the same reason why Uematsu and Amano did work for Unchained Blades. it is a good game.
Haha, forgot all about that collabo. Not a fan of Unchained Blades at all but point taken!
the same reason why Uematsu and Amano did work for Unchained Blades. it is a good game.
Legend of Legacy
Looks cool tho
It will never leave Japan, don't even bother hyping this up.
Sad because it looks really nice.
The music is so epic, ugggggh.
Not to mention Bravely Default success in the West despite being published by Nintendo shows that there are audience for this genre.I definitely see XSEED doing a retail localization. RF4 was a big hit IIRC and Kagura Burst also did really well. I think XSEED will be much less doubtful about 3DS localizations from here on out.
Not to mention Bravely Default success in the West despite being published by Nintendo shows that there are audience for this genre.
"Despite"? Being published by Nintendo seems like an unambiguously good thing.
I know it's s good thing it's just because Nintendo is a 1st party and not a 3rd party and Nintendo has an effect in promoting certain IPs, it's just 3rd parties shouldn't be discouraged because of the myth "only Nintendo games sells on Nintendo systems ""Despite"? Being published by Nintendo seems like an unambiguously good thing.
Did they release direct-fee art and screenshots?
I wouldn't expect this to be localised at all. Not only have we missed numerous FuRyu games but it's also a 3DS game; publishers aren't interested.
Color me...intrigued
Legend of Legacy though? Really?
The Legend of Legacy.
this is like the ultimate generic JRPG name.
but jeez the music on the site is lovely.
Nope, check the thread.Am I the only one getting a Saga Frontier vibe from this?
I know it's s good thing it's just because Nintendo is a 1st party and not a 3rd party and Nintendo has an effect in promoting certain IPs, it's just 3rd parties shouldn't be discouraged because of the myth "only Nintendo games sells on Nintendo systems "
I think he means in the sense that third parties won't care how successful it was because it was published by Nintendo. I personally doubt Bravely Default's western success has affected anything; we might not even get Bravely Second.
Lost Diemnsion seemed like a pretty big RPG. I'm still waiting for someone to pick up the localization for west. I guess everybody pretty busy with what they have right now.
ディレクター: 松浦正尭
List of people working on the game... yup, there's some Sa-Ga guys in there, ha ha.
You can see they are trying to ape Bravely Default, but battles and the overworld do seem a bit more 3D so to speak,
List of people working on the game... yup, there's some Sa-Ga guys in there, ha ha.
Well, looks like there's some great people working on that game. Not a guarantee of quality, but that's a great start.
By the way, could you (or anyone else) please translate all the names? Thanks!
Director: Masataka Matsura
Image Illustration: Tomomi Kobayashi (SaGa franchise character illustrator)
Game Design: Kyoji Koizumi (SaGa franchise battle designer)
Character Design: Ryo Hirao
Background Art: Misako Tsutsui (ex-S-E background artist)
Monster Design: Yuichiro Kojima (ex-S-E texture artist), Ryoji Shimogama (ex-S-E creature designer)
Composer: Masashi Hamauzu (I hear he makes good music)
Sound Editor: Kenichi Saito
Text Direction: Masato Kato (wrote for Chrono Trigger and Xenogears, wrote and directed Chrono Cross)
Narration: Emiko Shiratori
Title Logo Design: Tadahiko Kawaguchi
Movie Design: Shuhei Yamagata