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Why do we hate?

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I don't hate. I hate poverty and racism, not games.

Is there stuff I dislike? Sure, enough. But I like to focus on what's good. Life's too short. And I do tend to look on the bright side of things. The glass is half full etc.
I don't hate. I hate poverty and racism, not games.

Is there stuff I dislike? Sure, enough. But I like to focus on what's good. Life's too short. And I do tend to look on the bright side of things. The glass is half full etc.

I love videogames but its community? Not the best one but neither the worst. What bothers me is how some guys take gaming too serious while there's other more important things to care. Meh, that's what I think anyway.


I've nver understood the hate towards certain genres, like cinematic games, Quantic Dream's in particular. No-one is forced to play them, and there's a plenty of other kind of games to play if you don't fancy them. Yet some people even want them to fail. It just seems like an irrational and juvenile hatred.
Only time I can understand wanting something to fail is if you dont want a scummy business model to gain any more traction. I dont want the most exploitive micro transaction games to succeed for example.

If it's just "I don't like this thing and nor should you" then they should grow up.
I would say most don't?

You notice those who bash and make noise. Most people are just not in threads of games they don't care for.

That said, that's not the same as people who are interested in a game and express disappoint in something like downgrades etc. They have the right to express that disappointment without being labeled as "haters". But in some situations it does feel very drama queen, making mountains out of molehills there as well.



Basically, fanboys only want to see 1 company standing, than any company succeeding. This is usually drive by the desire to see all games move towards a certain platform or narrative.

And a neat enough obverse to the above ugliness:


I agree that the desire to shit on things, ad infinitum, with no accepted capacity or recourse for said thing to alter or grow, or be unclear or misinterpreted, or exist as a one-off incident or a deliberately chosen non-conform, is super gross. The kneejerk comments which spring up in any thread concerning certain topics is utter anathema to any interesting discourse. The swiftness with which lines are drawn on a matter involving creatures as complicated as humans is staggering in its dismissiveness. Celebs, 'famous' folk in general are often held up to impossible standards of conduct, with little to no concern for empathetic curiosities such as "real, complicated people living real, complicated lives". Considered and measured responses to topics are too much effort for many evidently. So you get to a place where driveby carpetbomb opinions are most comon, which solidifies such activity as the norm, as acceptable. Soon enough, discourse gets fucked; myopic, worthless, youtube-esque comments rule the roost.


There is another side to the haters in that many people flock to put down the most popular games on many web sites, GAF included.

How many times do you see posts of COD or Destiny dislike, not just one post but multiple times. If these games sold 1 million then nobody would post such stuff.

Is it cool to dislike what is the most popular (on console) ?


The Amiga Brotherhood
For at least one of these reasons imo:

-Because they(i don't use to hate :p) are not secure about the real value of what they like so they "help" it trying to destroy everything that could be better, because only what they like must be the best.

-because in the anonimity of internet they can let the themselves go(imo in many cases what they really are but cannot show in everyday real life).

So in any case it's pathetic and desplicable.
There is another side to the haters in that many people flock to put down the most popular games on many web sites, GAF included.

How many times do you see posts of COD or Destiny dislike, not just one post but multiple times. If these games sold 1 million then nobody would post such stuff.

Is it cool to dislike what is the most popular (on console) ?

Popularity doesn't directly equate to quality. Never has, never will.


It's all about perspective my good GAFfer.

For many, it's easier to hate, to state all the bad and negative things about a game and its resolution, framerate and so on. I've been on GAF for quite some time and I always made an effort in trying to focus on the good things this industry has to offer. And believe me, there's a lot of great things. I play a decent variety of genres across a variety of consoles & PC and it's been a great ride so far. 2015 is shaping up to be a great year and I'm interested to see what E3 has to offer. Same happened last year and 10 years ago as well. Yet, people will always try to fight for they preferred console or PC, people get banned because they don't respect other's opinions or fail to see how a different taste does not equal to being right while the other is wrong.

Because my time is limited I try to focus on the good things but these days a bad reply or someone who is overeating or just a post with a silly gif with zero context may grab more attention than a nice positive post. I would say that there are some things that I truly hate. War is the most pointless thing so I hate it and the same goes for racism and when people simply do not respect each other. This however, is my hobby and if I'm not liking it, if I'm not having fun, I'm out. It's okay to have an opinion and you can dislike many things in this industry but the hate has become more obvious in the past years.

