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The battles of Yoshi's Island: Are these the best bosses in all of gaming?


iconoclast said:
I haven't played Yoshi's Island in well over a decade and I still remember all of those bosses. Clearly they did something right!

But I'd have to say C'thun (in WoW) is my favorite boss in video game history. In fact I'd say most of my favorite bosses come from level 60 WoW raids.

I'd have to agree, having 40 people going crazy working towards the same goal is such a crazy experience, and the WoW bosses had some good variety. Tis to bad the game takes way to much time.
Ganondorfo said:
You have got to agree that the first battle against dracula is maybe the best epic first boss ever...

Recreation of the final battle of Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, the game to which SotN was a direct sequel.

Aljosa said:
Awesome thread, and I agree. The game had some kickass bosses that were pretty innovative. I can only see the Donkey Kong Country games having bosses that are close to Yoshi's Island. I need to go back and play it.

The DKC games? Not really, and definitely not in the case of the first one.


Agreed. This game does have great bosses. Yoshi's Island is a great feel good game. It isn't very difficult, but that isn't to say it isn't fun.
As far as I'm concerned, my favourite boss battle comes from the Megaman series, especially the Zero games. But Yoshi's Island's are pretty awesome, it's a shame that the game isn't more challenging though. It's just not the same to meet a boss, getting your ass kicked, thinking he is invincible and then overcoming the hurdle :lol

Viewtiful Joe 1's boss are pretty awesome too, but they take way too long to beat, especially in the "boss marathon" near the end of the game :lol And heavy emphasis on slow motion didn't help...


Loves Robotech S1
cbodom said:


Oh dear... please no. Nearest neighbor interpolation is the only way to play old sprite games upscaled.


The background (bush, flowers etc.) actually looks pretty good with that filter. The text and characters...not so much.

Very glad to see Yoshi's Island, Rocket Knight Adventures and Gunstar Heroes love in here :)


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
Nemesis556 said:
I started playing Yoshi's Island DS thinking it was just a portable version of the SNES version.

Oh how I was wrong >_>
The portable version of SNES is the GBA Yoshi's Island, which is pretty good. The DS is YI2. Not as good as the original (the graphics look bizarre and lack the "hand-drawn" feeling of the original and the soundtrack is nowhere as good), but it's not bad either.


SELECT + X X Y B A, and you need to use a pow block to kill a certain chain chomp to get to a "secret" area.

I haven't played the game for years. My fav standard enemy would have to be those shyguys on stilts. No, wait, the fatso shyguy. No, wait, the Waigel blob-with-eyebrows... ah, I just love all of them, even the baby-stealing and watermelon-eating monkeys and the strange bird things and...



The game was a stroke of genius - everything just fell into place. The endbosses, the stages, the gameplay mechanics... a whole lot of care and planning (and blood and sweat) went into making that game, and it shows.

It's an awesome game, definitely one to remember.

On a related note, anyone violating this beautiful game with horrible emulator scaling filters makes my shitlist for all eternity, with no chance at redemption. In fact, I'll make it a point to harrass them in the afterlife. I'll whore myself out to Satan until I get my own sublevel in hell (where I no doubt will find these wretched beings), and once I have rounded them up I will grind their bones to dust and mold them into hideous abdominations, and I will clothe these atrocities in their flayed flesh and fill them with a sack made out of their own salted hide, containing their organs. And then I will light a fire below, and cook them ...slowly... to death. And then I will resurrect them and start again from the beginning. Oh yes, I will enjoy eternity like that. *twitch*

Seriously, don't do it. I cringe in pain every time I see those "up-rezzed" shots.
Thanks for the responses.

SquirrelNuckle said:

IMO, it has the best and most creative bosses in a game I've played.
I've 200%'d SOTN and while I'd argue its a stellar game, its bosses don't encourage the diversity of strategies the ones on Yoshi's Island do. As others have rightly said, in the end you are still just trying to hit them by the most expedient means.

They're creative in aesthetic no-doubt, and very challenging (especially when we enter Dracula's
upside-down castle in the sky
) but lack the genius of approaches shown in Yoshi's Island.

akachan ningen said:
They are some fantastic bosses but what makes your OP lack substance is that you only compare them to other Mario games. If you're going to ask if they are the best in all of gaming, compare them to some other games. SOTC, the DMC series, Brave Fencer Musashi, some Contra games, the MGS series also have some great bosses, to name a few.
The Mario comparison in the OP was intended to set a context for people who haven't played YI, or may need their memory jogging. It was to demonstrate how impressive the bosses are that, even in a series which contains some of the best games ever made.

