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The Official Halo 3 Thread

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Kuroyume said:
This would be an interesting map on Halo 3, not that I am expecting it remade.

It sucked being down near overshield and in the area alike. Now with mancannons, one could be placed down there and shoot you toward the ramp areas or perhaps shoot you directly upward to the Magnum spawn in the base. Ahhh... loved that map, even though it was average compared to the other symmetrical Halo maps. :p

BTW, Team Flag is awshum.


GhaleonEB said:
I'm hoping for someone to make Waterworks, myself. I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of remakes. Bring on Boarding Action.
Ah yes, Waterworks. Easily one of the most underrated maps ever.


Super sadface



GhaleonEB said:
I'm hoping for someone to make Waterworks, myself. I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of remakes. Bring on Boarding Action.

A Waterworks remake would be rad. Whomever remakes Headlong, or something very similar to Headlong, though, will be my freaking hero. :p
I think alot of Halo 2 maps would be alot more fun in a more colorful and brighter setting. To me dark and dreary maps aren't as enjoyable as normal ones. That's part of the reason Halo 1's maps are so lasting and I could play them for ages: none of the settings detracted from the gameplay. Of course, those maps could've used more color and detail, but they weren't crowded, claustrophobic, distracting, or confusing to the player.

For instance, Chill Out is alot more fun than Cold Storange for me simply because of the lack of color. The ocean and the glaciers look awesome, but the lighting is a little too dark and the aesthetics of the platform itself are pretty ugly and distracting imo. Anyways, I just think that while lighting and detail is a plus, too much is just awful.

The disparity of the aesthetics between the maps in Halo 3 to me is pretty significant.

I love:
Guardian (dark, but pretty well-lit and the color of the sky helps alot)
Ghost Town (right level of detail, nice colors)
Snowbound (love the snow and the purples)
Standoff (really solid)
High Ground

Pretty good:
Valhalla (pretty nice, the colors seem a little off)
Epitaph (a little dark, but really it's just too cramped)

Construct (just really boring)
Pit (gets old really fast)
Rat's Nest (love the interiors, but outside is boring)
Avalanche (snow isn't as nice as Snowbound's, some parts are pretty ugly)

Isolation (something just seems off, really depressing.)
Blackout (alot of things right, but alot wrong)
Cold Storage (just grey..)
Foundry (ugly brown warehouse... some forged versions make it look good, like lockdown)

Really to me the colors on alot of the maps just seem off. It's really weird... but at least there is color

Anyways, Colossus without brown and brighter would be amazing. A headlong that's Sierra 117 themed like Ghost Town would also be. Ascension and Ivory Tower could be made a little more interesting, imo. Watwrworks just needs to be brighter.

Long post no one will read ftw... im sick and nothing to do


Ahhhh Waterworks. That was the first map I ever played on XBL on with friends I made from the AVS Forums. I had no idea what I was doing so I just followed everyone. Miraculously, I ended up being the last one left alive at the other teams base so I picked up the flag and started running. Running in no apparent direction that I ended up running in circles in the structures above the middle, falling down hole with the stairs on the the bridge, and walking it all the way back. I was so lost that the other team had no idea where I had gone either. :lol

Ever since then I was hooked on Halo2 online play. Waterworks will always have a soft spot for me because of that. :D


People called Romanes they go the house?
Out of curiosity, do you guys really think Sandbox is going to be big enough (fund-wise, if not space-wise) to remake Colossus or Ascension?

edit: Because wishful thinking is all well and good, but some kid's gonna see this, and get his hopes up, only to come crashing down. :p

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Metroidvania said:
Out of curiosity, do you guys really think Sandbox is going to be big enough (fund-wise, if not space-wise) to remake Colossus or Ascension?
Honestly, I don't see how that'd be possible.
Metroidvania said:
Out of curiosity, do you guys really think Sandbox is going to be big enough (fund-wise, if not space-wise) to remake Colossus or Ascension?

Nah, I don't think it will be. Too bad because Ascension was money.


FourDoor said:
So blue grid is alive, we know that for a fact. But Voc brings up a good point that in the IGN video, there is no skybox. I mean quite honestly I think it could go 50/50.

2. Voc is on the money again and the whole freakin map is customizable down to the last pixel. I still hang on the word from Lars saying that most Forgers would want to start off with the default map as opposed to starting from 100% scratch as 100% scratch may just be the IGN video. :lol
I really don't understand this quote:
Lars Bakken: We were able to play with the numbers a bit and the starting budget is $510 with everything placed on the map you see in the screens. Here's a tip though, there are only so many objects the game allows you to place, so you can still run out of objects before the budget limit is reached. So, for all the hardcore forgers out there, it would be wise to use all the existing objects in the level where possible before you go creating more new ones. You'll get the most out of the map that way.
Why wouldn't a hardcore forger want to start from scratch, to build the level from the
blue griddy
ground up? He makes it seem like the default setup allows for the forger to have a greater budget or a greater amount of object in the end. If hardcore forgers are those who want to use as much objects as possible then this would be the only reason they'd want to start from the default objects.

