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E3 Cancelled for Next Year and "Forseeable Future"?

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Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
squicken said:
This was always an anomaly anyway. We never get to read books before they release, just publisher approved snippets. We never get to see movies before their release, just trailers.

I guess I'm happy, as there was just too much information crammed into such a small window. And congrats to EA, Activison, Ubisoft, Gamespot, IGN, and ZD. There's no way this isn't a good thing for the big boys.

Games cost far more than books and movies. There is also far more credible media for both mediums.





To be honest I'm not surprised, I think it was getting out of hand and losing focus.

but it will be missed. At least I got to go to a couple of them :(


ps: Nintendo, you'd better start planning spaceworld
DrM said:
Will spotlight finally move to Leipzig? Will Games Convention replace E3?
It might, if it wasn't in Leipzig. Berlin or somewhere fine, but Leipzig? That's the equivilant of Norwich in the UK... and that's made fun of as everyone there is inbred...

border said:
Who says they can afford to send people on 10-20 cross country trips every year?
Also, if you're not USA press... instead of one trip to see all of them, you may have to go many times to see many games as the best PR stuff is generally in America.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Real journalists should not have to wait in line for four hours behind Game Crazy store managers and industry posers, and then wait in multiple queues to play a handful of upcoming games for five minutes each. E3 as it exists is broken.
I recall media cutting in front of me for four of the five Wii games I played. Is that fair? No, not really. E3 doesn't seem to be designed as a media-only event, so you shouldn't necessarily expect to have full access to everything.

I'm just glad I went this year, seeign as how it looks to be the last one. However, this is disappointing because E3 was always a really fun time and certain companies use it as their one big event each year. Will they do another event, or just keep quiet all of the time now?


SaggyMonkey said:
By definition, casuals aren't reading gaming mags. (that puts them in the realm of "enthusiast") Casuals tend to just take recommendations from friends, and notice ads or in-store displays.

Casuals don't visit fan sites or care about E3 either so the whole point becomes moot if these are the casuals we're talking about.


I guess this means developers are going to have much less reason to show those beta's to people outside of their company and magazines are going to be "buying" their first looks at games even more.


The physical form of blasphemy
Zenith said:
Yes, but now all the previews will be the filtered PR stuff you see on every site. Odd how "casuals" always seemed to write the most accurate previews.

Their was filtered PR stuff at the E3's though. Trust me, we are on the same page about previews...but, E3 did have its moments.


I think it would be interesting if this allows ESA to pretty much 'reset' E3 as we know it. Move it to a more press/buyers event, then the spectical it has turned into with all the EB, Best Buy, and GameCrazy people around.

I think it is important for the industry to have a one stop event where press, retailers, and publishers can all meetup. But the current E3 model was showing signs that it wasn't working. Moving to a system like Sundance or something would seem to be better.

Tony HoTT

WTF people talk about E3 shit all ****in year after it happens. This is a terrible idea. It forced everyone to get their act together and bring their best shit to the show. Plus it would give us a glimpse first hand at what we could expect from the upcoming generation. Not only that but it was as good a place as any to show off where the industry is heading for consumers, developers, etc. Now we're gonna have these pussy ass one-sided events for companies like EA and any time we read about a game we're interested in it will be based off these events and we won't know what to do.

**** man.

Also **** you fat mediocre game writers/journalists or whatever. E3 is ****ing 3 days and I don't give a **** how much you had to work during those 3 days. You ever been to space!? I have, and I didn't sleep for like 4 days and i got sick up there! **** you fat bitch ass writers. You're hating on E3 now, but this event closing down will probably lead to a lot of you guys who cover this event getting fired. HAHA!

****in losers.


Well, my interest was in Wii this year's E3, and after seeing tons of Wii videos watching how people play the Wii, I'm glad gaming coverage will be limited to real gaming media press from now on (um, they actually... you know... like... sometimes, tell you the truth when a game sucks, as well? (
yes, this is a direct comment to everyone telling how fansites are the best

Man, most Wii videos showed people totally incompetent with adapting to gaming controllers and my mind often went to 'why the hell are you at E3?'. It's simple stuff like repeating the same move because it works, or trying all the possible moves that are in the game.


