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NeoGAF Drawing-a-Day Thread


here's a panel from the graphic novel i'm making


here's a doodle



Neo Member
Nowhere near as talented as some folks in here, but I've had some pretty solid stuff in my comic recently.

I plan on doing a whole series of character posters like this.


Also, I've been doing some parody wallpapers.

Anybody following the drama around KR0NPR1NZ?

What drama?

Nice drawings by the way.

EDIT: Just checked out his deviantart.

From what I can see some people are mad because he does what %99 of artists do, which is referencing pictures and recreating them for experience. While giving credit could be an issue in terms of linking to the exact reference image, the fact that according to the screencap given, he included the name of the work the reference is from including the original artists' name in the description means that anyone who's pounced on this is just looking to stir up shit.

There are plenty of people who draw fanart and don't even reference the source because it's understood by anyone who's looking at fanart for (insert show/other work here) that what they're looking at is referenced from something in the show/other work. Not ideal perhaps but no one creates trouble because of it.

Looking at the image more it's not even an exact reference but more of a re-draw in the artist's own style.

I'm losing it at the accusations of tracing. I'm getting the impression that the people saying these kinds of things have never drawn anything in their lives.

EDIT 2: Just found an image of more supposed plagiarism, although they are not direct links to the images themselves, it's pretty obvious for most that they are screencaps of scenes from shows/movies. The only potential fault you could find here is not linking to the exact reference image. Other than that, it seems that a lot of the hate is coming from bitter people who likely couldn't find the motivation to draw despite the desire. Otherwise they would know what the difference between a reference and tracing is.

EDIT 3: If I got any of this wrong feel free to correct me.
What drama?

Nice drawings by the way.

EDIT: Just checked out his deviantart.

From what I can see some people are mad because he does what %99 of artists do, which is referencing pictures and recreating them for experience. While giving credit could be an issue in terms of linking to the exact reference image, the fact that according to the screencap given, he included the name of the work the reference is from including the original artists' name in the description means that anyone who's pounced on this is just looking to stir up shit.

There are plenty of people who draw fanart and don't even reference the source because it's understood by anyone who's looking at fanart for (insert show/other work here) that what they're looking at is referenced from something in the show/other work. Not ideal perhaps but no one creates trouble because of it.

Looking at the image more it's not even an exact reference but more of a re-draw in the artist's own style.

I'm losing it at the accusations of tracing. I'm getting the impression that the people saying these kinds of things have never drawn anything in their lives.

EDIT 2: Just found an image of more supposed plagiarism, although they are not direct links to the images themselves, it's pretty obvious for most that they are screencaps of scenes from shows/movies. The only potential fault you could find here is not linking to the exact reference image. Other than that, it seems that a lot of the hate is coming from bitter people who likely couldn't find the motivation to draw despite the desire. Otherwise they would know what the difference between a reference and tracing is.

EDIT 3: If I got any of this wrong feel free to correct me.
Some people think he's tracing, which he obviously isn't. He's taking the original image and doing it in his style.and they're great, he's a great artist. I don't have any problem with that and I think those that do are outraged, just to be outraged or don't draw/paint. At the same time though, he should make more of an effort to include the ref or the fact that it was a tribute/redraw in his descriptions.

What other professional artists like Sakimi Chan and others do have a problem with was him selling those tribute/redraws as prints and making money from them. Which is, a little iffy to be honest. taking somebody's composition,pose,color scheme and redoing them in your own style is great practice or studying technique but profiting off someone else's idea and sometimes, just painting it differently is something I wouldn't do. I'd probably hate it if someone did that to me.
Some people think he's tracing, which he obviously isn't. He's taking the original image and doing it in his style.and they're great, he's a great artist. I don't have any problem with that and I think those that do are outraged, just to be outraged or don't draw/paint. At the same time though, he should make more of an effort to include the ref or the fact that it was a tribute/redraw in his descriptions.

What other professional artists like Sakimi Chan and others do have a problem with was him selling those tribute/redraws as prints and making money from them. Which is, a little iffy to be honest. taking somebody's composition,pose,color scheme and redoing them in your own style is great practice or studying technique but profiting off someone else's idea and sometimes, just painting it differently is something I wouldn't do. I'd probably hate it if someone did that to me.

I agree that selling prints of those is iffy. Apparently those prints have been taken down now. This is why I always link to the original source for things I do, just so there's no questions.


Just wanted to say all the art in here continues to be unreal. If I ever decide to draw again, it will be because of this thread. You guys and girls are awesome.


New stuff for today

Random junk and doodles
And, on the next page:

I can't do backgrounds for crap ._.

edit: for the 10th, didn't want to double post so here's some stuff I did today. Just colored some old stuff, dunno if that counts but I hope so lol

looking back at the cartoony one, I really hate the colors I chose for the shirt >_>

edit: updated the cartoony one cause I couldn't stand the shirt colors

Much better but could still be better



I hate this, I hate digital drawing. I hate everything about this.