I've played a some of the games you have mentioned. I see brilliance, but I still see Yoshi's Island as having the superior lineup. I think it is the diverse solutions and methods of dispatch, the fact that the game requires you to prove mastery of each and every game mechanic coupled with an utterly unrestrained imagination (Roger the Potted Ghost!), all held together with charming wit and humour.

Of course, its a relative opinion though.

GhaleonQ said:
I LOVE Yoshi, I love Yoshi's games, and I love Yoshi's Island. I think certain people overrate Yoshi's Island, because they compare it to the Super Mario series, like certain times of platformers better than others, and then ask why, say, Super Mario World doesn't use projectiles or puzzles. People need to stop calling Yoshi's Island an advanced version of Mario. It's a part of the larger world, sure, but the series aren't comparable in useful ways. Good post, otherwise.
The Mario games have been using rebounding projectiles since the first Koopa-shell was kicked. SMW evolved the throw-mechanic so projectiles could be thrown up and angled. Puzzles have also been part of the series since the start (SMB's find-the-route fortresses, SMW's Chocolate Island #2 among others). Yoshi's Island is an advancement of mechanics established in SMB1 to SMW. I'd consider that to be a fair angle of comparison.

DY_nasty said:
Yoshi's Island was fun and all but did it have the best bosses in all of gaming? Fuck no.
Thanks for your contribution.

AFreak said:
The End isn't in Yoshi's Island.
The End is a great battle in MGS3, one of the most interesting encounters ever. But as a pantheon of villainy, I feel the bosses of YI are of such consistent quality, originality and diversity to be a better line-up than any other game I've played.

ratcliffja said:
I'll go with Super Metroid too. I think my problem with Yoshi's Island is I never had any fun playing it. Not even a little.
Just out of curiosity, did you ever revisit the game? Its just such a surprising reaction to read is all.

g0atcheese said:
Pretty epic bosses for a 2D mario game, even though it's pretty much "take a normal enemy and make him ridiculously huge."
As I explained in my OP, this doesn't matter in the slightest:

In Yoshi's Island, the increased size eliminates the old vulnerabilities leaving the player to explore and discover new ones. The familiar sprite meant nothing; the bosses mean business.
Each and every encounter requires Yoshi to treat the enlarged-villain as a new entity. Strategies must be concieved and tested. Much more thought and design went into these creatures than you summise. To say that its "pretty much" a case of making a small villain bigger and thats it regarding design, is woefully innaccurate.

Dance In My Blood said:
I never really liked the idea of big enemies being the boss, so while I like the stuff in Yoshi's Island I'd have a hard time saying it is "the best".
Given my viewpoint above, I don't really understand your argument.

cbodom said:

I advise caution. I was nearly burned at the stake for posting pictures with filters.

Catalix said:
I sooo regret not getting a chance to play all the way through Yoshi's Island when I was younger. Didn't own a SNES until later, but I played it as much as I could when my neighbor friend rented it. Absolutely loved everything about the game. Very compelling design. Just based on that limited playtime alone, I have a feeling it'd probably become my fav 2D Mario.

However, since I can't speak on YI's bosses effectively, I will toss another contender for "best series of (2D) boss battles of all time" into the ring. Rocket Knight Adventures.
I've not played much of RKA (my sin, I know), so though the pictures look impressive, I lack context. What do the bosses do (especially in the intriguing bottom pictures) that make them so impressive, how are they defeated?

highluxury said:
I disagree, Sonic & Knuckles has the best bosses ever.

Even beating Shadow of The Colossus.
I'm a huge fan of golden-age Sonic but can't agree with this. Sonic and Knuckles had some good bosses that involved a degree of strategy (The reverse-gravity boss of Death Egg 2; Last Boss; Flying Battery 1), the overwhelming majority focus on hitting the Egg-O-Matic as much as possible. while avoiding traps. They also lack diversity.

SecretBonusPoint said:
Or any Treasure game really. Gunstar, Alien Soldier, Dynamite Headdy...

Yoshi's Island's bosses were great, but if you want 2D bosses...its Treasure every time, dude.
I feel that more Treasure games are needed in my gaming-makeup.

Nemesis556 said:
I started playing Yoshi's Island DS thinking it was just a portable version of the SNES version.

