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BGR: "Pokemon is killing Nintendo cause it is selling too well", not a joke article


The end of November period brought just about the worst possible news for Nintendo: The latest Pokemon games sold a dazzling 1.5 million units in Japan during launch week.

It’s a massive number in a market where few titles manage to crack the 100,000 unit barrier during their debuts. The hot Pokemon rollout helped once again revive the aging 3DS portable console sales, boosting the weekly unit sales number to 83,000. This is more than seven times higher than weekly sales of Sony’s flagship PS4 console in Japan.

This toxic triumph was precisely what Nintendo did not need. The company requires shock therapy to force its hidebound executives to abandon their preposterous opposition to launching Nintendo’s beloved franchises on iPad. Instead, the ancient Nintendo properties from its ’80s and ’90s halcyon days keep performing well enough to enable the company to keep its head in the sand.

Nintendo is not crashing fast enough. The core device franchise, the 3DS, has now sold nearly 2.4 million units in Japan so far this year, which is substantially below the 4 million units it sold in the same period last year. But the erosion is simply too slow to force the company to change its mind about getting into the mobile app market. The strong Pokemon sales numbers from its home market just gave the reactionary wing of Nintendo’s management a new argument to stay the course and keep hanging onto its slowly sinking game console platforms.

While Nintendo’s console sales slide, the mobile game market is about to hit $22 billion in 2014 and is poised to balloon to $30 billion in 2016. So many of the most famous and lucrative game franchises are sitting out the tablet and smartphone game explosion completely – Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, Pokemon, etc.

Animal Crossing would be a perfect fit for the iPad and the monetization potential of its item collection system boggles the mind. Dr. Mario and other puzzle gems Nintendo has created could challenge the billion-dollar Candy Crush Saga empire so easily. F-Zero and Mario Kart are precisely the kind of rally games that fit the tablet format.

What could possibly be more delicious than Advance Wars for iPad? An insanely addictive, turn-based strategy game that begs for a connected, touchscreen-based device with a micro-payment system. Who amongst us would not pay $1.99 for new AW campaigns every damn month?

Nintendo is missing out on billions of dollars in totally new revenue with development costs that would be substantially below of what the Wii U requires. But with every passing quarter, Nintendo’s brand power becomes a little less valuable and relevant to younger consumers. Franchises like Castlevania and Metroid are already unknown to the new generation.

The sweet elixir of Pokemon 3DS profits are a slow venom dripping into Nintendo’s veins, numbing the mind of the company that needs to embrace change right now.

I felt like I had to say that it is not a joke article because legit thought they were joking, i thought it was a troll article but they are very serious, apparently they need to die faster so they wont die


What the fuck?

I'm not even a Nintendo fan but I don't even want to use Yahoo anymore. That shit is worse than the garbage you see on forums
Animal Crossing would be a perfect fit for the iPad and the monetization potential of its item collection system boggles the mind. Dr. Mario and other puzzle gems Nintendo has created could challenge the billion-dollar Candy Crush Saga empire so easily. F-Zero and Mario Kart are precisely the kind of rally games that fit the tablet format.

i don't even.

Is there a way to ban myself from going to a website? I don't ever want to accidentally go to yahoo again


This is silly. Just because Pokémon is the greatest system seller doesn't mean Nintendo won't try to succeed in the long term.


Nintendo is not crashing fast enough

This toxic triumph was precisely what Nintendo did not need. The company requires shock therapy to force its hidebound executives to abandon their preposterous opposition to launching Nintendo’s beloved franchises on iPad.

I had to stop reading there. Utterly absurd to even suggest such at thing.


So which member of the Balance Brigade wrote this glorious piece?

Can't let positive news about Nintendo go unbalanced with doomsaying!


"The games are selling so well that they're FORCED not to release on other platforms! They will surely FAIL if they can't sell Mario for 99c with microtransactions on shitty phones!"

What lunacy.


All I got from the article is that the author is really upset that he can't play Nintendo games on his iPad.


While Nintendo’s console sales slide, the mobile game market is about to hit $22 billion in 2014 and is poised to balloon to $30 billion in 2016. So many of the most famous and lucrative game franchises are sitting out the tablet and smartphone game explosion completely – Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, Pokemon, etc.

but capcom loves mobile?
Asking Nintendo to go mobile is like asking Ferrari to make a hybrid sedan.

People distant to the industry can only see it in one dimension. They see one company succeeding in mobile, and they can only ask why everyone isn't going down that same path.
F-Zero on a tablet?

What is wrong with these people.

You know people talk about how Nintendo has alienated its own audience the last few years, and I can't think of anything else that could more severely do this than joining the tablet/mobile market craze.
They think the games need to stop being successful so it can force Nintendo to release games for the platform they think is cool;
What the fuck?

I'm not even a Nintendo fan but I don't even want to use Yahoo anymore. That shit is worse than the garbage you see on forums

i don't even.

Is there a way to ban myself from going to a website? I don't ever want to accidentally go to yahoo again

The article is incredibly stupid, but Yahoo just posted a copy of an outside article, they didn't write it themselves -- the article is originally from https://bgr.com/2014/11/26/nintendo-pokemon-game-sales/ .


Unconfirmed Member
This article is best understood from the viewpoint that video games are nothing more than another product with which to maximize profits.

Also the Castlevania IP is owned by Konami, so take that into consideration when assessing the authors credibility.
Stupidest fucking article I've seen all week.

"What would be more delicious then Advance Wars on IPad..."

How bout a new Advance Wars on the 3DS? Jackass.
What could possibly be more delicious than Advance Wars for iPad? An insanely addictive, turn-based strategy game that begs for a connected, touchscreen-based device with a micro-payment system. Who amongst us would not pay $1.99 for new AW campaigns every damn month?



Kinda a strange way to view it, but i guess that the main poin that the author is trying to get across is that Nintendo might be losing out on much money by sticking to the old gaming model. The Pokemon sales numbers clearly shows that "traditional gaming" is still alive though.
Yahoo is run by morons so its no surprise stupid articles come out of them.

I just want HD screens in the next Nintendo portable. Cant look at the low res screens any longer in a world of high res displays.
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