Also: played the Halo Wars demo. Loved the cutscenes just because it's awesome to see the Halo vehicles and Covenant in CG. Gameplay seemed decent, enjoyed making the staple Halo vehicles. Played a few skirmishes; got whooped twice before I was able to beat the Humans as the Covenant.

Not completely sold but I've enjoyed what I've played.
EazyB said:
Also: played the Halo Wars demo. Loved the cutscenes just because it's awesome to see the Halo vehicles and Covenant in CG. Gameplay seemed decent, enjoyed making the staple Halo vehicles. Played a few skirmishes; got whooped twice before I was able to beat the Humans as the Covenant.

Not completely sold but I've enjoyed what I've played.

Agreed so far it is quite cool.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
EazyB said:
I really don't understand this quote:

Why wouldn't a hardcore forger want to start from scratch, to build the level from the
blue griddy
ground up? He makes it seem like the default setup allows for the forger to have a greater budget or a greater amount of object in the end. If hardcore forgers are those who want to use as much objects as possible then this would be the only reason they'd want to start from the default objects.

Also: played the Halo Wars demo. Loved the cutscenes just because it's awesome to see the Halo vehicles and Covenant in CG. Gameplay seemed decent, enjoyed making the staple Halo vehicles. Played a few skirmishes; got whooped twice before I was able to beat the Humans as the Covenant.

Not completely sold but I've enjoyed what I've played.

The quote does sound weird. Obviously the default map will x amount of y objects in place, obviously you can only have a fixed amount of objects in a map regardless of the budget. Strange that he went out of his way to say what he did.

The HW demo is fun. The campaign levels are too short but skirmish mode shows a lot of stuff. Spartans with lasers indeed.

Enjoying it more than the Killzone 2 demo.


FourDoor said:
Ahhhh Waterworks. That was the first map I ever played on XBL on with friends I made from the AVS Forums. I had no idea what I was doing so I just followed everyone. Miraculously, I ended up being the last one left alive at the other teams base so I picked up the flag and started running. Running in no apparent direction that I ended up running in circles in the structures above the middle, falling down hole with the stairs on the the bridge, and walking it all the way back. I was so lost that the other team had no idea where I had gone either. :lol

Ever since then I was hooked on Halo2 online play. Waterworks will always have a soft spot for me because of that. :D
Seriously. There is nothing like a good CTF or Assault game on Waterworks. I've been through some matches with great hilarity, others with great amounts of epic. And you can't forget the kids who drive you off the edge ;P One time I actually helped the other team score a flag on us. I drove up and kept saying "get in I'm on your side" and drove him to other side for a cap :) I felt bad for them. :lol

I just love it when you are trying to make the great escape back on the Warthog and you got enemies all around you, then a Banshee comes tearing in, dropping the cones down from above, which are breaking apart around you. Hawt. It was also one of the only maps in Halo 2 to have a ladder (it leads to the sword in the middle). The only other map that I can think of that has a ladder is Headlong. Good ole' ladders.

I played some more Halo Wars Skirmish, had an epic hour long battle :lol It was fairly fun, but as I said before, it's not worth a $60-$80 purchase in my book. I'm not that big on RTS's, it seems like it would get stale pretty quickly. Cutscenes are great, music is great, voice-acting and script... not so much.

A Penguin

Kibbles said:
Seriously. There is nothing like a good CTF or Assault game on Waterworks. I've been through some matches with great hilarity, others with great amounts of epic. And you can't forget the kids who drive you off the edge ;P One time I actually helped the other team score a flag on us. I drove up and kept saying "get in I'm on your side" and drove him to other side for a cap :) I felt bad for them. :lol

Heh. I've actually had that happen to me the other day. Some guy on the other side got pissed at his team for not having mics, so he 'stole' their Warthog and drove us around on Standoff. Fun stuff.


Has this been posted? It's a few days old, but it's an interview about the Halo IP with the lead producer on Microsoft's Halo team.


Some key points... Master Chief's return? Grunt-Dancing Game? :p He also doesn't rule out the possibility of Halo Wars PC.

VideoGamer.com: With Halo Wars and with Halo 3: ODST, the Master Chief has taken a back seat. The ending of Halo 3 left things pretty open. Have we seen the last of the Master Chief?

