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Hunter with dead giraffe garners ire from Ricky Gervais

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I somehow don't think this will affect her too much, as pointed out in the article:
The support that these people get will be tremendous. I think we forget how widespread this culture is and how these kind of twitter events are clearly intended to antagonize as well as galvanize.


I just don't get the draw of big game "sport" "hunting."

If you want to make a sport of it, do it on foot equipped with a spear. And eat what you catch.

No. Just no. Rich idiots with guns...
I wish we could enact a similar method of population control for humans...

Man, so glad we're around to control those populations. Can you imagine what it was like before we arrived?

Dont be so dull.

The reason we need to control the population is because we have been taking away their habitats and messing with the local ecosystem.

Population control for specific animals is the lesser of two evils.


I'm going to pretend like I'm an expert on the regulation of African natural resources, and spout out exaggerated opinions.


What's the issue? It was a legal hunt, the giraffe was elderly, and the meat was used to feed locals.

That doesn't matter. I want to feel the self righteous thrill of harassing someone to obscene lengths until the stress becomes traumatic. I want to paint pictures of her corpse.




Blame nature and evolution itself. We weren't plopped onto this planet with the skills and temperament we have in the modern age. Like it or not, positive or negative, humanity as of now is still a product of nature.

You call my attitude hopeless, I call yours naive.


Nothing to add except this was done legally and the meat was donated to a local village.

But of course I was told when I said this on Facebook, "I hope their piece of shit village burns down". So maybe people are a bit too sensitive.
Blame nature and evolution itself. Humans as they are now weren't plopped onto this planet with the skills and temperament we have in the modern age. Like it or not, positive or negative, humanity as of now is still a product of nature.

You call my attitude hopeless, I call yours naive.
Care to elaborate on what you think my attitude is?


Like it's a big fucking accomplishment to kill a harmless animal with a fucking rifle. There is NOTHING to it.


Yeah, this is gross. It's one thing to hunt an animal and feed it to the locals, giraffe or cow or whatever. Fine. The photo is the gross part. This isn't a lion or anything that maybe you can take some pride in killing. A giraffe is basically a giant deer. It took no skill to kill this thing, so it's just a photo of her smiling next to a dead animal that meant her no harm.
Are giraffes endangered?

If so, wow what a bitch. If not meh, it's the same as killing a cow/chicken and feeding it to the locals, as long as she didn't do it in a cruel and unusual fashion I don't really care.

Why does she look so happy over killing something?

Killing shit is fun, why do you think 99% of video games are about it?


He's not wrong, humans are by far the most interesting creatures on this planet, it's not even close. To claim otherwise is just stupid really.

That said I wouldn't agree with his statement of the world being dull before us though, I'd really like to experience it (and probably die doing it) myself.
Nothing to add except this was done legally and the meat was donated to a local village.

But of course I was told when I said this on Facebook, "I hope their piece of shit village burns down". So maybe people are a bit too sensitive.

Why is she smiling as if she's taking a fucking selfie with her galpal then???


sytadel drawing

This is incredible. Maybe if she saw this she'd get a clue.

I don't care if you used the giraffe meat to end world hunger. Treat the animal with some dignity and people wouldn't get so pissed off.

Of course, the thing that popped out at me was that she is 41 and has 5 grandchildren.
Are giraffes endangered?

If so, wow what a bitch. If not meh, it's the same as killing a cow/chicken and feeding it to the locals, as long as she didn't do it in a cruel and unusual fashion I don't really care.

Killing shit is fun, why do you think 99% of video games are about it?

He's not wrong, humans are by far the most interesting creatures on this planet, it's not even close. To claim otherwise is just stupid really.

That said I wouldn't agree with his statement of the world being dull before us though, I'd really like to experience it (and probably die doing it) myself.
Who claimed otherwise? How does he know what I'm even claiming when I've yet to comment on whether or not humans are more interesting than other animals (something he brought up, not me). Where is he pulling that sentiment from? From me saying "hopeless?" Doesn't make sense to just go off the rails based on one word.


Because it makes her look like a tacky douchebag and takes away from this supposed "good act".

So you don't feel it's appropriate. I guess the response to that is "why should she or the people she helped care about your feelings?"

The people were helped, and she got a picture that makes you upset. I'd rather have you upset and them helped than no picture being taken.
The outrage is absurd. Everything was done legally and it was beneficial to the reserve and the local population. If any of those facts weren't true the situation would be different. Sounds like a lot of classist outrage in here. And people who think animals are equally as valuable as people somehow.

You guys do know your pets only like you because you feed them, right?
So you don't feel it's appropriate. I guess the response to that is "why should she or the people she helped care about your feelings?"

The people were helped, and she got a picture that makes you upset. I'd rather have you upset and them helped than no picture being taken.

Thank you, Ted Nugent.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Apparently every google image result for her name is a picture of her holding up the head of some dead animal.

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