Oh how I was wrong >_>

But seriously, should I keep playing? Does it have it's moments like the original? I notice the first boss is actually TWO of the original first boss....
It didn't have any magic moments for me. The game pales in comparison to a point where it just shouldn't exist.

pizzaguysrevenge said:

No fucking contest.
I've completed this (Wii Edition) and while the bosses are very fun for the most part, I wouldn't say a single one has the genius imagination and implementation of Yoshi's Island. Of course its all relative opinions, but I'm struggling to form an appropriate response to your argument.

Oh wait, here we go:


No fucking fucking contest.

Oblivion said:
best bosses in history? :lol :lol :lol

It doesn't even have the best bosses for a Mario/Mario Spinoff title.
I know you've put three-laughing-smilies, which in Internet Law means that you are correct in everything you say, and I am a foolish embarrasment and infinitely owned, but I must ask: What evidence makes my assertion is so hilariously wrong? And which Mario game does have better bosses?

Next time, could you actually elaborate on your patronising response?

iconoclast said:
But I'd have to say C'thun (in WoW) is my favorite boss in video game history. In fact I'd say most of my favorite bosses come from level 60 WoW raids.
rush777 said:
I'd have to agree, having 40 people going crazy working towards the same goal is such a crazy experience, and the WoW bosses had some good variety. Tis to bad the game takes way to much time.
This sounds intriguing, especially given the large numbers of people all with one goal: defeat the boss. I'm not a MMORPG player, but it certainly sounds like a uniquely-charged experience.


Neo Member
Good bosses? Sure. Best bosses ever? Hardly! They were big, colorful and had crap going on all over the screen, but were never actually that much fun to play. Metal Gear, Mario, Zelda all have bosses that are heaps of fun to play, not to mention look totally cool.


The best bosses in any Mario game, I would say. Of any game? Definitely not. Zelda games come to mind, but there are many others that I think have better bosses as well.

Mario 64 remains my favorite Mario title, but I have to admit the Bowser boss battles were the same simple concept rehashed over and over. I thought the music was awesome at the time though. :lol


Trucker Sexologist
soldat7 said:
And yes, the best bosses in all of gaming are clearly those found in Shadow of the Colossus.
Yeah, that goes without saying. I also really enjoyed the boss fights in the Devil May Cry series.


I don't care if Yoshi's Island is a 'real' Mario game or not. What I do care about is that it's easily one of my favorite games ever. In fact, I'm going to go play it now...


Account finally approved. Hooray. I can't think of a better way to lose my GAF posting virginity than to do so in a Yoshi's Island thread.

Okay, you can all go back to mocking my n00bness. Meanwhile, I'm surprised some of you have the nerve to compare a SNES game made in 1993-4 with those released in the past 5-10 years. Valid, yes, but -- utterly unfair, no?

As for the "fake Mario title" (Super Mario World 2):

1) Nintendo of America chose to call this game SMW2, period. NOJ can do whatever it likes, but NOA is its own independent identity and those of us who live in America/Europe/Australia, et.al., shouldn't pick and choose which translations to accept as canon. Either Bowser is Bowser and Yoshi's Island is SMW2, or Bowser is King Kuppa and Yoshi's Island is not strictly part of the Mario series. Take your pick.

2) NOA's decision makes a whole lot of sense. Whatever superficial Yoshiness this game may have, when you get down to it, it's about the young Mario brothers defeating a young Bowser, and being returned to their parents in the Mushroom Kingdom. Yoshi, like in Super Mario World, is merely a vessel for Mario to save someone he truly cares about: Luigi, not another Yoshi. (Had the game ended with Yoshi returning to his brother Yoshies for a party or something, then this may be more up for debate.)

Finally, all of this is moot because of the game's soundtrack. The music alone qualifies it as one of the greatest games of all time, let alone 2D game.

Foxtail said:
Good bosses? Sure. Best bosses ever? Hardly! They were big, colorful and had crap going on all over the screen, but were never actually that much fun to play. Metal Gear, Mario, Zelda all have bosses that are heaps of fun to play, not to mention look totally cool.

Totally debatable. The other Mario games are comparatively standard in terms of boss battles, and Zelda boss battles tend to be repetitious at times.


Not only did Yoshi's Island have some of the best boss battles of all time (if not THE best), but it also had some of the best overall stages in gaming too.

I remember playing around in the Monkey stages for hours as a kid!
I'd always have watermelon seed fights with the monkeys and help all the tiny frogs make it back into the ponds. All of it had nothing to do with the overall game, but I was having FUN and that's what gaming is all about in my opinion.

