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The Official Halo 3 Thread

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
GhaleonEB said:
"Starting tomorrow." I'm guessing the same time XBLA games go up.

That other thread has me all nostalgic about the days when we had weekly Halo threads degenerating into that kind of lunacy. Fun times.

y would you play halo on console when you can play adult fps with a mouse and keyboard


I would do it tonight, but my brother is sleeping nearby (current living conditions, can't help it) and I prefer not to play with volume low.

Actually, tomorrow night (tuesday night) would be good instead of the weekend (don't know what I was thinking with that) but besides you Ghaleon and myself, I'm still waiting on two more people here to respond.

Is the night of the 23rd (today or tomorrow depending on where you live) good for you Ghaleon?


Strider2K99 said:
I would do it tonight, but my brother is sleeping nearby (current living conditions, can't help it) and I prefer not to play with volume low.

Actually, tomorrow night (tuesday night) would be good instead of the weekend (don't know what I was thinking with that) but besides you Ghaleon and myself, I'm still waiting on two more people here to respond.

Is the night of the 23rd (today or tomorrow depending on where you live) good for you Ghaleon?
Yeah, I'm on most nights after 8:00 west coast.


GhaleonEB said:
You see, I had wisely switched to the AR, while he was still using the BR. In a close range fight such as this, it's best to have the AR on your side. He got off one shot, and I managed a quick spray/mêlée that dropped him. I mean, I like the BR. But the AR is good too. It just depends.
*wrote an epic post hating on the AR and subsequently deleted it*
Point is my problem with the AR is not that it's always useless, but that it's uses fall haphazardly between being useless as a starting weapon and too useful for a pray and spray weapon.

There, I tried not to derail too much. Anyways, awesome picture story, keep em up.


Strider2K99 said:
I would do it tonight, but my brother is sleeping nearby (current living conditions, can't help it) and I prefer not to play with volume low.

Actually, tomorrow night (tuesday night) would be good instead of the weekend (don't know what I was thinking with that) but besides you Ghaleon and myself, I'm still waiting on two more people here to respond.

Is the night of the 23rd (today or tomorrow depending on where you live) good for you Ghaleon?
add vhfive i may not be on but if i am i would be down (i think i can get one more too, will reply later after work today)
Metropolis: 8.5/10
-First time you get to use the tank in Halo 2. I always enjoyed the bridge part of this level.
-First time in Halo 2 in which you come across Ghosts, Wraiths, and Banshees.
-First time in the Halo series in which you get to use the Gauss Warthog. If I am not mistaken, it is the one of only two chances you get to use the vehicle in the campaign. Everything you did with the Gausshog kicked a lot of ass.
-I always thought how you take out the Scarab was pretty underwhelming. This time, it was no different.
-This level is really short. Personally, I think Bungle should have combined this and Outskirts into one level.

The Aribter: 8/10

-First time you get to play as the Arbiter, use the Carbine, and get to use the Elites’ stealth ability.
-After playing this level so much, I still don’t understand what this Forerunner facility is hanging from. :/
-It’s pretty cool to be able to see a Seraph fighter up close. If you look closely in “Cairo Station,” you can see a Seraph fighter being chased by two Longsword fighters.
-I don’t know if it’s just me, but the Elites with swords lost their “oh shit!” aspect of them in Halo 2. I felt that Bungie brought that feeling back with the Brutes and the gravity hammer in Halo 3, though.
-I love how you are able to fly around the entire facility in a Banshee. I wish more moments like this were in Halo 3.

Edit: Sorry, I put the "Oracle" and "The Arbiter" under one level: "The Arbiter."

The Oracle: 7/10
-I enjoyed this level up to the part where you cut the cables, then it tappers off. I don’t like the heretic “boss battle” at the end, and rushing to that part is not fun.


Well, I'm LTTP regarding Halo:CE levels, but I'd say that Halo and truth and Reconciliation are my favorite levels in the game. Halo's setting really blew me away at the time (it still does, actually), there was no whiff of repetetiveness, it had a good deal of variety (up-close action, sniping, fighting alone, fighting with a team, exploring in the 'hog for the first time,) and it was fairly open-ended as to which encounters you approached and in what order. Definitely the level that made me fall in love with the series, and probably my favorite level out of the game. Truth and Reconciliation drags a bit once you get inside the ship, but the on the ground portion is some of the most amazing combat in the series to date, and the setting was interesting as well. The series never topped that in terms of sniping missions.

