based on the above. I do not believe that was some "goalpost moving" , I believe that was a reasonable belief as how many games have you ever seen have the above, yet no one drives a car shooting at you in real time? So the GTA comments make perfect sense in Cyberpunk. One would expect them to do the following based on what they already established above.
1.Chase you land, air and sea (they already show some hover type craft in the intro)
2. Gangs to chase you in cars since clearly you can drive too
3. Gang or faction system like GTA SA (again...they are the ones telling us gangs exist)
This would be like me making a game telling you about swords, dragons and a kingdom at war and many factions battling for the crown.
The game has the following.
1. Sword battles.
2. You can ride a horse
3. factions that attack you when go to their area
but the game lacks
1. Enemies that ride horses
2. Can't join any of the factions
Then act as if the issue was people thinking it needed to be like "Elder Scrolls" no sir, people expect something that made sense based on what was already fucking established about that world, but I digress.
I don't see much in Star Wars Outlaws that suggest Disney would seek a hard M, to my understand Star Wars Outlaws is T type of game, but that was likely based on the actual licensing agreements.
Keep in mind folks, even in Ghost Of Tsushima, a M rated game, you cannot just randomly kill any civilian. Depends on what the team, publisher, IP owners etc actually want with the theme, brand etc.