Also, "Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy" is my favorite video game stage of all time. Getting infinite lives with a Melon Bug by the Shy Guy pipe and waddling around (dizzy) after touching a Fuzzy are some of my fondest gaming memories from my childhood. Hell, the background music from this stage has been my cell phone ringtone for the last 4 years here in Japan!

I hope Nintendo revisits Yoshi's Island again in the future, be it on Wii or another DS sequel.
....as long as it's 2D! :D
Foxtail said:
Good bosses? Sure. Best bosses ever? Hardly! They were big, colorful and had crap going on all over the screen, but were never actually that much fun to play. Metal Gear, Mario, Zelda all have bosses that are heaps of fun to play, not to mention look totally cool.

I can see the MGS and Zelda arguments, I don't agree with them but I can understand the comparison and evidence.

But for the second time in the thread, I am forced to ask: Which Mario game has bosses which are apparently obviously superior to the ones in Yoshi's Island? Can someone actually answer this rather than make an unsubstantiated allusion?

BowieZ said:
Account finally approved. Hooray. I can't think of a better way to lose my GAF posting virginity than to do so in a Yoshi's Island thread.

Okay, you can all go back to mocking my n00bness. Meanwhile, I'm surprised some of you have the nerve to compare a SNES game made in 1993-4 with those released in the past 5-10 years. Valid, yes, but -- utterly unfair, no?

As for the "fake Mario title" (Super Mario World 2):

1) Nintendo of America chose to call this game SMW2, period. NOJ can do whatever it likes, but NOA is its own independent identity and those of us who live in America/Europe/Australia, et.al., shouldn't pick and choose which translations to accept as canon. Either Bowser is Bowser and Yoshi's Island is SMW2, or Bowser is King Kuppa and Yoshi's Island is not strictly part of the Mario series. Take your pick.

2) NOA's decision makes a whole lot of sense. Whatever superficial Yoshiness this game may have, when you get down to it, it's about the young Mario brothers defeating a young Bowser, and being returned to their parents in the Mushroom Kingdom. Yoshi, like in Super Mario World, is merely a vessel for Mario to save someone he truly cares about: Luigi, not another Yoshi. (Had the game ended with Yoshi returning to his brother Yoshies for a party or something, then this may be more up for debate.)

Finally, all of this is moot because of the game's soundtrack. The music alone qualifies it as one of the greatest games of all time, let alone 2D game.


Until this point I was unaware it was NOA's call to apply the Super Mario World 2 title. Thanks for the learnings!


This is the only Japanese boxart I can find on the internet (small and LQ, if anyone could help with this?). I can't see a SMW reference (but of course, I don't read Japanese).




By the way, I meant it in a good way, that NOA called the game SMW2. My point being that we "Westerners" should consider Yoshi's Island to be a direct part of the 2D (and by extension, 3D) Mario series.

Not only that, but in truth, Nintendo of Japan did in fact call Yoshi's Island "Super Mario: Yoshi's Island" so the intention is there on both sides of the Pacific.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Wikipedia would have me believe that if you translate the Japanese name for Yoshi's Island, it reads Super Mario: Yoshi's Island. If that's true, NoA merely added World 2. So. Still a Mario game, if Wikipedia's to be believed.





As for the Japanese (on the front of the box), it says:

Top Left - Super Famicom
In White - Super Mario
Multi-Color - Yoshi Island
Bottom Right - Batter Back-up, Super FX Chip


Mama Robotnik said:
But for the second time in the thread, I am forced to ask: Which Mario game has bosses which are apparently obviously superior to the ones in Yoshi's Island? Can someone actually answer this rather than make an unsubstantiated allusion?

From what I've played of Yoshi's Island (just beat Marching Milde), I'd go with the bosses in Super Mario Galaxy as superior. I just found them more creative and varied than what I've encountered in Yoshi's Island thus far.


not even close...they maybe the best Mario bosses, but that's not saying much.

I'd go with the Metroid Prime Trilogy..

followed by STOC..which in all fairness, is almost more of a stage then a boss.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Mama Robotnik said:
I know you've put three-laughing-smilies, which in Internet Law means that you are correct in everything you say, and I am a foolish embarrasment and infinitely owned, but I must ask: What evidence makes my assertion is so hilariously wrong? And which Mario game does have better bosses?

Next time, could you actually elaborate on your patronising response?