The Silent Cartographer, Keyes, and 343 Guilty Spark are quality levels as well. The beach landing in Silent Cartographer was one of the most memorable parts in the game, and replaying it really makes me wish that Bungie had done a beach landing in New Mombassa in Halo 2 like they'd originally planned. Keyes is another quality level, the 3-way fights were some of the most intense in the game, and the escaping in the Banshee in the end was a really cool moment. The last half of the game is pretty much completely going back through where you were in the first half of the game, but I thought that Keyes was one of the only retreads that was really interesting and showed a compelling difference as to what the area was like before and after the flood escaped. And 343 Guilty Spark wasn't one of the best halo levels combat-wise, but the reveal of the flood was really well done and memorable, and the lead up to the reveal gave you a sense of dread that I haven't felt in games since, except for in Half-Life 2.

The Pillar of Autumn was such a throwaway level, I'm not even going to go into it. Just an all-around average level, didn't indicate at all what a great game was ahead.

Assault on the Control Room and its' sister level, Two Betrayals, are fairly good levels in a really cool environment (love the snow,) but they both drag on for too long and get too repetetive during the on-foot sections. The vehicle areas were a blast, though.

The Library is undoubtedly the worst level in the game, and the second-worst level in the series. It completely killed all the momentum and excitement the player had in the game by making you trek through identical hallway after identical hallway. Such crap.

And finally, The Maw. What's really over-looked about The Maw is how average it is as a level until the warthog run. It's very linear, enemies are just sort of thrown at you, and the encounters are just all-around unexciting. But the setting, amazing music, and incredible ending make me forgive The Maw for nearly being forgetable.
Stormtrooper30 said:
That would be amazing.
TDG said:
The Library is undoubtedly the worst level in the game, and the second-worst level in the series. It completely killed all the momentum and excitement the player had in the game by making you trek through identical hallway after identical hallway. Such crap.
The Library is like Left 4 Dead for me, but with a Halo twist. And as you know, I enjoyed it more than Keyes and Truth and Reconciliation.


Dax01 said:
The Library is like Left 4 Dead for me, but with a Halo twist. And as you know, I enjoyed it more than Keyes and Truth and Reconciliation.
If you were playing Left 4 Dead alone, were going through identical hallways over and over, the A.I. was dumber, there was no enemy variety, and you weren't in an interesting environment, then the Library would be just like Left 4 Dead: Halo remix.

And I don't even know it's possible to like The Library more than Keyes and TaR. I guess you must not be a TRUE Halo fan! ;)
TDG said:
If you were playing Left 4 Dead alone, were going through identical hallways over and over, the A.I. was dumber, there was no enemy variety, and you weren't in an interesting environment, then the Library would be just like Left 4 Dead: Halo remix.

And I don't even know it's possible to like The Library more than Keyes and TaR. I guess you must not be a TRUE Halo fan! ;)
I've never played Halo: CE in co-op (probably never will), but I heard "The Library" is a lot more fun in co-op.


Dax01 said:
I've never played Halo: CE in co-op (probably never will), but I heard "The Library" is a lot more fun in co-op.
This is true, but scooping cat litter is more fun with friends.
Delta Halo: 9/10
-First time you are on a Halo in Halo 2.
-You drop in with the ODSTs. Too bad you can't experience the drop from the MC's perspective. I think in the Halo/Halo 2 HD cutscenes extra for the Legedary edition, one of the guys said they couldn't do it with the engine.
-Makes you want to explore. A major plus for any level set on "Halo."
-When Heretic Hero starts to play as soon as you grab the tank, you know you're in for an enjoyable ride.
-I discovered a room that I didn't notice before (it's always so awesome to know you played a certain section many times and yet there is still more to discover): there are two dead grunts with two swords lying on the ground in a hidden room. I wonder how that happened.
-First time you meet honor guards.

