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NeoGAF Anonymous Confessions 2015 - Bare Your Burdens

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Public confession: It's pretty lukewarm. Still feel bad about it though.

So it was my senior year of high school and I was in Speech and Debate Club and I ended up going to nationals with my partner for duo interp. Anyways, we went in a plane with other people from our district to Alabama and stayed in a hotel for a week during the competition. So it was like two girls in one room and three in another, but the rooms were joined through a door in the middle.

So one night these two girls order some bbq chicken wings from dominoes. Well, they end up leaving their chicken wings out, and it was like the whole box full of them. They had been there for a bit and I didn't know if anyone was going to eat them soon or would care if I took one. I took like two without anyone seeing and ate it. Later, they came back (I was in bed/half asleep) and they look at the box and notice some of the wings gone. They start flipping shit. They're like who ate our wings!???!?? I'm like thinking oh shit.. so I close my eyes and pretend to be fully asleep. They continue raging and asked the other two girls if they ate them. Both denied. Well, one of the girls is hindu and doesn't eat meat at all. So, they go into the room where I'm "sleeping" and they're like let's smell everyone's hands cause I bet we'll be able to smell the bbq. So I'm like shiiiiiiit in my head. So they go into the other room and start talking to the hindu girl...asking her more questions. I took this opportunity to quickly go in the bathroom and scrub my hands. So they come back and I'm already in bed again pretending to be asleep. And they're like hey we need to smell your hands...give us your hands...we need to find out who took the bbq.. (*Oh they had asked previously to me if I took the bbq and they were like if you did and come clean now we won't be mad* **I didnt know if that was true about not being mad**) So I'm like pretending to be all groggy cause I "just woke up" and I'm like huh sure here are my hands So they smell them and determine it's not me. Well, later they somehow came to the conclusion that it was the hindu girl that doesn't eat meat. And they were all like yeah i bet she's lying about not even eating meat and all sorts of other mean things. I let them continue to do this, and didn't fess up that it was me who actually ate the wings.

To this day I smell my hands sometimes and they smell just like the bbq wings *pretty sure it's in my head*.


Public confession: It's pretty lukewarm. Still feel bad about it though.

So it was my senior year of high school and I was in Speech and Debate Club and I ended up going to nationals with my partner for duo interp. Anyways, we went in a plane with other people from our district to Alabama and stayed in a hotel for a week during the competition. So it was like two girls in one room and three in another, but the rooms were joined through a door in the middle.

So one night these two girls order some bbq chicken wings from dominoes. Well, they end up leaving their chicken wings out, and it was like the whole box full of them. They had been there for a bit and I didn't know if anyone was going to eat them soon or would care if I took one. I took like two without anyone seeing and ate it. Later, they came back (I was in bed/half asleep) and they look at the box and notice some of the wings gone. They start flipping shit. They're like who ate our wings!???!?? I'm like thinking oh shit.. so I close my eyes and pretend to be fully asleep. They continue raging and asked the other two girls if they ate them. Both denied. Well, one of the girls is hindu and doesn't eat meat at all. So, they go into the room where I'm "sleeping" and they're like let's smell everyone's hands cause I bet we'll be able to smell the bbq. So I'm like shiiiiiiit in my head. So they go into the other room and start talking to the hindu girl...asking her more questions. I took this opportunity to quickly go in the bathroom and scrub my hands. So they come back and I'm already in bed again pretending to be asleep. And they're like hey we need to smell your hands...give us your hands...we need to find out who took the bbq.. (*Oh they had asked previously to me if I took the bbq and they were like if you did and come clean now we won't be mad* **I didnt know if that was true about not being mad**) So I'm like pretending to be all groggy cause I "just woke up" and I'm like huh sure here are my hands So they smell them and determine it's not me. Well, later they somehow came to the conclusion that it was the hindu girl that doesn't eat meat. And they were all like yeah i bet she's lying about not even eating meat and all sorts of other mean things. I let them continue to do this, and didn't fess up that it was me who actually ate the wings.

To this day I smell my hands sometimes and they smell just like the bbq wings *pretty sure it's in my head*.

This is important. What type of sauce were the wings dipped in?
This is important. What type of sauce were the wings dipped in?


don't think they had any dipping sauce
Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. What if you just wanna throw us off a particular confession that was already posted?
Well I did submit a confession or two via email, but I had also sent one (or attempted to) with an anonymous provider during the first week. Nothing on the level of the racist teacher or the impregnator, but I also don't see this as a pissing contest.

...and no, it has nothing to do with pissing.
Look, threesomes involving an SO's family member never ends well.

I had a threesome with my ex and his brother last year which started our rocky relationship. I made a dumb joke about fucking our coworkers in an orgy of 5 and he thought, "yeah, let's do it." I said we shouldn't actually do it and said no countless times, even his brother tried convincing me but eventually I said yes. It was not the most proudest moment of my life. I felt dirty and disgusting. My ex and I had an argument afterwards and broke off the relationship momentarily. He begged me to take him back because he thought he did the wrong thing and felt sorry.