Tony HoTT said:
Also **** you fat mediocre game writers/journalists or whatever. E3 is ****ing 3 days and I don't give a **** how much you had to work during those 3 days. You ever been to space!? I have, and I didn't sleep for like 4 days and i got sick up there! **** you fat bitch ass writers. You're hating on E3 now, but this event closing down will probably lead to a lot of you guys who cover this event getting fired. HAHA!

****in losers.

Somehow you don't strike me as astronaut material...
Errrr... could someone quickly summarize what is going on with E3? Is it really cancelled? If so, why?

And what is with TGS? I read sth. about "negative news"?



beermonkey@tehbias said:
Real journalists should not have to wait in line for four hours behind Game Crazy store managers and industry posers, and then wait in multiple queues to play a handful of upcoming games for five minutes each. E3 as it exists is broken.

Yes, you're right that real journalists from the New York Times and USA Today should be able to cut in front of EGM, IGN, and Gamestop, most of whom can't string together coherent sentences at anything beyond a 4th grade reading level.


Dude, don't rip on the journalists if you haven't been there.

Yeah, it's possible to stay up for three days and work your ass off. But the question is whether that will lead to good content, or lots of halfassed stuff written under extreme pressure.

Working at E3 isn't like doing a marathon or some shit where you can just shut your mind off, bite your teeth and keep going. It requires you to pay some attention to what you're doing.


Soneet said:
Well, my interest was in Wii this year's E3, and after seeing tons of Wii videos watching how people play the Wii, I'm glad gaming coverage will be limited to real gaming media press from now on (um, they actually... you know... like... sometimes, tell you the truth when a game sucks, as well? (
yes, this is a direct comment to everyone telling how fansites are the best

Man, most Wii videos showed people totally incompetent with adapting to gaming controllers and my mind often went to 'why the hell are you at E3?'. It's simple stuff like repeating the same move because it works, or trying all the possible moves that are in the game.
The next time Nintendo shows the Wii to the press you get 1 screenshot for each game, without any cam footage! You wont get a "Recorded" Metroid Prime 3 trailer.
This year Nintendo didn't have a Mario, Metroid and proper Zelda trailer they all crammed into a low quality flash movie. I dont see Nintendo doing another SpaceWorld. Nintendo.com coverage for the next 20 years and behind closed door presentations ****!

Tony HoTT

Honestly I think journalists think their readers are expecting too much if they think it's hard work. Seriously, ALL we are expecting is screenshots and videos to be updated.


As a gamer, I'm deeply saddened. E3 was Christmas for me. I grew up with it and its larger than life showings. It was like a videogame smorgasboard orgy of goodness. It was the time when you'd get the thickest issues of the game magazines, the most fun on the forum, the chance to play the games at the event, and the time where you could enjoy the entire experience with its mystification and anticipation.

As a developer, it was a big kick in the ass. A motivation singularity. In terms of scheduling, it was the biggest milestone next to beta or ship, especially if it's the first showing. I guess it won't change the milestone pressure too much, but I can tell you that this can only be a good thing for a developer. E3 crunch is HORRENDOUS and is one of the biggest hidden factors of the industry's quality of life problems. The problem is that E3 is pretty much fixed in terms of where it is in the year (May), whereas game-specific debuts are a moving target.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
As with quite a few people, I have mixed feelings toward this news.

On the one hand, I'm rather glad about this becuase for the past few years, E3 just seems to have degraded into a joke, with the lights the flare, the goddamn booth whores and the like. It's nice to see the industry trying to get things serious again.

HOWEVER, even though those meddling bloggers just clogged up the lines, they were a valuable source of info, and media. Hell, I've seen some smaller sites do much better coverage of games than most of IGN and GS.

But I dunno. I'm glad I got into E3 this year, if this news is true. I'll definitely miss it, that's for sure.


Tony HoTT said:
Honestly I think journalists think their readers are expecting too much if they think it's hard work. Seriously, ALL we are expecting is screenshots and videos to be updated.

the sheer volume of screenshots and videos guarantees that it's hard work.