Regret: 8.5/10
-I enjoyed this a lot more than the other "boss level" ("The Oracle") in the game.
-The gondolas are a lot of fun. Speaking of gondolas, is there some sort of point to what Cortana said when she said, "This lake couldn't have been created by volcanic action, which means it was either built this way on purpose, or was created by some other cataclysmic event?"
-I love the submerged "elevator."
-The cutscene in which the whole Covenant fleet emerges from slipspace right above the MC is breathtaking. In-game, it's definitely something to look at.
-Regret "boss battle" was meh.
-The ending cutscene reveals to us the "voice" of the Gravemind.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
A Penguin said:
Lookin' good. Is the screenshot titled "Easy Beatdown" a tribute to EazyB? If so, :lol
That is Flight that's getting beat down! :lol


Orbital looks pretty good... It's a bit too grey/blue and I'm sick of the human design, but it has a couple of things we haven't seen before on human maps so it looks good.


Orbital: I played 8v8 on this map, and it was WAY too many people. But it was a lot of corridor shooting. I never got a chance to explore this map (this was the only game I played on this map). It was obvious it was some sort of orbiting platform around earth - most likely a MAC cannon. There were quite a few computer screens on top of every entryway. Very neat.

Looks like the guy's map descriptions are right so far (I'm guessing this was meant to be a private PM to someone from that Williams guy, and they leaked it) There are corridors, and there are computer screens that we can see above... Interesting.

To refresh your memory, here's the leaked info.

"I was invited to play the new maps (minus Sandbox) at Bungie HQ along with some of the biggest community people in Halo (Louis Wu, Cocopjojo, Voc, etc). So I thought to give you a small, small heads up, I would help you out with a little bit of information.

Okay, so here we go:

Assembly: small to mid-size map. Bowl shaped covenant scarab factory - you've seen it.

Heretic: Midship remake. The ONLY - and literally ONLY - difference any of us could find (we tested all the jumps) was that jump pad on top, where you can jump up and get the sword, it was bouncy whenever you jumped or threw grenades on it in H2. It wasn't bouncy in Heretic. Everything else was faithful. Programmed into the map is BR/plasma nade starts. The sky box when you look out the windows is AMAZING - it is a view of quite a few Covenant carriers and ships coming into possibly our Solar system, and you are looking out from the belly of another ship. There is one that is really close to you and you can see amazing detail on the ship. There is a planet nearby too.

Orbital: I played 8v8 on this map, and it was WAY too many people. But it was a lot of corridor shooting. I never got a chance to explore this map (this was the only game I played on this map). It was obvious it was some sort of orbiting platform around earth - most likely a MAC cannon. There were quite a few computer screens on top of every entryway. Very neat.

Longshore: Wow. Easily my favorite map of all of them. This is a BTB map, and it is along the docks of OLD Mombasa (confirmed by Lars). There are even little maroon dinghies with small engines at a part of the map (I poked fun and said "I guess they never changed the design of small boat engines in 500 years, the employees got a laugh out of that). When you look out to the water, you see 2 LARGE carrier ships off in the distance, with pelicans and longswords and a couple other planes of some sort. It is AMAZING. There is a 2 story building on one side (base 1) with the roof also being accessible, and another 2 two-story buildings on the other side (Base 2). A center structure (kind of like a warehouse/boat storage facility) separates the two bases, and there is up at the WAY top of this structure an extendable bridge that drops on the roof of base 1. Lots of other buildings/crates/places to hide. One side of the map is all ocean, the other side is blocked by a large building that is part of the boat warehouse middle structure. This fish picture/drawing that was being handed out at PAX was a billboard on this map.

Citadel: I played this map with Lars. This map was LARGELY inspired by the level "The Covenant" when you were inside of the Forerunner structures, right after the battle with the Hunters who were below the elevator platform. When you have to go around and up an angled jump to battle a few brutes and buggers to get to the platform, that part is almost exactly in the map! It was really cool and was a good close quarters map. Two overshields spawn, and there is a central location with a small structure in the middle with Rockets on top. There are a lot of things hidden in here, very cool map.