Many people will make a bigger effort to say something bad instead of using the same time to focus on a good point. Sometimes I wonder if all this hate is regarding something else in people's lives that make them bitter. Love, lack of social skills, low self-esteem, being unhappy can make you more negative towards things but still, it's not a reason big enough for you to always focus on hating everything, hating console players because they hold PC, feeling you have to justify every purchase you make, feeling you need to tell everyone how great PC gaming is because you like it so much while you hate consoles, how good or bad the Vita sales are or why you decided to go one route instead of other. There's no point in spending your life around hate or negative things. It rots you on the inside. This is a great hobby. Find the platform it will suits you best, get the best games according to your own tastes and let us know how fun you are having, post some screenshots, some gameplay, leave a review, post your impressions, be precise and even when there's something you do not like, be mature and explain what you disliked instead of going in a pointless hate spiral. Let the big brands and companies fight for their own share in the market. Be vocal about your opinions, sure, but do not waste your time on hating others or hating things because it's not the one you own or it's not the one you like.

I've noticed some people complaining about this fine community lately but you need to remember that your stay in here is optional. You are free to leave if you do not like how things run in here but you can also try to make a difference. I love this community. It's filled with so many good GAFfers, amazing opinions, people helping each other on pretty much all fronts. E3 is coming and I know the friendly hype will always be a nice part of it so I can't wait. Same goes for when a game many of us are waiting is coming soon and we discuss the lore, the gameplay, the story. It's great. When you look back we see how big this community has grown and it makes me proud to be part of it. There will always be things you may not like. Just like in the real world, it's all about balance.

Hate solves nothing. In the end, it should always be about having a great time.


]Console warriors piss on the opposing team because there is something they are not happy about with their console of choice. [/b]Whether that be over power, an exclusive game, the controller type etc... Pissing on someone else's chips stems from resentment, if you are truly happy then you wouldn't really give a shit.


It's more like a sports team. I'm very content with my favorite team in sports. There's a good chance they'll play for the championship next year. You better not trash them or I'll start throwing how they have the better roster IMO.

No one has to be unhappy to not want something they like attacked.


Why do we fear criticism? That thing you love is not above reproach and might need to be improved. What's wrong with trying to make things better? It often starts with a thought "This is broken and here's why". All too often any critique is dismissed as "hate" which is a shame.


In my case, the "hate" (not really) for other companies is based in logical reasons and not guts alone:

MS: The XOne reveal was atrocious and on top of all the DRM-always on-always connected issues MS told us to our faces that their main priority is the US market and that the rest of us are fortunate they decided to bless our whiny little countries with their console. Also, them taking away the focus from games and focusing on moneyhatting third party exclusives instead of prioritizing their own exclusive developments is a path I don´t want the rest of the industry to follow. So I hope they don´t get good numbers and learn their lesson for next time.

Sony: I got a very good impression from Sony last gen, they ended with an awesome library of games for PS3, most of them being first party exclusives or funded projects no one else paid attention to. However this gen they seem to have totally forgotten that, their HW numbers are impressive, but I´m not seeing them work in giving the PS4 a good library. Apart from Bloodborne the only games that have caught my attention are PS3 remasters, something I see as a dirty move to capitalize on PS4 not having Backwards Compatibility. As a result I´m much closer to buying a PS3 than I am of buying a PS4 right now. Also, thanks to MS screwing up so badly Sony has got a free pass to do what they please this gen it seems. I hope more voices called them out on some of their wrongdoings.

I have no problem with Nintendo, they could´ve done a lot of things better but their main philosophy of "gameplay first" and not trying to screw the customer make up for their mistakes in my eyes.

So my "hate" (again, not really) is my reaction to companies trying to take this hobby I love in a direction I don´t want it to go.


Huge Nickleback Fan
For Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, they are direct competitor, and they know their audience will eat their marketing strategy (mocking part, and really, it's amusing. Remind me of Pepsi vs Coca cola)

For hate in gaming community, it's probably the need to vent or to feel higher/holier than thou. Maybe.


Popularity doesn't directly equate to quality. Never has, never will.

In your opinion. It does mean its not quality to you, but it is quality to the people that invest in it.

Popularity means allot more people consider that game as quality, or they would not of spent their money on it.

So 20 million people think that COD is a high quality game, a few reviewers or game site not agreeing is just an opposing opinion.

Sales numbers are objective, quality is subjective to the individual. High sales numbers means that more people wanted to play it and its a quality game to them.