I'm only surprised this didn't happen earlier. Every major company (except possibly Nintendo) already has pre-E3 days for the major press where they demo everything they'll be showing at E3, often with hands-on time with their entire lineup, with coverage embargoed until the first day of the show. The reason for this is that no one wants their games to be lost in the rush, so it makes sense for them to ensure that the games are played in a better environment than E3 with impressions posted the first day of the show, not the last. Everything not revealed in those days usually comes during the pre-show conferences; which everybody has nowadays: Square Enix, Konami, Capcom, EA, Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, etc. E3 is essentially over before it's begun for the major media and has been for a few years now.

This really is a kick in the pants for smaller media and smaller companies (like, er, mine...) but in the long run, setting our own media schedules might turn out to be beneficial for us too. It'll be interesting to see.


Blimblim said:
Wow that's a pretty terrible news for me. E3 was a chance for smaller sites like mine to get something more or less exclusive if we worked correctly. Now this will be invite only private events for each publishers, and you can be sure only big sites and paper magazines will be there.
May was the really big month for me on xboxyde and playsyde. And now, especially since I live in ****ing France, I won't even be able to get new game footage unless the publishers do something here (because there is no way I'd be able to pay for transportation to the US multiple times per year even if I'm invited).
Wow, I feel like stopping everything :(

No, please don't. Calm down, wait and see. There'll be another big US gaming fair for sure. Maybe there won't be anything for one or two years, but it will happen. Back then when CES was cancelled there was a similar situation (if I remember correctly) and everything turned to good account with E3.

Apart from that, there's still Games Convention which will become way more important once it's the largest gaming fair in western regions. Sure, it's limited in terms of space but there were already rumors to move the show from Leipzig to another German city with larger fairgrounds like Hannover (this is where CeBit takes place once a year).

Edit: E3 2006 sucked anyways for smaller companys, websites and whatsoever. It was absolutely annoying that most of the really interesting stuff was only shown on invitation behind closed doors.


AniHawk said:
Hey, Nintnedo was just fine with keeping things at CES, but nooooooooo.

I don't remember authorizing them to stop doing Spaceworld, either. They should have kept it up as a public service.


For a Finer World
This news is a relief - I've always had a love/hate relationship with E3. On the other hand it's interesting to go to a place where you have access to so many developers and also the ability to preview upcoming games and hardware.

Then again I agree with all the posters about the problems. Year on year I especially hated the multitude of fans running after swag, looting everything they can get their hands on and grabbing free t-shirts, blocking off corridors... The horror! Especially as it wasn't just the "exhibits only"-retailers etc. but also some journalists who seemed more keen on getting free stuff than doing good coverage and trying to understand what were the main trends and sleeper hits... Sometimes most attention seemed focused on stands which were handing out best freebies :( And don't get me started on "this is beyond closed doors, exclusive" crap that got worse year by year...

Whew. Feels good to get that off my chest :)

Rest in peace, E3.

Here's hoping that a smart, well organized media event rises out of the ashes, with less parties and BS, and even more access to developers and playable code.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Odysseus said:
I blame those ninthings running through the convention center to get to their holy land.

It's not their fault Sony had a terrible showing.


WULFER said:
This year really was a big test for Microsoft and XBL at E3 and they passed with flying colors. Who else can deliver that kind of content to masses now and it be seen by the general public?

Yeah! All 1.5 million of them (at the time)! That's all the gamers out there, right?

And for all those people who weren't giving the Wii a chance in heck, how are they supposed to try it out (or any unreleased system for that matter)? They'll go out of their way to a Nintendo event to try out a system they don't think they'll care for? Sure!


Damn, was always my dream as a little kid to go :/

Ah well, maybe we'll get more news throughout the year.
Donkey Kong Galaxy announced.


E3 seemed to be getting more and more mainstream press each year. I was shocked this year how many E3 news related discussions I saw or heard going on elsewhere among non or casual gamers. Didn't MTV even have daily E3 updates this year?

From an industry or journalistic standpoint, I have no opinion since I belong to neither group. But no E3 or a severely scaled down one is just less fun for nearly everyone. Like if the NFL cancelled the Super Bowl but still played the regular season.
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