And Sandbox they didn't let us play (none of us have any idea why?) and said nothing about it either.

This is just to give you an idea of what everything is about.



More treats to come on Bnet on Friday... Sandbox hopefully? Though, I'm not sure why they would separate the reveal of the Mythic Map Pack between a few days... it's Bungle.

[edit] Fuck me and my double posting.
"I was invited to play the new maps (minus Sandbox) at Bungie HQ along with some of the biggest community people in Halo (Louis Wu, Cocopjojo, Voc, etc). So I thought to give you a small, small heads up, I would help you out with a little bit of information.

Couldn't Coco, Voc, and Louis Wu confirm or deny this guy's analysis of the maps? I mean, if they weren't actually invited, that would prove that this information was made up. I hope its not though, Longshore and Heretic sound really awesome.
I'm sad to hear that none of them will be Headlong (if the rumor is true).


Stormtrooper30 said:
Couldn't Coco, Voc, and Louis Wu confirm or deny this guy's analysis of the maps? I mean, if they weren't actually invited, that would prove that this information was made up. I hope its not though, Longshore and Heretic sound really awesome.
I'm sad to hear that none of them will be Headlong (if the rumor is true).

If they did indeed play it, they are most likely under NDA. They could just lie and say they didn't.

Conspiracy! ;p

I found this clean Mainmenu pic so I decided to compare it with the E3 trailer for funs.

rumors coming true, I like it, plus CE with achievement would be sweet, but it would take a lot of coding to fix that, that or just fix up Halo CE with new graphics and such, and I would easily buy it again.


Can't say I like the look of Orbital, (not asthetically, just the look of the map) but I'm eager to play Assembly. That one looks like a return to old school Halo map design!


Kibbles said:
Looks like the guy's map descriptions are right so far (I'm guessing this was meant to be a private PM to someone from that Williams guy, and they leaked it) There are corridors, and there are computer screens that we can see above... Interesting.
Are all these maps coming out in the mythic map pack? For some reason I was under the impression that it was only Orbital, Assembly, and Sandbox. The other maps are new to me.


Doodis said:
Are all these maps coming out in the mythic map pack? For some reason I was under the impression that it was only Orbital, Assembly, and Sandbox. The other maps are new to me.
The other maps will be bundled with Halo 3: ODST now, but judging from the achievements, they were originally intended to be with the Mythic Map Pack.
Kibbles, thanks for that quote! Hadn't seen it before. So Heretic is a Midship remake? Eh. I wasn't too fond of Midship, but I'd be willing to give it another try. Longshore sounds amazing, as well as Citadel because I <3 "The Covenant" oh so very much.

Sacred Icon: 8/10
-If you turn around and look at the background of the place you start out in, you can see High Charity and Halo together: very cool.
-I think this is the only instance in the game in which you have a Jackal as your ally.
-First time you meet those lovely Sentinel Enforcers.
-The pistons are definitely an interesting way of getting around. I wonder if the pistons was an early concept that was put into the final game, or were developed later on. Also, what is their purpose, exactly? To help the Sentinel Constructors get around?
-When you deactivate the Containment-Shield, you can see it go down as you leave the Forerunner building you started in. I hadn’t noticed that before. Jeez, I sure missed a lot of things.
-Most of the time you’re right behind the Humans. At one point, you can see them battling it out across the level.
-Seeing the Sentinel factory being blown up by (what I assume to be) a Flood-controlled Wraith was great to see.
-The sort of “last stand” at the end of the level was a great way to end it. Oh, did I mention that Elites are better than Marines? Mainly due to their shields.

Quarantine Zone: 9/10

-First time you come across a Specter.
-If I am not mistaken, this level has you battling against Flood-controlled Human vehicles for the first time.
-I notice that your shields take less time to recharge than those of your Elite allies.
-This level has some awesome vehicle combat, but sadly some (if not most) of it is ruined by lock-on rockets. Instead of trying to take it to the enemy, I end up rushing through for fear of losing my vehicle, and if that happens, I have no chance of survival.
-Found something else I hadn't noticed before: you can see In Amber Clad in this level. It's right after the cutscene in which Rtas tells Thel that he will hold off the Flood while Thel goes after the icon; it's while you are on the gondola, crossing the gorge. You can actually see the glow of the engines in the back. Awesome.
-While you're on the gondola, for most of the time, you can see the Human-controlled gondola moving just ahead of you.
-"Sacred Icon" and "Quarantine Zone" are the only Halo levels in which you fight against Flood-controlled vehicles. Correct me if I am wrong on that.
-Despite it's flaws, it's still one of the best levels in the game.