JP: I would never say you should count Master Chief out! That's all I have to say about that!
VideoGamer.com: You mention new genres. We've seen first-person shooters, and now a strategy game, and we're going to see another first-person shooter with ODST. What new genres could support a Halo game? It doesn't strike me as a party-centred Wii mini-game style title...
halo 3 still ad - Halo Studio on the future of the...

JP: That I think comes back to... and this is where you run the real risk of releasing a game that makes people go, what the heck were you thinking?! That can start to kill your franchise. That's actually why our studio exists. I can tell you that if you could think of a game that would work with a party atmosphere that would not gut the franchise, or milk it, we would think about it, seriously. But again, whether that's an arcade game or casual title, or any kind of party game, we would need to take an element of the universe that made sense. You are never going to see, and I have no problem saying this, you're never going to see a dancing Master Chief game. It's not going to happen. However, could you maybe see a dancing Grunt game? I don't know, I mean Grunts are funny and they're weird, and it wouldn't necessarily destroy the fiction to do something like that. Certainly I'm never going to just impose that decision on my team, I don't have that luxury. But I don't think we would ever go into a genre that didn't make sense. That's something we all feel really strongly about. And so we would have to evaluate the subject matter, the kind of story we were trying to tell, along with whatever game we were trying to tell it in. If a dancing Grunt game made sense? Maybe it would! I don't think it does necessarily, at the moment, but you never know.
VideoGamer.com: There's been a lot of speculation about a PC version of Halo Wars. Is that something that is never going to happen?

JP: You can't ever say never. But I can say we have no plans right now to do it. You would run into the same problems moving Halo Wars to the PC that you run into porting a PC strategy game to the console. The controls are fundamentally developed for a game pad and the mechanic has been altered and evolved, as we like to think of it, significantly so it's paired with the controls very tightly. If you move that over to the PC it's not going to feel like the same game unless you do some really fundamental re-altering. So at the moment we have no plans.

Halo Wars is due out exclusively for Xbox 360 on February 27.


Hopefully forge is actually useable on Sandbox and has expanded options, I'd like to remake Desolation/Derelict, but when I tried to do it with Foundry I nearly tore my hair out.


Captain Blood said:

Its not about the money.....its about sending a message.
TDG said:
Hopefully forge is actually useable on Sandbox and has expanded options, I'd like to remake Desolation/Derelict, but when I tried to do it with Foundry I nearly tore my hair out.
I wouldn't count on the basic forge tools being that different. Hopefully there is enough variety in objects and their shapes so that forgers don't have to waste time merging and intersecting to make the shapes they want and instead us this time to create fun balanced maps. If the grid does let you build on pre-elevated land it would help as well.

Still, making a decent map is gunna take a lot of time and even more patience, it's not for every. I can spend 5 minutes making sure a box is lined up correctly because I love seeing my ideas come to fruition (Ex. 1 & 2).


can't wait for team flag :D

halo wars while fun, only makes me want to play it on a pc. the controls are still a little bit too clunky.

oh and halo in cg is bad ass
A point of interest for those who are planning on picking up ODST this fall. Cocop's fashioned a beast of an article covering the most critical day in both Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST's respective stories: 10/20/2552.

Articulate and exhaustive, while still managing to be an easy read - I think this is the best story primer for ODST one could expect right now, so I'd recommend it to everyone who plans on picking up the expansion later this year.



Here's a pic of the event I did for our community centre, and I had a 3rd 360 there and a 3rd projector but one guy forgot his copy of Halo 3 (that was the one of two items I didn't pick up myself and trusted someone else to bring, can't depend on anyone, I should have chewed him out Bale stylez), so I need to buy a second copy for myself (as well as second copies of the map packs).

So screw Halo Wars! It IS about the money for me. Buying those map packs for my 2nd 360 will be well, well worth it in the long run, considering how much fun the kids had (and I had when the event was over, I had some epic matches with my buddies till 3am :p).


Mr Vociferous said:
A point of interest for those who are planning on picking up ODST this fall. Cocop's fashioned a beast of an article covering the most critical day in both Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST's respective stories: 10/20/2552.

Articulate and exhaustive, while still managing to be an easy read - I think this is the best story primer for ODST one could expect right now, so I'd recommend it to everyone who plans on picking up the expansion later this year.
very good read
thanks cocop

i'm always impressed at the work you people at AJ put into your work. I read all the same info you guys do but would never be able to put it all together so cohesively. you guys don't get enough credit for the quality you put out


FightyF said:

Here's a pic of the event I did for our community centre, and I had a 3rd 360 there and a 3rd projector but one guy forgot his copy of Halo 3 (that was the one of two items I didn't pick up myself and trusted someone else to bring, can't depend on anyone, I should have chewed him out Bale stylez), so I need to buy a second copy for myself (as well as second copies of the map packs).