This took an entire day and it pissed me off to no end. There's no reason this took as long as it did, no reason >.>

Also, no toes because reasons



I hate this, I hate digital drawing. I hate everything about this.

This took an entire day and it pissed me off to no end. There's no reason this took as long as it did, no reason >.>

Also, no toes because reasons

If you wanna fill lineart with color, magic wand + paint bucket is good stuff. It's way faster.
Or maybe you like doing it manually.

I'm not a fan of digital drawing aswell atm, I need to practice more on that. I only have an old Bambo pen, so that doesn't help.
I've a hard time getting good straight lines when doing digital.


If you wanna fill lineart with color, magic wand + paint bucket is good stuff. It's way faster.
Or maybe you like doing it manually.

I'm not a fan of digital drawing aswell atm, I need to practice more on that. I only have an old Bambo pen, so that doesn't help.
I've a hard time getting good straight lines when doing digital.
I only have a bamboo as well, and the colors aren't what drove me nuts, it's the dang lines. Can't make smooth lines for crap in Photoshop though illustrator compensates for that which is helpful. I think I'll just stick to pencil and paper for lines and digital for colors for now >_>


Are you guys down if I make a new OT for starting art/drawing? I really think it would be helpful to have an OT with first post about how to start/books to buy/resources to have/tips to improve...


There have been threads in the past regarding the subject of where to begin.


Or you can start a new one.

That's the thing though, most of the threads are, in a sense, disorganized. It's hard for newcomers on where to look what they are looking for. I have to dig in each post to get those diamonds in the rough info I'm looking for. I don't want people to go on the unnecessary struggle that I have...

Ran rp

DEATH™;152209883 said:
That's the thing though, most of the threads are, in a sense, disorganized. It's hard for newcomers on where to look what they are looking for. I have to dig in each post to get those diamonds in the rough info I'm looking for. I don't want people to go on the unnecessary struggle that I have...

I have a feeling it will die out quickly unless people post their work frequently, but that's what this thread is for. It might last if you turn it into a sort of study group with weekly/monthly tasks, sorta like what C.B. did for a while on tumblr with The 52.
Monday: Neogaf-chans
I saw Neogaf-Chan once and thought to myself, I can probably make this less anime. I was wrong. I made it more Catherine, Space Channel, and Prison School.


PSY・S;152326751 said:
I have a feeling it will die out quickly unless people post their work frequently, but that's what this thread is for. It might last if you turn it into a sort of study group with weekly/monthly tasks, sorta like what C.B. did for a while on tumblr with The 52.

Nah, I don't think I can do that, considering that I also get busy. In a sense, I can't really control if a thread lives or dies Since everyone gets busy too. Also, I acknowledge too that some people will come in will different skill sets and things they want improve on, with different learning paces, so compiling them into 1 class with either weekly or monthly projects can be bad.

What I can do is to give them the programs/classes/materials themselves, so they can learn on their own pace. Then they can use the thread on asking some questions or general reactions. They can even review or even recommend books about a particular material.

I think it'd be cool if you made such a thread. A handy place for tutorials and maybe recommended supplies.

Thanks, I'm currently working on it.



2nd is much better... but could still be better >.>

stupid right eyebrow (her left) on the second one @_@

edit: Also, wanted to mention that I tried something different with the hair. It worked out in the 2nd version I think.

edit #2:deleted the 2nd version, fixed it and re-uploaded!



PSY・S;152326751 said:
I have a feeling it will die out quickly unless people post their work frequently, but that's what this thread is for. It might last if you turn it into a sort of study group with weekly/monthly tasks, sorta like what C.B. did for a while on tumblr with The 52.

DEATH™;152373164 said:
Nah, I don't think I can do that, considering that I also get busy. In a sense, I can't really control if a thread lives or dies Since everyone gets busy too. Also, I acknowledge too that some people will come in will different skill sets and things they want improve on, with different learning paces, so compiling them into 1 class with either weekly or monthly projects can be bad.

What I can do is to give them the programs/classes/materials themselves, so they can learn on their own pace. Then they can use the thread on asking some questions or general reactions. They can even review or even recommend books about a particular material.

Thanks, I'm currently working on it.

Finally I come to post something after not being able to draw for pennies and my past comes to haunt me!

I think I understand the concept of your thread, but what you'd be taking on is quite a task, having to pander to each individuals requirements.

With doing tasks I basically tried working with things that were more akin to building foundations, so leaving it incredibly simplistic in premise allowed people to explore on their own.

If you are starting anything relating to art studies, you will have people of varying skills flock to you. Beginners want to start at the beginning and a good artist always takes a once over from the foundations. I'm interested to see this thread myself though. Good luck!

