Today I found out that since mid-march there's been an online movement on twitter (called #ChangeTheChannel) regarding the mistreatment, harasment (sometimes even sexually) and abuse to former collaborators and content creators on Channel Awesome (formerly known as, site famous for hosting people like the Nostalgia Critic, AngryJoe, MasakoX and others (and formerly The Spoony One, Nostalgia Chick, Linkara, and others). There's even a 69-page-long text with the testimonies and evidence from old Channel Awesome providers, talking about all the problems they experienced while working for the site (Link:
It's a shame, really. Though rumors of problems have surrounded the site since its conception (I've been following them since ~2008, when there was a crossover fight between the Angry Videogame Nerd and the Nostalgia Critic), but reading about all the abuse the CEO of the company subjected upon its workers is cringeworthy. A shame for a site that provided me with a lot of enternteinment, but that has been slowly dying for the past 5 years or so.
Also, as an answer (and as what could be read as the confirmation to the rumours), Channel Awesome issued the most EA-like non-apology apology I've read in a long time:
It's a shame, I insist. I really enjoyed some of the creations from that place, but after knowing all of this, it's really hard to go back and watch their shows again.
PD: Sorry I posted this, but I had to get it out of my chest :v
It's a shame, really. Though rumors of problems have surrounded the site since its conception (I've been following them since ~2008, when there was a crossover fight between the Angry Videogame Nerd and the Nostalgia Critic), but reading about all the abuse the CEO of the company subjected upon its workers is cringeworthy. A shame for a site that provided me with a lot of enternteinment, but that has been slowly dying for the past 5 years or so.
Also, as an answer (and as what could be read as the confirmation to the rumours), Channel Awesome issued the most EA-like non-apology apology I've read in a long time:
It's a shame, I insist. I really enjoyed some of the creations from that place, but after knowing all of this, it's really hard to go back and watch their shows again.
PD: Sorry I posted this, but I had to get it out of my chest :v