So screw Halo Wars! It IS about the money for me. Buying those map packs for my 2nd 360 will be well, well worth it in the long run, considering how much fun the kids had (and I had when the event was over, I had some epic matches with my buddies till 3am :P).[/QUOTE]
I helped a buddy of mine set up a similar event in his church. The kids get a kick out of it and it's really great to see them have so much fun. Keep up the good work.

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
So i just got back into Halo 3 after a year and am slowly getting back into loving it. I have googled and searched around and couldnt find a mention if the Legendary map pack will be free when the mythic map pack hits. Any chance itll turn free? Screw paying for maps....


Metalic Sand said:
So i just got back into Halo 3 after a year and am slowly getting back into loving it. I have googled and searched around and couldnt find a mention if the Legendary map pack will be free when the mythic map pack hits. Any chance itll turn free? Screw paying for maps....
MS hasn't said anything about making them free. If I had to guess I'd say they'll go free once Mythic hit XBLMP but nothing is for sure. At any rate, the Mythic pack is close enough that you should probably just hold out and see what happens once the Mythic pack does hit.

Hold onto those MS points and spend them on the Mythic pack because it looks like the shit.
Mr Vociferous said:
A point of interest for those who are planning on picking up ODST this fall. Cocop's fashioned a beast of an article covering the most critical day in both Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST's respective stories: 10/20/2552.

Articulate and exhaustive, while still managing to be an easy read - I think this is the best story primer for ODST one could expect right now, so I'd recommend it to everyone who plans on picking up the expansion later this year.
Will read. Thank you.


I completely forgot about this comic. There is more of it, correct?

Edit: Done.:D Good article.


Mr Vociferous said:
A point of interest for those who are planning on picking up ODST this fall. Cocop's fashioned a beast of an article covering the most critical day in both Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST's respective stories: 10/20/2552.

Articulate and exhaustive, while still managing to be an easy read - I think this is the best story primer for ODST one could expect right now, so I'd recommend it to everyone who plans on picking up the expansion later this year.


“Hey, Rookie, you out there?” says the squad commander into his radio as he walks along the sun-drenched rooftops of New Mombasa with Romeo.

“Even if he ain’t dead, he’s lost in that stuff,” Romeo says. “Our comms can’t cut through that.”

“So give up, huh? What if it was you down there?”

“Just sayin’. I ain’t dead.”

“You’re a piece of work, Romeo."

Just guessing here, but we know that Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, and Adam Baldwin from Firefly are doing voice work for Halo 3 ODST. Romeo totally sounds like he'd be voiced by Adam Baldwin with his "ain't"s and jerk attitude.


dresses business casual
backflip10019 said:
Umm, wtf happened in this game?


When it happened, the game was just starting up but instead of being taken into it, we were all just thrown back into the lobby. I've never seen everyone (except those two) booted in a game before. Weird. Were we host booted or what?

I've had strange things like that happen every once in a long while. Sorry for not playing up to par. I have been having issues lately. I think I may need to drop my sensitivity for a bit. My BR has become too wild.
Falagard said:
Just guessing here, but we know that Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, and Adam Baldwin from Firefly are doing voice work for Halo 3 ODST. Romeo totally sounds like he'd be voiced by Adam Baldwin with his "ain't"s and jerk attitude.
I was talking about this with a few guys the other day -- the notion of having the lead character during a Halo game, the one the player plays as, talking while you're playing is so alien it's going to take some adjusting to. Strangely though, it sounds so cool that any adjustment by me will be warmly welcomed.

So many interesting concepts being introduced in Halo 3: ODST, it almost feels like they're reinventing the potential of what a Halo campaign could be...
  • an open, exploratory hub world with linear offshoot missions
  • a mystery with clues that needs a level of participation for resolution
  • being able to play as an animated, loud-mouth character for the first time
  • fighting a vastly superior enemy as an underdog
  • the use of a tactical map, silenced weapons and visual indicators
  • focus on cover/strategy over charging headlong into enemy lines
  • M6Deliverance, if prayers are to be answered
I really hope to see more trending toward this expansive approach in future games by Bungie. I know Bungie innovates with each title we've seen and each in feature set (matchmaking, forge, campaign scoring, etc.) they've offered, but, at least from what I can tell, this expansion is going to be a dramatic evolution of all that we've experienced so far.


Mr Vociferous said:
the notion of having the lead character during a Halo game, the one the player plays as, talking while you're playing
Is this confirmed? I must have missed it. I thought it would be the same as MC---talking only in cut-scenes.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
alisdair said:
Is this confirmed? I must have missed it. I thought it would be the same as MC---talking only in cut-scenes.
It's confirmed. I'll type up the exact quote from GI in a little while, but Staten specifically mentions your character talking while you're playing - for example, when you kill a Grunt, he says something like "suck it!"
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