The rest of the relationship was spent him trying to prove how much of a whore I am, questioning who I liked, who I was staring at, who I was talking to, asking if I wanted another threesome again, uncovering the sheets to expose my naked body whenever his brother was around. Eventually the relationship ended when I found out he cheated on me.

I was so upset at what he had done. His brother contacted me and eventually we had sex. Another moment I'm not proud of. My ex found out and in his own way of taking revenge out on me, he had sex with a 15 year old girl and a 40 year old woman, though not at the same time. My ex and I were just seeing each other for sex and when I found out about this, I wanted to break things off again. He contacted me again saying he can't let me go and to this day we still have occasional sex.

I have gone out with other men while I had casual sex with the ex. I went out with two of my crushes I developed during this time, but things never went too far.

His brother had a girlfriend during this time, a woman in her 40s (we're all in our 20s). I confessed to her that I slept with her man. While she was disappointed, she said she wasn't completely mad at me and appreciated my honesty. She said she went through something similar, where she was seeing someone and slept with their brother. (How common is having revenge sex with a family member?) After we had our little conversation, I was surprised she told me she still liked me.

I felt that I did the right thing with her. It felt like I had this weight lifted off my shoulders, as cliche as it sounds. I'm sure they're still going out together although their relationship isn't going very well, not necessarily because of what I said but what he's doing.

We're all shitty people doing shitty things in the end.


Stop hanging around with these people!
I'm so fucking glad that I have a very low sex drive. Being horny (and stupid) seems a great way to get yourself into some awful situations.


Look, threesomes involving an SO's family member never ends well.


Stop hanging around with these people!

HOLY SHIT! Is there no bottom in this thread? Whenever i think we have reached a new low, something like this appears. Its like catching fucked and demented pokemons online.

My ex found out and in his own way of taking revenge out on me, he had sex with a 15 year old girl and a 40 year old woman, though not at the same time.

If this is real, it's super serious and illegal. The sex with the 15 year old.

Good Lord.

Just make a burner gmail account with a nonsense name, that's what I do.

EDIT: Also

My ex found out and in his own way of taking revenge out on me, he had sex with a 15 year old girl and a 40 year old woman, though not at the same time. My ex and I were just seeing each other for sex and when I found out about this, I wanted to break things off again. He contacted me again saying he can't let me go and to this day we still have occasional sex.

Why did you not immediately report that to the police?! Why did you not IMMEDIATELY cease contact with him?! Why do you keep having sex with him?!

Holy shit, so many poor decisions here!


Is the world secretly filled with people who do crazy shit? Is everyone just cheating on each other and fucking siblings and underage teens and having orgies with pregnant couples what the fuck is going oooonnnnnnnnn


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Is the world secretly filled with people who do crazy shit? Is everyone just cheating on each other and fucking siblings and underage teens and having orgies with pregnant couples what the fuck is going oooonnnnnnnnn

You think you want to know the truth, but you don't. It's worse than you can ever imagine.


Is the world secretly filled with people who do crazy shit? Is everyone just cheating on each other and fucking siblings and underage teens and having orgies with pregnant couples what the fuck is going oooonnnnnnnnn

Stuff like this probably happens a lot but you never hear about it unless somehow it ends up on the news.

When things are "Anonymous", it is a lot easier to say things/tell stories that you would be ashamed of if it was attached to your name. (which is funny considering people say stupid things they SHOULD be ashamed of but aren't on twitter/facebook/etc all the time.)
Is the world secretly filled with people who do crazy shit? Is everyone just cheating on each other and fucking siblings and underage teens and having orgies with pregnant couples what the fuck is going oooonnnnnnnnn

This Friday I'm hosting a Smash Bros. meetup.

Saturday I'm driving to the beach to visit my SO. We're going to see the hibernating Monarch Butterflies and the Christmas decorations in town.

We're the most vanilla couple ever. Hope that helps balance things out.
I'm secretly a racist. But I love interracial marriage. Nearly every other racist thinks that interracial marriage is a bad thing that's being pushed by the media, but I think it's a good thing and wish that it actually WAS pushed by the media because we need more mixing.

I think black women are, on average, physically unattractive and that black people are, on average, slightly less intelligent than Eurasians (Europeans, East Asians, Amerindians, Indians, Arabs, etc). There are a huge amount of brilliant black people but I'm just speaking of averages. I CERTAINLY don't think black people should get hate for this. Instead, this should be met with help and compassion. If anything I'm a "loving racist".

I kind of hide this behind progressivism. I'm a huge, huge proponent of interracial marriage because (1) it means there will be less black people and (2) because mixed girls are hot as FUCK. I'm an enormous fan of mixed girls (either one black parent and one white/Asian parent or just African American girls with a lot of Euro ancestry) and I'd love for them to be more common. The first girl I was seriously with was mixed and I'd be elated if there were like three times as many girls like her. Mixed girls seem to be invariably hotter than either white girls or black girls, so I really, really hope that we'll see more of them in the future.

