Programmer only here.
I mainly work in C#/Java, but my education was all in C++. I haven't worked in DirectX before. In the last five years I've done a couple simple PC games in C++ with OpenGL and a couple of (pretty crappy) polygonal graphical demos for the PSP. I haven't done a sprite-based game since the Tandy Color Computer (and that wasn't very good
). No experience with DirectSound, either.
I have no art design skills to speak of. I've written music, but not game-esque music. I'm handy with audio and graphics editors, though.
P.S. I'll use CVS if it's the group's preference, but
Subversion -- with
Trac, which integrates change requests/bug reports and a wiki -- would be my preference.)
P.P.S. I'd certainly like a faq/template on a game design document, if there's any sort of standard.
P.P.P.S. My favorite germ of an idea at the moment is a vector-graphics 2.5D puzzle/platformer starring a rotating box with sails. The controls would be: "spin left" (pushing you down), "spin right" (lifting you up), and then left and right directions. I haven't figured out what objectives/rewards/penalties would be, though -- I don't want it to be just an Irritating Stick kind of game. I have a bitGenerations aesthetic in mind. I do not expect anyone else to be interested in this, though