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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest


So I got into Witcher 3 again after a short break (read: Destiny addiction), loving the new patch. Got really into playing Gwent tonight, collecting cards and just playing people the whole evening lol. Love a good card game. Got a question though: where do I find the DLC cards ingame?

That kinda also goes for the new dlc armor and stuff, where do I find those things ingame?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
So I got into Witcher 3 again after a short break (read: Destiny addiction), loving the new patch. Got really into playing Gwent tonight, collecting cards and just playing people the whole evening lol. Love a good card game. Got a question though: where do I find the DLC cards ingame?

That kinda also goes for the new dlc armor and stuff, where do I find those things ingame?

I would like to know the answer to this too. Been looking for some of the DLC armor/items in-game and can't find them.


Finally took the trip to Skellige.

Holy crap, this place is beautiful. And bigger than I thought.

This game is truly a fucking masterpiece.


Yep, Skellige's definitely my favourite area. So atmospheric as well.

Skellige is the best landmass. The ambient music is just so good too.
Oooh, I have music turned off right now. Might have to turn it on for a bit just to get a taste.

Man, I can't wait to go there.. I played about 113 hours of TW3 so far and only now I met Dijkstra in the bathhouse
Damn, 113 hours?! I thought I was pushing things at 55 hours before moving on. I was forcing myself to push through the Novigrad main quest stuff and have tons of side quests and witcher contracts to do, but I wanted to leave things for a 2nd playthrough once all the DLC is out(and at 4k with a new GPU).

113 hours though, damn. You must be doing every little thing there is to do and not fast traveling at all(I haven't been fast traveling myself).


Anyone get this bug* in the "Family Matters" quest line? I'm completely stuck now, was the same in 1.06, was hoping the new patch would fix the quest for me but it hasn't.

*Warning: My recording of the bug may give away "spoilers" of a main quest line so if you are still VERY early in the game (Early Velen quest progress) you may want to avoid clicking.


I'm not sure which blew me away more.. Velen or Skellige. They were both gorgeous, though.
Both are definitely mind blowing when you first get there!

I need a bit of help, though. Got some questions.

1) How do the 'alternate' magic signs work? If put a point into one of them, do they completely replace what that magic did before? And if so, is it worth doing? I've got 7 ability points unspent right now(at level 17) and don't want to waste points on these if they suck.

2) How does sign intensity work? I don't really get it.

3) Ditto adrenaline.

I normally wouldn't care too much, but for a game that I'm spending so much time with, I'd like to have more of an idea what I'm doing.


"The Most Wanted of Skellig"

Oh and i couldnt complete "The Most Wanted of Skellig" DLC mission...Enemy's health was zero but it was still alive and stuck on the map at the same place...
I have tried 4 times..Result was same...

I'm in the same situation. Reading online it seems that it is a known issue introduced with 1.07.

Lovely quest otherwise.

All achievements on PC are broken after 1.07.


I hope the achievements are retrospective and will unlock automatically once they fix it, otherwise this is bullshit.


Do I let
Triss be tortured or not? Will there be any consequences for the future events? Seems like the fat guy is pissed lol
Started yesterday and have taken some sweet time exploring and doing the sidequests. I sincerely love the game, the many different systems in play, the beautiful enviroments, etc.

And, i got to say, Geralt is so virile. Damn, what a stud.


I hope the achievements are retrospective and will unlock automatically once they fix it, otherwise this is bullshit.
If you've achieved what you wanted to achieve, do you really need a programmed piece of computer software recognizing it and then congratulating you? Are you gonna look back and feel worse about what you did if the software doesn't pat you on the back and give you a little pre-programmed pop-up notification?

Achievement hunting must be one of the more interesting subjects in regards to the psychological tendencies of video game players in the past 10 years.


End game spoiler question:
I just got the quest Final Preparations. Is that pretty much the last quest? Before the battle of course. Just trying to make sure it's not the point of no return.


So, in search of Gwent cards in the Old Pals quest I noticed a bug. It says I should challenge Ve
rnon Roche
for a card, but when I go to his hideout he is there but there is no prompt to speak with him. What gives? Any particular quest that might block him from interacting with me atm?

Also, please tell me there is a real life version of Gwent coming out soon.

Edit: and by that I mean not just the CE decks


Finally some variation to the finisher move as DLC! Got tired but not bored as Geralt repeat the same two or three finisher move.

Also I visited Skellige Isles around my 65 hours mark and that's because I need to level up before tackling some of the higher level Witcher Contract at Velen.

Currently clocking in at 86 hours and I just started the quest to meet up with Yennefer lol.

So, in search of Gwent cards in the Old Pals quest I noticed a bug. It says I should challenge Ve
rnon Roche
for a card, but when I go to his hideout he is there but there is no prompt to speak with him. What gives? Any particular quest that might block him from interacting with me atm?

Also, please tell me there is a real life version of Gwent coming out soon.

Edit: and by that I mean not just the CE decks

Guess I got lucky that I did that quest when I'm on Patch 1.06 right after I got the Old Pals quest (which conveniently point out the location on the map). Seems like there is a bug for being unable to interact with him in 1.07.
End game spoiler question:
I just got the quest Final Preparations. Is that pretty much the last quest? Before the battle of course. Just trying to make sure it's not the point of no return.

