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Sweet Baby Inc dev bluntly says they want to burn down the gaming industry



Kudos to the fox for keep digging on all those DEI assholes. I love her.

Next time someone calls you a conspiracy theorist, tell them to go fuck themselves.

Male musculinity and female femininity are under attack. Pop culture is infected. Vote with your wallets in order to hasten the inevitable return to the status quo.


Given another chance
Good luck.
Tonight on Fox News: Man who threatened to burn down game development offices arrested for arson.

More information after a break from our sponsor.

Booty O's the best cereal you ever had. Buy today and get a free Nicki Minaj booty. Slap away as you live out your fantasies.


Copying this from a previous post since it's relevant...

A few years ago, most of us didn't care much.

But there's this very obvious trend happening in games, movies and tv where they're trying to cash in on this overly political "uprising" after all the shit that went down in 2020. We all know it's fake and the corporations don't give a shit... Regardless, in doing so, they started hiring various people to fulfill certain roles of leadership. This is where my personal problem comes in. It's not about race or gender, it's the people behind it trying to make it all about them and not the players, not the fans. This hurts the overall products significantly. It creates a "toxic positivity" environment where you can't question anything otherwise you're a bigot and will probably lose your job. Does this seem healthy to anyone?

Many games and projects I am/was interested in started shifting drastically into personal ideologies, beliefs and other stuff to conform to these "various" people's values, not the players, not the fans. I noticed this trend a few years ago.

MOST people don't want to see BLM, Pride flags and "fuck capitalism" gen z teen writing... People can disagree with me, call me a bigot...I don't care, but the recent sales data corroborates this too. People want escapism, not your view of social justice.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
It really does defy logic. I could see a studio like BioWare gleefully lapping up all the bullshit they spew. But how does EA get on board with it? Especially with hundreds of millions on the line. Makes no sense, mang!

It's usually as simple as there just not being any oversight over the creative side of the company. I don't think ESG investing plays nearly the role in these decisions at AAAs as some people think. Execs are being presented with a report from the developers that appears to be business as usual from a dollars and cents standpoint, and that's it. Now when Bioware absolutely shits the bed with Dragon Age, then yes - EA's going to notice that.


Sweet Baby Inc has to be some kind of Blackrock instituted virus / conspiracy, because I don’t see how any executive at a game studio could take this shit seriously
Im highly sure some of you missed that the founder of SB did a presentation where they literally say if people dont follow their rules or take their "suggestion" then they "might" be under attack publicly in social media and risk hurting their image.

So it aint a surprise to see game studios need to take them seriously in order to avoid backlash


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Funniest part to me is how so many people are trying to redefine comedy. There’s a group of people trying to claim you cannot laugh at marginalized groups because it’s "punching down". Dave Chappelle’s favorite subject for jokes has always been black people and people never complained. Now that he’s making fun of a group of certain people (you know who), he’s a bully and not funny.

GTFO with this. Dave has been making fun of whites, blacks, gays, poor, rich, and everyone else under the sun. No one gave a shit back then whether they were marginalized or not.
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If you don't call out this retardation for what it is nothing will get better.
Because it's ruining our hobby
Since this is apparently going to be a permanent thing going forward, I’d like to provide some advice: Try and get a grasp of your community, specifically the bad actors who are either…

A) Throwing the word woke or other buzzwords at anything they don’t like and thus causing mass confusion
B) Trying to find reasons to kill a game’s sales that have nothing to with either 3 letter acronym
C) Grifting by using the negativity caused by things like this to try and kill random games’ sales that they don’t like.

You guys have to set some actual parameters for things because everything right now is very messy and some of it comes across almost witch hunt-esque. The ones who are posting actual evidence (instead of theories) have the right idea.

Lastly, if you guys really want the more casual gaming audience to understand your plight, you need to be more organized and your members need to be more rational and less edgy/jaded.

And for crying out loud, stop doubling down on older media. This culture war stuff is newer, so the minute someone else brings up something from the 90s or early 2000s that you would deem as ‘woke’ today, just concede the point to them and find another, reasonable way to explain your position. The minute you lie and say ‘Well no I didn’t like the movie Alien it’s a bad movie’ or something just as ridiculous you’re going to receive an instant side eye/eyebrow raise.

The more the waters are muddied by any of the above, the worse your movement becomes, you will go nowhere, and the more you repeat the same mistakes of the side that you hate, just in a different-but-same way.


Gold Member
It's funny when woke people say that there isn't a culture war going on and people are just overly dramatic or that 'woke' doesn't even exist. But with their actions they are clearly waging a war.
It’s pure gaslighting. The people who say that and ask the dumb rhetorical question “what does woke even mean?!” are in on it. They’re just being disingenuous about their position.

Edit: speak of the devil… March Climber March Climber is here
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