Cocopjojo said:
That is Flight that's getting beat down! :lol

Yeah, that's no coincidence. And those shots just remind me how epicfuckawesome the sky box is on Assembly. They really went nuts with it on that map.

Orbital looks a bit like a big hallway, twisted into a pretzel. I approve since I can navigate straight hallways. Looks fun.

Bring on Sandbox. The name is tantalizing.
Kibbles said:
The other maps will be bundled with Halo 3: ODST now, but judging from the achievements, they were originally intended to be with the Mythic Map Pack.
And Bungie has said they originally thought they would all be released together. Microsoft changed their plans and is delaying three of them a year for ODST.


Doodis said:
Are all these maps coming out in the mythic map pack? For some reason I was under the impression that it was only Orbital, Assembly, and Sandbox. The other maps are new to me.

The other maps are going to be packaged with the new expansion. So the maps that were complete enough to supposedly be played by that Williams cat many moons ago won't be out for another year.

Go to Blockbuster when Halo Wars is out, grab one of the empty cases and use the map pack code inside for part 1 of the maps. If you for some reason want to play the game, pirate it. Don't give Microsoft a dime for this bullshit.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
GhaleonEB said:
Bring on Sandbox. The name is tantalizing.
Yeah, this is the one that I'm really interested in. I'm sure the rest of the maps will be awesome, but I think we've all agreed that Sandbox is probably a Foundry-type map, and based on the videos we've seen I cannot begin to imagine how it will work. I really cannot wait to hear more about it.

Also, Kibbles, where did you find that "clean" main menu pic?


Cocopjojo said:
Yeah, this is the one that I'm really interested in. I'm sure the rest of the maps will be awesome, but I think we've all agreed that Sandbox is probably a Foundry-type map, and based on the videos we've seen I cannot begin to imagine how it will work. I really cannot wait to hear more about it.

Also, Kibbles, where did you find that "clean" main menu pic?
This thread.


Cocopjojo said:
Yeah, this is the one that I'm really interested in. I'm sure the rest of the maps will be awesome, but I think we've all agreed that Sandbox is probably a Foundry-type map, and based on the videos we've seen I cannot begin to imagine how it will work. I really cannot wait to hear more about it.
And then there's this:

Q: X Foman123 x asks: The forums have been abuzz with requests for a new "Foundry"-style map that is larger, outdoors, and better suited for creating maps for large parties, are there any discussions about a larger, more open map for from-the-ground-up Forge creations?

A: Last time someone asked a question about this there were entire legions of upset e-folks because we didn't give them a straight answer. Thankfully, your question is so laser-focused on the "discussions" about a new Foundry-style map so I can give you an answer - Yes, there are discussions about Foundry-style maps.​
That was from July 25. In the October podcast, they said the maps were done. Given the length of the pipeline, I can't imagine something was in "discussion" that late in the production cycle.

Which I'm sure you remembered. I just keep thinking of that and want it to be what we think it is. Which is of course why they're holding out on revealing it. :lol


If Sandbox truly is as awesome as we imagine, I may have to... get Halo Wars. I'll probably take a look at the cutscenes while beating the Campaign, keep the DLC code, and return it. If I end up liking it, it's a keeper, but I'm not that big of a RTS fan. It's got to be pretty damn good for $80 too. >_< My Xbox 360 keeps getting 2 red lights too, so I'll probably have to get a new box. Xbox want's over $140 or something to fix it. I'd rather buy a new one that'll be more reliable for $200. (core, I'll put my HDD in) It's been pretty weird though. Sometimes I get it right away, sometimes it takes a while. *shrug*
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