You have one more quest chain after that called
Battle Preparations
. Don't worry about the point of no return since
will literally tell you "There is no turning back" when the time comes.
Having asked it twice here with no responses, I can only guess that nobody actually understands how sign intensity works.

It just enhances whatever sign you are casting, giving it more damage, duration, chance to stagger, chance to slow, etc. Load up on it if you are using signs.

Noticed your post a few back...

Alternate signs work by holding the casting button, versus tapping it. So tapping igni would push a wave of fire out, while holding it would cause a stream of fire (that you can aim) to shoot out from Geralt's hand. You have to have the skill equiped, as these are not passives unlocked just by putting points into them. Some are very much worth it...alt Yrden fucking rocks for staggering baddies, and even knocking harpies out of the air.

Adrenaline gives something like 10% more damage per bar (up to 3) if you don't use it. If you take a certain skill, you can use adrenaline to cast signs, which is VERY powerful, as you don't always have to wait for your stamina to regen before casting again. Sword skills can also use up stamina and adrenaline.

And experiment. You can respec with a 1,000 crown potion.


It just enhances whatever sign you are casting, giving it more damage, duration, chance to stagger, chance to slow, etc. Load up on it if you are using signs.
But there's apparently more to it. It's not just a stat increase to your magic spells. You apparently need to do something to achieve this intensity and take advantage of this.

I don't understand how this or the Adrenaline system works.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think you need to do anything to take advantage of sign intensity. It just improves the sign. So Quen absorbs more damage, Axii stuns for longer, etc.

Alternate signs don't replace the base sign, but they add a secondary function that you can use by holding down the button rather than just tapping it. Some of them are pretty good (Axii mind control one is great).


I'm not sure which blew me away more.. Velen or Skellige. They were both gorgeous, though.
Loved both, Skellige has great athmosphere but suffers a lot from the "potato land" effect Dan Vavra talked about a few months ago here.

The islands are so compressed and the mountains so "tiny" it feels a bit off. Velen is a lot more realistic.


If you've achieved what you wanted to achieve, do you really need a programmed piece of computer software recognizing it and then congratulating you? Are you gonna look back and feel worse about what you did if the software doesn't pat you on the back and give you a little pre-programmed pop-up notification?

Achievement hunting must be one of the more interesting subjects in regards to the psychological tendencies of video game players in the past 10 years.

No I don't care that much, I just use it as a gaming diary of what I've finished in games, especially big open world games like this one.

Also, it is nice to see my friends progress in his game by glancing at his achievements, and therefore discuss it with him accordingly.


Yeah, Skellige is a very beautiful location. That ambient music adds a lot to it.

My favourite location in the game is the one you visit after Skellige
(Kaer Morhen)
. Apart from the beauty and the tranquility, the place also has this sense of belonging. Really makes you feel good just being in that area.
Question: The doll at the end of
return to crookback bog.. I have the one where the Baron hangs himself. Is there something I need to do with the doll off the dead Baron? Because it says it is meant for a quest.. What do I do with it?

Also I'm finding that I am leveling up a lot quicker with this new patch.. Did I have a bug in the game? Maybe I just hit that point in the game but now I'm trying to do my quests that are under my level before they are gray. Today alone I went up 3 levels when before it took at least a day to go up one level.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I kind of rushed through the Skellige portion since I really wanted to see how the story ended. Now that I'm replaying on Death March and attempting to do a completionist run I will likely spend a lot more time in Skellige, and I'm glad that it will probably still feel "new" to me since I rushed through it the first time around. I've done Velen to death already so going around grabbing all the question marks is turning into a bit of a drag.


I don't think you need to do anything to take advantage of sign intensity. It just improves the sign. So Quen absorbs more damage, Axii stuns for longer, etc.

Alternate signs don't replace the base sign, but they add a secondary function that you can use by holding down the button rather than just tapping it. Some of them are pretty good (Axii mind control one is great).

Did some searching and this person uses some actually numbers to what I'm trying to stammer out.

Cool thanks.
Hey everyone, I have just started the game (~6 hours in) and I have a couple of questions. First is about Gwent: do I need to buy every card I find immediately? Or will they always stay there?
I was also wondering if it was normal being at level 2 after doing most of the stuff available in White Orchard (I think at least), but without having progressed in the story quests, Most of those small quests gave me like 45exp, one I think only 9exp, which was a bit silly.
Last question is just some general tips: should I leave the music on or off? I really enjoy listening to the world sounds, but maybe it would be better to at least hear the music the first time around. Similar question for the PoIs in the map: should I leave them on or not? I do like knowing where to go when I'm exploring, even though it takes some of the magic of discovering it yourself away.


Guess I got lucky that I did that quest when I'm on Patch 1.06 right after I got the Old Pals quest (which conveniently point out the location on the map). Seems like there is a bug for being unable to interact with him in 1.07.

Ugh, fucking great. Guess we're waiting for a patch again-sigh-
What platform? I went to play him at Gwent last night and it was fine.