Sorry, guess that was kinda rude of me. But hey, you gotta admit, YI's bosses don't normally pop up when discussing awesome bosses (aside from Rafael, I suppose). ;)

As for which bosses are better, I suppose you could definitely argue that YI may have more interesting bosses than the 2D Marios, in terms of uniqueness, but I'd say that Super Mario 64, and Galaxy would fit the bill better. Not only are they unique, but most of them are cool too (which only Baby Bowser was in YI). That's just me, though. :)
BowieZ said:

By the way, I meant it in a good way, that NOA called the game SMW2. My point being that we "Westerners" should consider Yoshi's Island to be a direct part of the 2D (and by extension, 3D) Mario series.

Not only that, but in truth, Nintendo of Japan did in fact call Yoshi's Island "Super Mario: Yoshi's Island" so the intention is there on both sides of the Pacific.

Gameboy415 said:


As for the Japanese (on the front of the box), it says:

Top Left - Super Famicom
In White - Super Mario
Multi-Color - Yoshi Island
Bottom Right - Batter Back-up, Super FX Chip

Thanks to both of you for these, never seen them in such detail before. Its interesting that in the English part of the text, it is spelled as YOSSY ISLAND.

As I've said earlier in the thread, Yoshi's Island builds on mechanics established in the previous Mario games, including egg-throwing/rebounding (turtle shells, SMB2 throwing), Yoshi transformations (mario suits), and others. Plus, given that you can actually play as Mario in the game (the Star powerup), I think the titles of SMW2 or SM:YI are fair.


I agree whole heartedly with the OP. Yoshi's Island is an amazing feat.

The bosses were impressive. And each one unique. Mario World repeated boss battles. And the battles in there were uninspired. YI had a different battle for all 13 of its bosses. No battle was repeated.

And the whole "Oh, it's not on the Wii because of the SFX2 chip" thing is BULLSHIT. The GameBoy Advance was able to do it. The chip was just a new video processor. But I don't care. I already own it on both the SNES and GBA.

SOTC is awesome, but it has nothing on Yoshi.

I never could do the alternate win mode in the Naval Piranha stage. I could never fire an egg fast enough.

And filters suck. Give me big blocky scaled pixels any day. And no goddamned smoothing either. 1x, 2x, 3x or 4x, no in betweens. I don't want no damn blurring. I don't want no damn Eagle or whatever. Big boxy pixels for the win.
Considering Super Mario World has Super Mario Bros. 4 on the Japanese boxart, but the western versions don't - does that mean SMW is not part of the series too? My conclusion - discussing this is a waste of time.


i think the bosses were very creative. I like the idea that there wasnt some giant boss waiting for you, but kamek just took enemies from the surrounding area to fight you. I think that was a really neat idea that could be repeated in other games.

If the bosses had been some giant boss, then i think the clever ways that you have to fight them might have not seemed so clever.
Jasoco said:
I agree whole heartedly with the OP. Yoshi's Island is an amazing feat.

The bosses were impressive. And each one unique. Mario World repeated boss battles. And the battles in there were uninspired. YI had a different battle for all 13 of its bosses. No battle was repeated.

And the whole "Oh, it's not on the Wii because of the SFX2 chip" thing is BULLSHIT. The GameBoy Advance was able to do it. The chip was just a new video processor. But I don't care. I already own it on both the SNES and GBA.

It's not an issue of can or can't. It's an issue of Nintendo getting down to the business of emulating a chip for what's likely to be a single game that uses it that they would actually put on the service.


Mama Robotnik said:
World 1 - Burt the Bashful


Turning red with embarassment, Burt deflates and fissles around the arena like a popped balloon.

World 2 - Bigger Boo


I also really like the animation of these too. I did snicker a little bit when burt the bashful got embarrased and the deflated bouncing around the room.

Boo looks like he's a couple hundred pounds overweight


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
whitehawk said:
Hell to the mother fucking yes. I believe Yoshi's Island is still one of my favourite games every conceived. It's perfect in almost every way. In fact, Yoshis Island >>>> Super Mario World

And old signature of mine from an old forum:

Also, the music was AMAZING. Listen to this: Yoshis Island (Live orchestrated version)

By the gods, this is fantastic.


cartman414 said:
It's not an issue of can or can't. It's an issue of Nintendo getting down to the business of emulating a chip for what's likely to be a single game that uses it that they would actually put on the service.
Could this be the same reason Star Fox isn't on there yet?


Mama Robotnik said:
The Mario games have been using rebounding projectiles since the first Koopa-shell was kicked. SMW evolved the throw-mechanic so projectiles could be thrown up and angled. Puzzles have also been part of the series since the start (SMB's find-the-route fortresses, SMW's Chocolate Island #2 among others). Yoshi's Island is an advancement of mechanics established in SMB1 to SMW. I'd consider that to be a fair angle of comparison.