I'm also a mild socialist. This is relevant for, again, two reasons. (1), I think that because African Americans have an innate handicap (IDK if it's social or biological and frankly I don't care) they need specific help. I never, ever associate myself with other racists because they're invariably idiots. They seem to think that we should be giving LESS economic aid to black communities, but unless we give black communities as much help as possible they'll never become better. This communities will never be lifted out of poverty if we keep our lasseiz-faire politics, and structural racism is so entrenched that we need MASSIVE reform to bring these communities to the level of whites and Asians. A lot of people would hate me for this but I think the state of low-income black culture is a symptom of the social and economic problems that plague black communities. Black pop culture in 2015 is WAY, WAY, WAY better than the abysmal shit-hole that it was from 96-2005, but I still think black culture has fallen a lot since the '70s.

(2), I think that, as a socialist, racial divisions are poison to economic liberation. I'm distrustful of #BLM because it's controlled by George Soros, and I think many well-intentioned groups just like BLM are being manipulated by capitalist forces to divide and conquer the working class and teach Americans that "the only real liberation is social liberation". Police brutality is fucking terrible but it's a drop in the bucket compared to the horrors caused by economic exploitation. I'm certain that social issues are being used by billionaire progressives to distract us from more serious forms of inequality.

I also think we should strive to be a post-race nation by being a nation without racial divides. America needs to be as homogeneous as possible, because it would make us better in literally ever way. All we would lose is the imagined benefit of "diversity". It's much easier to identify class exploitation if racial divides no longer exist. Race divides will never disappear until race disappears, and I really fear that activism will divide us further and prevent this from happening.

On one final note I hate the one-drop rule. A 100% Sub-Saharan African in the Congo is NOT the same as a 75% Anglo 25% West African person in the US. It's ludicrous that both of them are considered black. I hope that, as black-white mixing becomes more common, mixed people are no longer considered to be the same as full black people.

You're an idiot.
Seems the anonymous email thing I used fucked up, if it hasn't been posted yet. Oh well, next year I guess.

Yeah, I sent in a fairly mild post a month ago and it hasn't been read. After about a week of waiting, I used the same site (sendanonymousemail.net) to email myself and nothing came through. I think it's broken.

I didn't panic persay, but I twitchily misjudged where I was in relation to the row behind me when I adjusted to go the proper direction, and I backed nice and easy into the car directly behind me.

It's per se, Latin for "by itself."
Maybe next year you should let someone else handle the confessions since you clearly can't tell what's real and what's fake. Posting harem anime shit like the "Impregnator Saga" and deleting mine. Whatever dude.

Just post everything if your judgement's this far off the mark.

For two months earlier this year, I was dating a girl who was really cool. She was gorgeous too and had the best personality of any girl I've ever dated. We got along really great and I saw a future with her.

Throughout the those two months, we never had sex, even though I really seemed to turn her on. Things between us would always end in a blowie and she'd never even let me return the favor to her.

Finally, on what ended up being the last day that I saw her, we were on her couch and taking off each other's clothes. She stopped, however, to me to tell me that she had genital herpies. Things ended that night with another blowie, but I went home sad that she has an STD. After thinking things over for a while, I decided to end it with her rather than risk catching something with further intimacy.

But sometimes, I continue to think about her and really regret my decision :-(

She's a really special girl who seems to have everything else going to for her and who I really respect. She was honest with me and told the truth which takes a lot of guts. Now, I've heard she's with someone else, and that ship has sailed. I ended things with a totally amazing person just because I didn't want to catch herpies. Did I screw up?

Nah man. I would have done the same thing. I mean, I'm sure she's great, but at the end of the day, it's your health, ya know.


Nah man. I would have done the same thing. I mean, I'm sure she's great, but at the end of the day, it's your health, ya know.
If you were able to make a decision about breaking up as quickly as you did, then I can't see things working out. You already knew you wouldn't be able to risk it or deal with it, you'll be fine confessor

Repost for top of the page. I've put these updates together to make the Table of Contents a bit more concise, though they are all separate on the previous page.

Sorry there's been no updates everyone! Heck of a day. Okay, let's catch up with a whole VARIETY of confessors who wish to make some updates.

We got some Soul Fucker:
Ersatzkopf: Muhahahaha. Feed me your confusion.
Hey! Who's this? Does someone else have this username? Where is this from?
The guy who had a crush on a GAFer has returned:

Never thought I'd be following up on this, but there it is.

No, I'm not going to reveal who it is. Putting someone on the spot like that would be awful, so fuck that. The last thing i wanna do is turn this into some terrible guessing game. If I do work up the courage to send a PM, I'll make sure to keep things simple and friendly, as per the advice some of the posters have given. I have no idea if she's single or not, but that can be found out later after some conversation. And yeah, the potential distance thing is something I've thought of, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

And I already knew you were a guy, John Kowalski!

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