And yes that means Candy Crush is a quality game on mobile and tablet to many people. I don't play mobile games but if its what they like, so be it. Who am I to say its rubbish ?

When a reviewer reviews a game low, and it sells gangbusters, it just shows the reviewer is out of touch with most gamers (or up their own arse). That's OK, its their opinion and not fact.
Your mom is fun. BOOM!
Please this is a joke don't ban me.

To be fair, paid shills are a HUGE problem in forums and GAF especially these days.
Some caution is very well advised.
So there are people being paid to speak positive about games? how can we tell the difference between a "paid shill" and just a person that appreciates a game?


Why do we fear criticism? That thing you love is not above reproach and might need to be improved. What's wrong with trying to make things better? It often starts with a thought "This is broken and here's why". All too often any critique is dismissed as "hate" which is a shame.

I stated in my OP that I'm not talking about stating what you dislike about a Game, which is completely fair and welcomed by me, but rather about throwing Shit at stuff you never had even the intention to play. Like when someone makes a drive-by post saying something that's obviously wrong about a Series, and suddenly the rest of the thread focuses on that particular post.

It's all about perspective my good GAFfer.

For many, it's easier to hate, to state all the bad and negative things about a game and its resolution, framerate and so on. I've been on GAF for quite some time and I always made an effort in trying to focus on the good things this industry has to offer. And believe me, there's a lot of great things. I play a decent variety of genres across a variety of consoles & PC and it's been a great ride so far. 2015 is shaping up to be a great year and I'm interested to see what E3 has to offer. Same happened last year and 10 years ago as well. Yet, people will always try to fight for they preferred console or PC, people get banned because they don't respect other's opinions or fail to see how a different taste does not equal to being right while the other is wrong.

Because my time is limited I try to focus on the good things but these days a bad reply or someone who is overeating or just a post with a silly gif with zero context may grab more attention than a nice positive post. I would say that there are some things that I truly hate. War is the most pointless thing so I hate it and the same goes for racism and when people simply do not respect each other. This however, is my hobby and if I'm not liking it, if I'm not having fun, I'm out. It's okay to have an opinion and you can dislike many things in this industry but the hate has become more obvious in the past years.

Many people will make a bigger effort to say something bad instead of using the same time to focus on a good point. Sometimes I wonder if all this hate is regarding something else in people's lives that make them bitter. Love, lack of social skills, low self-esteem, being unhappy can make you more negative towards things but still, it's not a reason big enough for you to always focus on hating everything, hating console players because they hold PC, feeling you have to justify every purchase you make, feeling you need to tell everyone how great PC gaming is because you like it so much while you hate consoles, how good or bad the Vita sales are or why you decided to go one route instead of other. There's no point in spending your life around hate or negative things. It rots you on the inside. This is a great hobby. Find the platform it will suits you best, get the best games according to your own tastes and let us know how fun you are having, post some screenshots, some gameplay, leave a review, post your impressions, be precise and even when there's something you do not like, be mature and explain what you disliked instead of going in a pointless hate spiral. Let the big brands and companies fight for their own share in the market. Be vocal about your opinions, sure, but do not waste your time on hating others or hating things because it's not the one you own or it's not the one you like.

I've noticed some people complaining about this fine community lately but you need to remember that your stay in here is optional. You are free to leave if you do not like how things run in here but you can also try to make a difference. I love this community. It's filled with so many good GAFfers, amazing opinions, people helping each other on pretty much all fronts. E3 is coming and I know the friendly hype will always be a nice part of it so I can't wait. Same goes for when a game many of us are waiting is coming soon and we discuss the lore, the gameplay, the story. It's great. When you look back we see how big this community has grown and it makes me proud to be part of it. There will always be things you may not like. Just like in the real world, it's all about balance.

Hate solves nothing. In the end, it should always be about having a great time.

Marvelous Post. I agree that GAF has the best community in gaming, which is why I don't plan to leave, or doing anything that will make me leave.
But my post has been about the community overall. And if we look at that, the image becomes much worse sadly.


So there are people being paid to speak positive about games? how can we tell the difference between a "paid shill" and just a person that appreciates a game?
Grain of salt, discussion, having posters whose opinions you trust, etc. A lot of these viral marketers do end up fucking up and getting themselves banned though once caught.


Is it cool to dislike what is the most popular (on console) ?

In my 30 years of playing in video games as a hobby, I've never gotten the impression that people have been motivated by what's "cool.". Usually people have very good reasons for disliking a game like COD.
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