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The Official Halo 3 Thread

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fin said:
Yeah I'm more thinking of the Sims: Halo edition, where you places your vehicles and characters anywhere you want and watch what happens. Then have the option to play through and shoot everything. :D
Sims AI probably wouldn't be that simple either, the buyable objects inside the house give the NPCs places to go when they aren't just walking at random (ie when you build an empty house).
Insaniac said:
My hopes:

Some sort of scenario (campaign) creator in forge.

My beliefs:

Probably a new forge level of epic proportions with vast new placeable items including character models for machinima purposes.

Dax01 said:
At least he isn't posting about laughing his ass off.

I wish he could just say if we are close or not.
If it turns to purely be a machinima thing they should nip this in the bud, letting the excitement/hype get out of hand will just burn them in the end.

I believe!


Insaniac said:
My hopes: What I want more then anything is a Foundry-like map where every object is customizable.
AI bots
Valhalla with choppers

My beliefs: I really think the Foundry map is doable
Campaign skins for player use

So I pretty much agree with you.
I played some of the maps that won the Forge Hub contest thing. Reflex isn't exactly a classic slayer map, but it's a work of insane genius that everyone should play once. Gridlocked (the overall winner) was definitely my favourite (although it suffers, like almost every homemade map, from weapon saturation: there's two snipers, shotguns, a hammer, a flamethrower, flame grenades, a laser...) and made me want to tweak it a bit and invent a juggernaut gametype called The Dark Knight where you swoop down at people from the roofs of 'skyscrapers'.

BONUS FUN FACT: I tested them by inviting HITMANJMRS (and friends) into the game, and then booting him once I grew tired.

urk said:
At first I typed out "paltry squirt," but I thought I'd better beef it up a bit. True story.


What I mostly seen wanted is an outdoor environment for a custom-map like Foundry,

Add lots of pretty lighting, for example Standoff, and add some trees, but not so they're in the way of serious building. You may have yourself a great setup for a map. :)


Striker said:
What I mostly seen wanted is an outdoor environment for a custom-map like Foundry,

Add lots of pretty lighting, for example Standoff, and add some trees, but not so they're in the way of serious building. You may have yourself a great setup for a map. :)
If they are really releasing a completely blank slate then I hope they have new tools or types of objects in order to make outdoor maps. The problem with outdoor maps is that changes in elevation come from natural scenery (hills, cliffs, trees, etc.) There is currently nothing in the forge pallet that could be used to create these.

Far Cry had an awesome tools for creating outdoor maps. You could easily make hills, holes, mountains, ponds, etc. It would probably take a lot of doing but if Bungie managed to pull something like that off, it would be epic.


I wouldn't mind a jungle-like outdoor environment. Place trees similar to Sierra 117 and Ghost Town outside, but have a high chain fence guard the outdoors. After the fence ends, place an invisible barrier. I guess it would be similar to The Pit in that regard.


Shake Appeal said:
BONUS FUN FACT: I tested them by inviting HITMANJMRS (and friends) into the game, and then booting him once I grew tired.

Any intel? Why do I keep reciveing invites from that GT?


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.

I need to find the video on which Master Chief steals the girlfriend of some dude who played too much Halo. The video is famous because the Chief(some dude in armor) is drinking beer. Can anybody link me to it. I tried looking for it and found nothing.
Striker said:
I wouldn't mind a jungle-like outdoor environment. Place trees similar to Sierra 117 and Ghost Town outside, but have a high chain fence guard the outdoors. After the fence ends, place an invisible barrier. I guess it would be similar to The Pit in that regard.
Sierra 117 felt very "indoorsy" to me. I guess it is probably because there wasn't much room to go most of the time.
EazyB said:
AU2, Septemember 25th.

My bday! (Yes, last year was my best bday ever.)

the disgruntled gamer said:
It doesn't seem like a possibility at all to me. Classes = different spawn weapons. Considering halo multiplayer is all about controlling weapons and such, classes are unlikely.

Classes would be fucking awful in Halo. Everyone would choose sniper.


Wait...did that video imply that Bungie is not working on Halo 4 and that it was not part of the Bungie announcement planned for E3.
backflip10019 said:
Classes would be fucking awful in Halo. Everyone would choose sniper.


butthole fishhooking yes
joey_z said:
Wait...did that video imply that Bungie is not working on Halo 4 and that it was not part of the Bungie announcement planned for E3.

Jokes. The only implication is that Bungie is in on them.


If it is a map maker, I'm going to make a map where you're fighting on top of Frankies face. For those long time readers, you may remember me suggesting the premise of my map. There would be key locations, like a man cannon in his mouth, two caves to fit into both nostril and a BR in his left eye brow.


godhandiscen said:
The ending should be different. If I was to find my wife doing MC in my bedroom I would just sit there and watch.

Not many options there. Watch, join, or leave. Certainly wouldn't be dealing out any asswhippins. That's fer sure.

Thanks Cocop. Reading now.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I'm probably looking into it too much, but there just has to be some sort of significance to Luke's armor being default during that last segment. :p


Domino Theory said:
I'm probably looking into it too much, but there just has to be some sort of significance to Luke's armor being default during that last segment. :p

Probably because you can't change your armor in campaign mode.

Campaign Forge confirmed!

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Domino Theory said:
I'm probably looking into it too much, but there just has to be some sort of significance to Luke's armor being default during that last segment. :p
Hm... That is interesting.


Domino Theory said:
Talking about the end where he's on the blue blank slate.

The Halo 1 pistol is coming back.

--Harold Ryan, Bungie Podcast ages ago

"Halo 3: Blue" listed in retail directory.

Big blue area at the end of the new video.

This can only mean one thing. The new map is a giant flat blue grid, and everyone spawns with the M6D.


And yeah, that's interesting that he's in the default armor for the ending. That's the campaign color, not MP, right? (Totally colorblind here.)


PAX is so close I just hope they'll keep their mouths shut until then. It would only make the trip that much sweeter. And considering how much many are shelling out, a lot based on Bungie saying this would be "the year" to go, it would be awesome for those guys.

I can't wait to go to PAX and play as an infection form
After getting some horrible lag even playing 1v1 custom games, I rechecked all my router settings, restarted my router, DMZed my 360, rechecked my Network Settings on the dashboard, ensured my NAT was open, and went to speedtest.net to discover I was getting my usual 3Mbit up and down (ping was 12ms).

Then I tried playing again. It was horrendous. On a whim I speedtested to a server in Washington, USA. I got 470Kbps down and 300 up. And a ping of 250ms.

I guess I won't be playing any Halo until the Internet is fixed.
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