He is a bugger at it though his leader card always doubles the score of his row and he packs everything into siege.

Wish I'd started playing Gwent sooner, I've finally got to grips with it just as I'm leaving Velen and I can't play with the Baron.


Hey everyone, I have just started the game (~6 hours in) and I have a couple of questions. First is about Gwent: do I need to buy every card I find immediately? Or will they always stay there?
I was also wondering if it was normal being at level 2 after doing most of the stuff available in White Orchard (I think at least), but without having progressed in the story quests, Most of those small quests gave me like 45exp, one I think only 9exp, which was a bit silly.
Last question is just some general tips: should I leave the music on or off? I really enjoy listening to the world sounds, but maybe it would be better to at least hear the music the first time around. Similar question for the PoIs in the map: should I leave them on or not? I do like knowing where to go when I'm exploring, even though it takes some of the magic of discovering it yourself away.

If you want to collect every card it's best to buy them once you see them, saves time backtracking. They're not that expensive. There are quests that reward you with Gwent cards, be sure to do those if you want to collect them all.

I think I was around level 4 when I left White Orchard, but I did find every question mark in that area so that must have helped. Since you haven't done the story quests in White Orchard I'd suggest doing those. That'll probably get you to around level 3 or 4 and then you're set to go to Velen.

I had the music turned on the entire time, had no reason not to. If you do turn it off be sure to turn it back on when you get to Skellige, that place has great music. I had the PoI's on the entire time and it didn't take away the magic of exploring for me. I didn't look at the map all the time though and still stumbled across PoI's without looking at the map. I would also suggest not to try to do every PoI (there's a lot!), it might get tiresome and annoying which is something I didn't want in a game as big as this.


Video showing the new DLC finishing moves by Gamespot

Looking good. Although I wish there is finisher for monsters too like drowners and water hags.

What platform? I went to play him at Gwent last night and it was fine.

He is a bugger at it though his leader card always doubles the score of his row and he packs everything into siege.

Wish I'd started playing Gwent sooner, I've finally got to grips with it just as I'm leaving Velen and I can't play with the Baron.

I'm playing on PC and just lucked out that I didn't encounter that bug with Vernon Roche during
Get Junior quest.
I really like the effect runes have on Teigr
the sword from the Cat Witcher DLC
, it's the only sword I've seen that has the guard light up with the blade.




I really like the effect runes have on Teigr
the sword from the Cat Witcher DLC
, it's the only sword I've seen that has the guard light up with the blade.

I'm just one level away from being able to equip it!
Love that quest and I feel sorry if others decided to kill him :( Those whoreson peasants are the worst!


Decided to start playing the Witcher 3 even though 1.07 doesn't fix any of the problems on PS4. I just can't be bothered waiting anymore and I don't think CDPR are able to fix the framerate issues.

Anyway, I'm really enjoying my time if you disregard the minor framerate drops (so far). The side missions are already far more interesting than any of the side missions in Dragon Age: Inquisiton. They were frankly awful and I'm glad TW3 is actually developing side quests more than "go to this area, find item, return to owner" or "go to area, clear out enemies and get reward". TW3 does indeed have a similar objective for side missions but there is far more going on. The contract called "Devil by the Well" has been my favourite so far (I've only done 3 or 4 though).

What's the best way to gain XP? I'm on the cusp of levelling up to level 2 but it seems like it is recommended that I be level 3 for the current main story quest (
The Beast of White Ochard
). I'm playing on Blood and Broken Bones! if that means anything. Will I be okay to play quests even if I'm underleveled? Don't want to go in and get my ass kicked!
If you want to collect every card it's best to buy them once you see them, saves time backtracking. They're not that expensive. There are quests that reward you with Gwent cards, be sure to do those if you want to collect them all.

I think I was around level 4 when I left White Orchard, but I did find every question mark in that area so that must have helped. Since you haven't done the story quests in White Orchard I'd suggest doing those. That'll probably get you to around level 3 or 4 and then you're set to go to Velen.

I had the music turned on the entire time, had no reason not to. If you do turn it off be sure to turn it back on when you get to Skellige, that place has great music. I had the PoI's on the entire time and it didn't take away the magic of exploring for me. I didn't look at the map all the time though and still stumbled across PoI's without looking at the map. I would also suggest not to try to do every PoI (there's a lot!), it might get tiresome and annoying which is something I didn't want in a game as big as this.
I'll probably check a guide or checklist for Gwent, don't want to miss any of them!
I did all the question marks already, that's why I was asking, but I remember reading that story quests are the ones that give the most exp. Just wanted to know if there was something not working properly, having started right after the new patch and everything.
Regarding the music, I like the feel of exploring and hearing the sounds of the world around me. I'll probably turn it back on, maybe not too high. I'll follow your tip for the PoIs then, thanks for your help :D


What platform? I went to play him at Gwent last night and it was fine.

He is a bugger at it though his leader card always doubles the score of his row and he packs everything into siege.

Wish I'd started playing Gwent sooner, I've finally got to grips with it just as I'm leaving Velen and I can't play with the Baron.


But after continueing with the Triss plot and finishing up the Deadly Plot sidequest I can talk to him again. He's going down lol.
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