Also this is literally all I've "completed" lately.


there is this personal work thing ive been working on and getting nowhere fast. Its...nsfw so.

I need to kick my own ass.


Finally I come to post something after not being able to draw for pennies and my past comes to haunt me!

I think I understand the concept of your thread, but what you'd be taking on is quite a task, having to pander to each individuals requirements.

With doing tasks I basically tried working with things that were more akin to building foundations, so leaving it incredibly simplistic in premise allowed people to explore on their own.

If you are starting anything relating to art studies, you will have people of varying skills flock to you. Beginners want to start at the beginning and a good artist always takes a once over from the foundations. I'm interested to see this thread myself though. Good luck!

Also this is literally all I've "completed" lately.


there is this personal work thing ive been working on and getting nowhere fast. Its...nsfw so.

I need to kick my own ass.

Yeah thats what I'm going for. My problem is I tend to put too much info right now that it might be overwhelming. I am trying to put a balance between being informative enough tmyto get the gist of a material but not too much that it will overwhelm people.

Thanks for the support guys. I might try to post a sample of the OP for your opinions guys. Some of the topics thats introduced are stuff that I haven't gotten as deeply yet but want to dwelve in the future (Landscape Drawing/Painting, Animal Drawing, Traditional Sculpting, 3D Modeling, Texturing and Rigging) so if someone can help me with recommended books/online classes/tutorials out there, it will be great!

Read and copy Fun With A Pencil and then Figure Drawing For All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis.

Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain is also worth reading, particularly if you don't feel drawing is coming naturally to you.

If you're looking to get into drawing comics, for some reason Drawing Comics the Marvel Way is still the go-to text on the subject, despite being published in an entirely different era of comic creation... an age without computers. Buscema was just that good, I guess.


Sycra.net (and Sycra's Youtube channel) are both solid and free resources. The artist is a good teacher and at the very least you can mine the links on his site.

Deviantart.com is hit-or-miss (partially due to the 'deviant' part of its name), but if you want to keep a log of your drawing, be inspired by others or look for reference, it can be invaluable. Also of note is Artstation.com, a site I found recently that seems to have a higher base quality.

There are innumerable drawing tutorials, demonstrations and related videos on Youtube.

Finally, if you really, really want to spend money learning anything related to art... thegnomonworkshop.com . Probably the best art and computer graphics tutorials on the planet.


Draw lots, copy lots.


I'm far from a solid artist, but even I can respect how good those books are. They're pragmatic and full of excellent advice and detail.

EDIT: Oh, and as this is the drawing-a-day thread, I drew this as my daily digital tablet practice yesterday.


It's mangled and badly constructed, but such is life when you're trying to get used to tablet. :\
DEATH™;152512043 said:
I already got Sycra, Proko, Jazza, ConceptCookie and Cubebrush on the Web Resources List. I honestly try to avoid DA unless its a short concise topic.

DA tutorials are very dependent on the artist, but almost all of the tutorials on there are for manga-style art. Learning to draw via manga is a bad idea IMO - it's a tight, heavily standardised style that is either "right" or "wrong", due to the standardized and commercial nature of the industry and product. Nevermind that the best manga artists are heavily diverse and build on fundamentals which are common throughout all art. Compare Araki's art:

(an artist who, despite being featured in the Louvre, despite having been drawing professionally since, what, Baoh in the early 80's, sometimes just gives a girl creepy giant man hands) with Daisuke's:

- both excellent artists with their own strong style, both manga, yet they are radically different. Note how Araki uses varied line width to suggest form and depth whilst adding drama, whilst Daisuke keeps his lines totally static and delivers a compelling effect with his colouring.

Nothing beats learning the fundamentals.


But I finally kicked my butt to get something done.. So from the last post, things I did:

For group activities on Deviantart, 1-2 hours each:


Secret Santas:
Slayers themed, Lina + Xelloss, ~4-5 hours

Original characters, ~1-2 hours

Fire Emblem Sacred Stones: Eirika + Seth. ~6-7 hours?

Commission Hell lol:
OC, ~45 min

OC, ~45 min

OCs, ~45 min

OC, ~2 hours

OC, ~2-3 hours

OC, ~2-3 hours

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: Ike + Soren, 2-3 hours

OCs, ~1-2 hours

OC, ~45 min

Collab for a kinda collab comic! This is my OC Altaire, ~9-10 hours?

You can see the compilation pic here: http://sta.sh/0293m4wu4ptn

I'd actually have a million more things to show if maybe I wasn't feeling trapped. Hahah!

This was done last month

My best friend linked me to this video called Ghost by a guy who goes by the name of Mystery Skulls (the song is super catchy) anyway a guy called MysteryBen27 on Youtube animated the song into a scooby doo style music video and i love it so i decided to draw the three main characters from the video as a quick way to get back into drawing again

watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlEb3L1PIco
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