I'm all for considering games in the same world 1 series, but you're pressing absurdity now. Do you really gain any information from the direct comparison? Is Shadow Of The Colossus part of the Ico subseries within the larger Ico world? Would you say that Yoshi's Island stages are among the weakest in the series, even though rigorous platforming isn't the point of the game? What about Super Paper Mario? In fact, the rest of the Mario RPG games take platforming action away from platforms while evolving the puzzle mechanic. Wario Land keeps the platforms while limiting the platforming and evolving the puzzles. How does Yoshi's Island item management (eggs) compare to The 1,000-Year Door's? Meaningless.

BowieZ said:
My point being that we "Westerners" should consider Yoshi's Island to be a direct part of the 2D (and by extension, 3D) Mario series.

Not only that, but in truth, Nintendo of Japan did in fact call Yoshi's Island "Super Mario: Yoshi's Island" so the intention is there on both sides of the Pacific.

So, Wario Land 1 is part of the Super Mario series, but not Wario Land 2? Ikaruga's studio name was Radiant Silvergun 2. What about that?

I'm badgering you all at this point, so I'll stop. I just think Yoshi's Island deserves tighter analysis, if this isn't just a love-in topic. *shrugs*


whitehawk said:
Oh believe me I love the ending song too.
I meant to say, but forgot, that it's essentially a crime that this piece hasn't too been orchestrated properly and performed by a live orchestra. I would be happy to die after that.

GhaleonQ said:
So, Wario Land 1 is part of the Super Mario series, but not Wario Land 2? Ikaruga's studio name was Radiant Silvergun 2. What about that?

I'm badgering you all at this point, so I'll stop. I just think Yoshi's Island deserves tighter analysis, if this isn't just a love-in topic. *shrugs*
Nobody should ever feel the need to stop before an argument has been resolutely concluded. =P. You have a point about Wario Land, but would I be wrong in thinking that the whole Super Mario Land/Wario Land series is categorically separate from the main Super Mario series? I think one has to consider the (at the time) console difference, major style differences (I know what you're thinking; but SMB2USA is much closer in style to SMB1-3 than SML/WL, no?), and the fact that the two series ran simultaneously and had little crossover.

But maybe my logic is just a means to an end.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
BowieZ said:
I know what you're thinking; but SMB2USA is much closer in style to SMB1-3 than SML/WL, no?
No. Gameplay-wise Super Mario Land is quite near Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Land 2 mimics Super Mario World, they are much closer to the Bros. series than SMB2US.
ElFly said:
They don't count as bosses if there are no regular enemies to contrast them.
Why do there have to be regular enemies? There's still the gameworld you're riding through and the colossi are the highpoint of every expedition. :) I see them as bosses. Oh, and while the bosses in YI island were indeed creative, I think there are still many games that hold up in that regard. Bosses often seem to be the excuse for developers to realize some crazy ideas...sometimes even in not so good games. I don't remember YI for the final battles, personally.


DieNgamers said:
Why do there have to be regular enemies? There's still the gameworld you're riding through and the colossi are the highpoint of every expedition. :) I see them as bosses. Oh, and while the bosses in YI island were indeed creative, I think there are still many games that hold up in that regard. Bosses often seem to be the excuse for developers to realize some crazy ideas...sometimes even in not so good games. I don't remember YI for the final battles, personally.

I don't make the rules, I only enforce them!


BowieZ said:
I may be utterly alone, but I think the Ending theme is the game's often-overlooked pièce de résistance.

At first I hated it, but then it became one of my favorite ending themes. Most, if not all, Nintendo made games for the SNES had some subtle, but kickass ending themes.


provides useful feedback
I love Yoshi's Island with all my heart, but I can't honestly say it has the best bosses ever. Some of the most gorgeous-looking bosses though, yeah, even to this day. Shame they're all so easy.

Seven Force and most of the Konami/Treasure Big Bads from the 16-bit days are the absolute pinnacle of bossdom for me.

As for a favourite in YI, it's hard to pick. Every single one of them wowed me when I was young. I think Raphael the Raven sums up a lot of Yoshi's Island for me though, so I'll pick him.

At first I hated it, but then it became one of my favorite ending themes. Most, if not all, Nintendo made games for the SNES had some subtle, but kickass ending themes.

How can anyone hate the ending theme? It's beautiful.
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